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No one's P.O.V :

Taehyung felt a slight pain in whole body and he proceeded to slowly open his eyes. As his eyes took time to process the dark environment he felt himself sitting or more precisely tied to a wooden chair.

Suddenly he became cautious of what was happening and shot open his eyes completely. He saw his feet and hands tied with ropes with were cutting through his skin. He tried to shake his legs and hands in order to break open the ropes but they kept becoming tighter and tighter.

For Taehyung it felt like a Déjà Vu. He looked around the old rusty room. The room had fungus on it's wall that defined the room was not made of cement or any other basic housing material.

Taehyung had no idea where he was but there was dim light coming from a half closed sphere window. Taehyung suddenly felt the room's floor shaking gently.

It felt the floor was moving up and down in a slow pace. Taehyung then realised something he quickly tried to squint his eyes so that he could look through the window. When he could barely see anything he tried to push the chair with his whole body to reach the nearest to the window.

He was lucky that the window was located at a lower height. With the screeching of the chair and his shoes slipping due to the marshy floor he somehow reached near the circle shaped window.

He lifted his chip up to see the outer world. His eyes widened in shock, the only thing he could see outside was water. He was in the middle of a sea and the place where he was standing might be a ship. Taehyung then remembered that the base of Mr.Kim and Exo was actually in the middle of East China Sea but it was on an abondend ship was much more surprising.

While he was realising the situation he was in the door bursted open with three people walking in. Taehyung immediately knew that one of them was Baekhyun.

" Were you about to jump from that broken window? " Sehun who came alongside Baekhyun and Suho asked. Baekhyun gave him a 'What a dumb soul' look while Suho approached a slightly terrified Taehyung.
With his index finger he lifted Taehyung's chin up so that he could look him straight in the eye.

"Don't even try to act smart here" Suho said his voice low and deep. " I'm sure they wouldn't like thier Taehyungie to be dead so soon, so they better come here fast " he continued.

"If they come up here, it's over for y'all" Taehyung said with a mockinf laugh. Suho's eyes darkened as he loosened his right hand and with a sudden force slapped Taehyung hard across the face which was followed by a loud echo. Taehyung felt tears already down his cheeks due to the hurting sensation.

" They're entering our lands and you think I'll let them breathe here?" Suho asked, his voice full of agony. Taehyung smirked and said something which was hardly audible.

"Huh?" Suho asked.

"Come closer" Taehyung said smirk not leaving his lips. The other quietly leaned in. Taehyung brought his mouth close to Suho's ear and whispered
"They're gonna fucking torture y'all in your OWN land " Suho froze.

He couldn't believe that it was the same vulnerable boy who he had abducted the previous night. "The kitten turned into a tiger real quick,huh?" Suho said his speech dripping with sarcasm.

"Let's see who wins" He said at last and turned around to walk outside. Before doing so he turned towards Baekhyun and Sehun, "Teach him a lesson" was his words and he dashed out of the room. Baekhyun clicked his knuckles as he stared at Taehyung who was still trying to break free the ropes. Baekhyun held a bunchful of Taehyung's hair and yanked his head up.

" I pity you sometimes, I have nothing to do with you but you being the bait to Jungkook makes me wanna kill you right here " Baekhyun's patience was really testing him again.

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