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'The Moon Lit Romance'

No one's P.O.V :

"You know it was wrong of you to betray me isn't it?" Jungkook said in a raspy voice as his hands slowly crept up to Taehyung's tiny waist.
"I'm s-sorry" Taehyung said, his voice squeaky. Taehyung looked around a bit. No one was around, just them alone under the shining moon. Even under such darkness Taehyung wondered how he could see every emotion of Jungkook so clearly on his face. Jungkook suddenly pulled Taehyung by his waist causing him to collide with a solid hard chest.

"Don't you think a bad boy needs to be punished?" Jungkook whispered in Taehyung's ear. A shiver ran down his spine as he felt Jungkook's hot breath near his neck.

"Jungkook listen I s-" but before he could complete his sentence he felt a pair of lips attached to his bare neck.
Jungkook cupped Tae's face with his left hand while he held Taehyung's waist firmly with the other. He started showering Taehyung's neck with butterfly kisses, gently and smoothly taking his time to appreciate every inch of the beautiful boy.

On the other hand Taehyung had closed his eyes, loving the sensation of Jungkook's hot mouth. Suddenly Taehyung felt a gush of heat spreading over his body as Jungkook kissed a particular spot under his ear lobe. Unknowingly a gasp left his mouth as he grabbed onto Jungkook's firm shoulders for support.

Jungkook on the other hand just smirked, feeling satisfied as he found Tae's soft spot so easily. Now the butterfly kisses turned into sloppy ones. Jungkook continued it to his jawline while his fingers tangled into Taehyung's soft brown locks.

"Mumphh'' Taehyung groaned as Jungkook sucked on his skin.
Jungkook was losing it every time he heard his soft moans. Taehyung felt Jungkook's fingers softly trace the length of his neck, his warmth moving on to explore the dips of his shoulders and the sharp outline of your collarbone.

Since he was wearing one of Namjoon's oversized shirts Jungkook would have literally no problem to even rip it apart if he wanted to. Taehyung trembled under the combined weight of his gaze and touch. Jungkook slowly pulled away now looking at the beauty in front of him,the glossy eyes, red cheeks,parted lips and slowly rising and falling of chest....everything about Taehyung was beyond perfection.
"You're so....sensitive" Jungkook said as he traced his fingers along his artwork engraved on Taehyung's caramel smooth neck. Taehyung trembled under the combined weight of his strong gaze and smooth touch.

Taehyung had never felt this sensation before he just sat there with his hands wrapped around the other. They stared into each other's eyes when Jungkook's eyes flicked to Taehyung's soft lips then back to those heavenly orbs.
He held Taehyung's jaw and tilted his head slowly leaning in and in a matter of seconds Taehyung felt Jungkook's soft lips wrapped against his.

Bliss, PURE BLISS!! was what Taehyung felt that time. His eyes widened and he was frozen by the sudden move but soon gave in and softly kissed back. Their lips moved in perfect sync, Jungkook couldn't take his lips off him.
So he kept kissing him, almost devouring Taehyung's mouth now. Jungkook was not a romanticist but the passionate kiss under the moonlight was the best Taehyung could ask for.

Suddenly Jungkook's phone started to ring *Bang Bang Bang ~ *(A/N : yea that's my alarm) almost making them both jump away at the sudden blast of his ringtone.

"I told Jimin hyung NOT to put THIS ringtone" Jungkook huffed as he searched for the phone in his back pocket. Taehyung giggled at the sight but still dizzy by the things that had just occurred.

" .. Hyung..i can't hear you well" Jungkook said as he scrunched his nose trying to listen. Taehyung couldn't make out who was on the other side of the phone. Jungkook nodded away listening to what his hyung had to say. Taehyung observed that a question was being asked on which Jungkook quickly locked his gaze with him

"Hmm we're definitely progressing, " Jungkook said, clearly smirking at the older.

Taehyung blushed red thinking about the other meaning and shyly smiled at the younger.

"Yeah we're on our way now. See y'all at home" Jungkook said and hung up quickly. He ruffled Taehyung's hair and asked "Wanna go home...or shall we continue? ;)" . Taehyung playfully punched Jungkook's chest, "We should get going".

Jungkook nodded, smiling from ear to ear as he swiftly carried his Taehyung back to the car and headed for home.

Side story :
At home~
(Jin doing Laundry)
"What the hell Namjoon?!!! You even started ripping your shirts?" Jin yelled.
"What...? I didn't do that" * Joonie in Homo confusion*
"Look" Jin said as he showed Namjoon the shirt that Jungkook almost tore off while making out with Taehyung!
"I gave it to Tae-"
*Taekook running away from the room in hEtErO*
"They kinda SUS " Namjoon said but was smacked by Jin's frying pan.

The End ~


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But imagine opening your window to this view............

Anygays stay safe~

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