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No one's P.O.V~

Jungkook picked Taehyung up and started walking towards  the car with Jimin juggling his keys and skipping along the way as if it wasn't a big deal to kidnap someone ..well,it wasn't for them. Jungkook gestured to his hyung to open the car trunk , he put the unconscious boy inside and both drove off.

Tae's P.O.V~

As soon as I opened my eyes I found my head banging in pain
"Ughhh" I hissed trying to hold it but then felt I was tied up..My eyes widened in horror as I shot my head up to see a dark cold room in front of me .

There was just a single window followed by a large black door.
"What the f*ck?!" I shouted trying to break free from this stupid chair.

"Wanna die, Kitten?" I saw a tall black silhouette leaning against the window .

"Tf are you doing with me?! Why am I even here?" I saw him coming close until he  stood directly in front of me .

I observed how his black hair was shining because of the little light coming from the window and his eyes were piercing into mine as if he's shooting bullets through them

"Keep that gorgeous voice of yours down.." He growled almost making me shit my pants by his intimidating yet pitchy voice. I gathered my guts before hissing " But what am I here for?" As if on cue the door busted open to reveal two people walking in.

''Where,Chim" one of them said  . I tried to wriggle around the chair to break open the ropes.

"The more you try , the more tight it becomes" A boy with leather jacket and ripped jeans walked up to me
"I don't fu*king care!" I shouted at him, still trying my best to break free.


I felt a tight slap across my cheeks almost making me cough out blood. He held my jaw harshly making me whimper from pain. I saw his face, how his dark long hair fell perfectly on his ethereal face , sweat dripping from his forehead , his eyes were as fierce as his whole mood, his breath was smelling of fresh peppermint.

" Now you know what happens when you disrespect,don't you?" he growled, making me quiver in fear.  Another hard slap made its way to my cheeks. My lower jaw felt heavy. I ran my tongue across my lips ,I felt hot liquid oozing out of it's corners and I knew my lips were bleeding.

"Fu*king answer me!" I flinched at his hoarse voice and before I knew tears started flowing down my cheeks.

He raised his hand again to hit me when —"Kook, Stop!" I took a sigh of relief and slowly opened my eyes to see the other guy behind him whispering something to him.

"Please leave me! I don't have anything you guys want" I pleaded, crying my eyes out. I felt a hand on my knee. I didn't even know why I was brought there but I saw the other boy who had this pink jacket with ultra wide shoulders looking sympathetically at me.

"Hey, I'm Seok-Jin." He said softly slightly caressing my knees to make me feel calm "I-I'm Taehyung''
"We know and we also know your mother."

My ears perked up hearing the word 'mother'.

"No please, don't do anything to her she's the only one I have, for God's sake I have nothing to give you all ". I said sobbing.

"You can't give us anything because you are the one we want". The Jin guy said in an amused manner.
I confusedly looked at him for explanation.

" We need a potential hacker to assist us for the the upcoming mission and there is no other option better than you, so you are joining us ,'The Bangtan Sonyeondan, the greatest mafia group in the country" he said stretching his arms in the air and I could imagine a halo behind his head already

" Hyung, that's over-acting" , 'Chim' as I remember informed him.

I didn't want them to hurt my mother..

"Will you leave me when this is done?" I asked.
"Yes ,we will also  provide you with an ample amount of money, so u don't have to worry about your fees and jobs" I sat there in silence processing it.

' This is wrong, these people are wrong , I have to get away from them' these words kept repeating in my head while I felt my cheeks stinging.

"No I don't want your filthy money, JUST LEAVE ME!" I yelled and tried to tear open the ropes,


The sound of a gunshot froze me . There in front of me I saw the 'Kook' guy standing with his gun pointing directly at me " Repeat your words and I'll make sure that the bullet goes right through your head."

A shiver ran down my spine . I realised there wasn't any choice for me to say yes or no to their offer. I hung my head down, my eyes now burnt with tears dripping down and my throat hurted by how loud I yelled just then I saw him coming close and tucking his gun under my chin to make me look up .
He smirked and said

I'm sorry for this :( Kook would never hurt his baby 😢!!
Sorry for all the mistakes..
Stay safe na 🤏♥️

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