Chapter 11

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Tom showered quickly. He was nervous, yes nervous. He never felt nervous in his entire life, not when his dad gave him the throne, not ever. Now he was nervous to see a girl. This was stupid. Here gave himself a tiny pep talk, even Captain America would've been proud of his pep talk. He pushed the door behind which the person he dreaded seeing sat.

There sat Juliet stunning as ever, some of her hair pulled behind off the sides but the rest let down. She wore a white dress, he noticed she wore white a lot but it suited her well it made her bronze skin glow against her. She could be compared to a Greek godess.

"Morning, Juliet. I'm sorry I am late."
" it's fine...and I notice you have a file labeled Juliet Angelos." She said smirking slightly. "I also noticed that under the column that says 'other observations' you have written, I quote 'merciless, temptress and dangerous'."

"Well you are a mob leader I had to find out about you before forming a partnership. Also I don't see anything wrong with my observations. Don't tell me you don't have a file labeled Tom Holland and I think you probably wrote 'sexy, amazing and has killer looks'. With a little heart doodled next to my name." He said smirking.

"Do I honestly look like there kind of girl who doodles hearts?" She said laughing. "And that killer looks thing, bad pun. Anyways business time, you called me here so....?"

"Hmm...yeah. Remember Jack Salt from yesterday...While we were partying I got a couple of my men to get him yesterday. I mean I would have got him killed but this got personal, he tried to trick us. Boys bring our humble guest in." Tom said, he had a maniacal glint in his eyes.

Two men walked in and pushed Jack on the floor on his knees. Salt was gagged and his hands were tied behind him.
They took off his gag and exited the room.

Jack's eyes immediately widened at the sight of Juliet.
" are the girl from yest..yesterday." He stuttered.

Haz saw Tom and Juliet smile, he was a little taken aback by how similar they both were. It was weird how they were not the slight bit awkward since last night's kiss.

"Now what are we going to do with him Tom?" She asked smiling.
"I don't know Juliet, I mean he is such a brave man."
Jack's eyes widened " are Juliet Angelos...I'm so sorry Lady Angelos and Sir Holland...I...I...i didn't mean to cause any of you any trouble. I just wanted to earn some easy money through a cheap trick...please let me live and I'll be your humble slave." He begged.

"Oh but darling." Juliet said. "You already caused us soooo much trouble. I don't know." She said picking up a gun and polishing it with a little piece of cloth.

"Juliet, being the gentleman I am, I will let you do the honors." Tom said winking.
"Aww...Tom aren't you the sweetest." She gushed.
All this while Jack was whimpering on the ground.
Harrison found it completely ridiculous how those two were flirting while someone was begging for his life.



The gun shot echoed throughout the house. Jack fell on the ground face first, blood surrounding him.

"Wow! Where did you learn to shoot like that always bang on. Right between the eyebrows." Tom said slightly amazed.
Juliet didn't say anything and gave a tiny smile, clearly not wanting to discuss this.

"Haz, just get somebody to get rid of this...." Tom said gesturing towards Jack. "Me and Jules are going to have lunch."

Juliet might've blushed at the pet name.

Juliet and Tom sat on a table set on the rooftop. It was a beautiful day not very sunny but just bright enough, a light breeze that made Juliet's hair fall on her face as she was sitting in the opposite direction of the breeze.

"Tom?" She said suddenly.
"Hmm." He asked.
"Don't you ever...I dont know...feel bad about what we do. I know Jack wasn't innocent he killed plenty of innocents but what if he had a family...wife, kids, parents. You know what I'm being ridiculous. Just forget I ever did that." She murmured, poking the chocolate cake on her plate.

Tom put down his fork and grabbed her left hand.
"Hey, you are not being ridiculous. You are just asking a question that everyone who is...who is like us probably asks themselves everyday. But because no one asked this out loud we don't know the answer, Jules. We just have to comfort ourselves knowing that this is the path that we have chosen and there is no going back. I know you looked while shooting but it does eat us up. If you can't go to sleep tonight just remind yourself Jack had no family. That's a stupid thing to tell yourself but might ease you up."
He said squeezing her hand.

Juliet gave a weak smile. As she saw the man whom she thought to be hard as a rock also had a soft side, also had doubts.

She slowly leaned forward and closed her eyes. She immediately felt his warm lips meet hers, softly kissing her. They must've sat there in the beautiful afternoon sun holding hands across the table and kissing for a few minutes.

But Tom's phone rang he pulled back reluctantly, giving her an apologetic smile. He saw the id it was his father. He could've jumped off the roof. Life was unfair, he never got to kiss her, always interruptions and remainders that he was going to kill her.

Tom picked the phone and mouthed 'just a moment' as he stood up and walked away to continue his phone call. Juliet felt a strange feeling in her stomach, a mixture of happiness and guilt. Yes, guilt she shouldn't be kissing him, especially considering the fact what she was planning....

Tom returned looking slightly frustrated after the phone call.
"I have a meeting with my dad now....I'll see you later." He said. Giving her a hand and pulling her to her feet.

They walked downstairs together, their hands brushing against each other. The tension between them was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Tom walked Juliet upto the door of her car.

"So last night was fun and so was lunch....I was wondering if you..uhh...wanted to you know have dinner with me." Tom asked casually rubbing the back of his neck.

Juliet knew it was better and smart for her to not get close to him and say no and she opened her mouth to say that
"I would love to. Just give me a call to make plans." Is what came out of her mouth instead. Why? She didn't know.
" I'll call you later." He said quickly. Cool? Since when did he start saying cool?

"So Thomas, I think we know everything we need, now all we need to do is kill her." Tom's father said holding a cigar.
"I was...I was doing some thinking last night and maybe we don't need to kill her. I mean we have a partnership, we don't need unnecessary blood on our hands." Tom said standing up straighter.
His father leaned forward.
"Thomas have you been drinking?" His father asked him.
"No...I mean yes...but that isn't the point father." He said quietly.
"Generations of our family have been trying to take those Angelos' and today you say that WE REMAIN IN PARTNERSHIP." His father roared.
" buts young man. We will never get another opportunity like this. And also Haz tells me you have totally won over that girl's trust, she wont even suspect a thing. Ah! I see, that girl has made you soft. Let me tell you son, she isn't a regular girl she is cold and ruthless and will walk over you with her heels. Just do as I say."

Tom gulped "Yes father." He said softly.

His father got up and put his hand on his son's shoulder.
"Don't get distracted Thomas." He murmured.
He walked away and before leaving the room he said "I better hear the news that she and her father are dead within 5 days. The clock is ticking."
Tom clenched and unclenched his hand.
He took a few deep breaths and headed to his room to shower and get ready for his date with his next victim.
He probably should call and cancel but he didn't want to. Just this one last night he would spend with her, he promised himself.

Hello everyone! If you are liking the story or have any corrections or suggestions please, please, please comment and also I might take some time to post the next few chapters because I might be a bit busy with exams for the next few weeks....

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