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No one's P.O.V :

Taehyung couldn't sleep that night. He kept thinking about hundred possible ways to reach the damn key that was in the main room.

He wanted to just run to the next room where Jungkook was and spit all the happenings to him but then Baekhyun's fierce threatening about killing Bangtan in mass shook him in fear.

It was already morning and Taehyung had no intention of going to school that day. Well it could be because he didn't want to confront Sehun or Baekhyun but more cause he won't be able to study in that state but his thoughts were cut off by a message on his phone. He saw it was from Sehun and immediately opened it.

' Make sure you come to school today '
Taehyung groaned in frustration.

' I won't, I'm not feeling well you can tell me what to do over text ' Taehyung said but aside he highly wished that Sehun would tell him here and as this phone will be supervised by the members they'll get to know the case without him uttering a word about it. But it seemed Sehun was smarter than he thought cause,

' yeah I'm no fool that I'll be texting the details over phone better come to school before I ask Baekhyun hyung to come instead' with that Sehun logged off. Taehyung threw his phone on the bed sighing but getting ready for school.

He didn't see Sehun in school the whole day which pissed him off thinking he was bluffed but he saw him appearing in the school campus in the last period.

Sehun waved at him but not as a greeting in fact he was commanding him to come near the bleachers.

"Now listen here, I need to go somewhere real soon so, as you know tonight is the time you'll come to surrender us the pen-drive"

"What TONIGHT?!!! " Taehyung screamed, almost making Sehun punch him for being so loud.

"I won't repeat myself, tonight around 2:30 am you'll see a shiny dark blue car at the front road of your mansion. Come near the car quietly, I'll be the one in the driver seat just hand us the device and you're off to go. Tell any lie or simply handle yourself if your members ask about the missing thing.

Do NOT, I repeat do NOT say a word about us or I'll blow your brains off." Sehun said, explaining the whole plan to Taehyung who sadly nodded. It would be impossible for him to even leave the house due to the guards in front but Sehun shrugged and ordered him just to focus on doing the task.

It was usual by the night dinner, a few talks and arguments about stuff and then a silent howling night. After that the whole house was in pin drop silence.
(A/N : Looks like a horror setup,lol)

Usually either of the members would be up discussing some vital points or their Allie matters but tonight all of them were tired due to excessive practice during Taehyung's Uni hours.

Taehyung remembered how Jin trusted him blindly and informed him about the place he had kept the key. ' In case I'm busy or I forget just know that the key is there in first aid kit I had used that day while treating your wound ' Jin had said this to Taehyung who after that was already in his room crying his eyes out because if how purely they believed him..and what is he going to do? Arrange their graves.

Taehyung looked at the clock in his room which read '2:00 AM'. He exhaled harshly and rose from his bed.He went for his closet and opened it slowly, there laid the shiny black gun Jungkook had given it to him on his first mission. '

This is for your safety, I need you to be safe' Jungkook had said this while lending him this gun that night. He faked a laugh at the irony of the situation he was in but slid the gun in his pocket coinciding with the tears falling down his cheeks.

He knew that none of people in the house lock their room doors because any emergency may take place so he pushed open the door being as quiet as possible.

He peeked to check if his hyung was asleep and on seeing him softly snoring he got his chance. He scanned the dark room trying to adjust to it's darkness. He then saw a white box above the closet which he knew was the same kit.

On his toes he reached for the box. He grabbed it's edge and slowly pulled it down to his level. He saw no. of bandages and anticeptic creams in it.
He dug through the box trying to find the black rusty key. Just then his hand hit a hard thing in the box which was probably a  scissors and down it fell making a cling sound.

Taehyung's heartbeat quickened as he quickly turned his head to check on the sleeping figure. He let out a relieved sigh when there was no movement from the latter. By then he found the key lying under some syringes, he grabbed the old thing and shut closed the box leavening the rooms as fast as possible.

Then he sprinted towards the main room, pushing open the door he saw the big illuminated with moonlight and white curtains swiftly swinging due to the wind, he wasted no time in admiring it's beauty and instead headed straight to the drawer.

He adjusted the key into the hole and tried to turn it. Although the key was old it turned smoothly and there was the white pen-drive on which his and the members life depended. His hands were shaking due to the amount of fear and guilty he was feeling by doing this. He then shut everything and walked towards the main entrance door. 

Where you aiming at Mr

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Where you aiming at Mr.Jeon?

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