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No one's P.O.V :

"Ok so what do I do? " Taehyung asked as he huffed, crossing his hands over his chest.

All of the members were currently sitting around the table thinking of what to do with Taehyung's educational problem.

" I don't approve of it, it's too risky, " Namjoon said, pinching his nose bridge.
"But what's the problem in that, I just go to the Uni, attend classes and truly come back here, No one will doubt as I used to live off campus" Taehyung tried to defend himself.

"But how are you gonna dodge the questions, like where were you, why was your phone not available, in fact the worst of all your mom she reported your missing complaint before the letter could reach her. So I don't think you have a chance, '' Yoongi said.

"Noooooo I can't afford to not pass this time, please " Taehyung whined.

"Well you can simply go through your lessons online...they have a lot of teaching stuff on YouTube you know " Jungkook said while eating his Doritos. (A/N : Doritos,sponsor me please)
Taehyung just stared at him for a second, controlling himself from smacking him.

" I can't take advice from the person who scored straight F's and got 4/100 in English so SHUT UP "Taehyung almost yelled at Jungkook for not helping him in the situation. Ooooooohhhhhh erupted in the room while Jungkook was completely flustered by Taehyung's sudden outbreak.

"Wait how did-" Jungkook couldn't even complete his sentence as Namjoon choked on his coffee. Jungkook just glared at his hyung feeling betrayed.

"Please, I'll handle everything, '' Taehyung pleaded. After a near pause of 5 minutes Jin replied "Fine but I'll make you a list of answers and you must answer them verbatim to any question asked to you when you go out " Taehyung's eyes widened and his face lit up in utmost joy.

"Omggg hyung thank you so much and yes I'll follow your orders" Taehyung said giving a salute to his members earning a chuckle from them.
"But one of us is gonna always drop and pick you up from school" Jimin mentioned.

"I'll do so" Hoseok happily chirped.

"Okay then we'll allow you to start your school from the coming week" Namjoon clapped his hands in dismissal of their small meeting.

It was Noon by now and Jin and Yoongi were busy making lunch while Jimin and Hoseok were playing video games.

"Taehyungieeee can you help me" Jin shouted for Taehyung to come to him. Taehyung who was slackly lying on the couch eating his chips almost got startled by his hyung's loud voice.
"Yaaahh on my way" Taehyung said and immediately went for him. He saw Jin filling a bowl of hot water.

"Hyung you needed me?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes, uhh can you clean Jungkook's wound for me please. I don't want our Japache to burn. Taehyung just nodded willingly to help him. He took the hot bowl and the towel from Jin and slowly walked up the stairs.

He didn't know where Jungkook was so he just yelled at the top of his lungs trying not to burn himself with the steaming water.


" You called? '' Taehyung was surprised by how fast Jungkook popped up.

"Uhh yeah go to your room I'll join you" Taehyung informed.

"Why, what are you gonna do in my room?" Jungkook asked, tilting his head with a clear smirk on his face.

"Y-Yah I just want to clean your wound, '' Taehyung squeaked in a higher tone. Jungkook just let out a laugh before walking up the stairs. Taehyung saw Jungkook had his whole body covered in sweat and his hair almost wet. His white shirt stuck to his body while he continued to flex his biceps as he ruffled his brown hair.

"I know you're thinking that Jungkook is hotter than the water you're holding onto" Taehyung almost jumped hearing a voice close to him. He saw Jimin standing there with a smug face.

"What N-No you're talking nonsense? '' Taehyung said as his face heated up and hurriedly walked up the stairs leading to Jungkook's room while Jimin just laughed out loud. He entered the room in a sigh of relief but soon his breath again got shortened.

He saw Jungkook swiftly remove his shirt and throw it on the bed. His body glistened as a layer of sweat covered his body. His tattooed arm just added a point for perfection. Jungkook was unaware of Taehyung's presence so he was about to remove his pants when a red panicked Taehyung immediately yelled.
"Yah yah yah Jungkook i'm already here"

Jungkook turned around to see Taehyung almost panting."You stood there checking me out?" Jungkook faked a dramatic action.
"Shut up " was the only words he said before entering his room and putting the bowl on the bed stand. He looked over to Jungkook the scar near his abdomen had now darkened.

"Come, sit here I have to clean your wound" Taehyung ordered him to sit on the bed as he pulled a chair for himself. Jungkook finds it amusing how bossy Taehyung can be. Yet he obeyed and climbed on the bed but suddenly he felt a sharp pain in the wound

"Ahhhh" he winced while holding it.

"Omg Jungkook are you okay?" Taehyung held Jungkook helping him to lay on the bed.

" What have you been doing since noon and why the hell is your body so sweaty?" Taehyung asked as he stuffed the pillow under his head.

"A little bit of workout?" Jungkook said not really sure of how Taehyung would react.

"The hell Jungkook?!!!!! You're wounded and then you workout, Aishh ofc it's gonna hurt, What are you six? " Taehyung said in disbelief, caused by the younger in front of him.

" I'm sorry but I thought the cut was pretty small so it won't hurt much," Jungkook said in his sorrowful tone.
"Sometimes smaller things in life hurts more than the bigger scars." (AN :Copyright to google :)) Taehyung said as he proceeded to dip the towel in the water. "True" Jungkook said reflecting on Tae's words.

The room was silent, just the rippling sound of water and soft patting of the towel was heard. Taehyung was gently rubbing the towel over the wound while Jungkook just laid there eyes closed.

"Jungkook, you all had brought me here saying that you wanted me to help in a mission well now it's already done. You guys even won and everything is settled so why am I still here?" Taehyung asked, his voice soft like a baby. Jungkook opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Taehyung who was already staring at him.

" This wasn't the mission we wanted you to help with. In fact this whole thing with Ateez came up by chance"  Jungkook confessed.

Taehyung raised a brow, kinda taken aback. "In fact the real mission isn't even close to the recent one. I'm not the right person to tell you this but the real mission is very personal almost to the point that we're fighting for our justice." Jungkook said.

Although Taehyung didn't understand the point or who was their opponent he decided not to inquire.

"So you thought this was the real mission..why you were sad you had to stay away from me?" Jungkook said his cocky smile back on.

"Here I thought I could have some deep conversation, '' Taehyung said sarcastically as they both laughed.
"Yeah but tonight don't miss me so much I can't go around sneezing everywhere (the superstition) "

"You practically live next to my room. I won't miss you that much." Taehyung sassily replied but Jungkook just let out a nervous laugh saying
"Umm actually we're going out, leaving you here".

Here I updated ;)
I'm bad at quotes so yeah google!!!
The further chap are a bit more interesting (ig)
*nervous laugh*
Stay safe :)
And yes...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.25K (it's my first time seeing such big numbers on my personal posts ...lol but imma tear up)


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