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o one's P.O.V :

Jungkook immediately left when Namjoon entered the main room to talk with others. He was pushing some guests out of the room who were clearly annoyed or scared by the ongoing predicament.

"Jungkook bring all of them to this room and close the main door," Hoseok commanded. He closed the door obeying his orders and turned around.

He looked around the room and nearly 20-25 people stood there. The room was huge but dull,the only source of light coming from an old rusty chandelier above them.

Jungkook could easily sense none of the guests had weapons with them or they were smart enough not to use those in comparison to them who had it in bulks.

"What are you going to do with them?" Jungkook heard a tall boy with blond hair yell while he came in front pushing along a few other other people.

"If you wanna live, stay out of it" he warned the boy hoping he would back off but instead he took off his mask revealing who he was.

"Chanyeol" Jungkook mumbled, actually surprised to see him here.

"Long time no see, huh?" Chanyeol smirked which caused Jungkook's eyes to squint, clearly hating the face in front of him.

"Why, your Boss didn't feed y'all enough that you had to come to take our property away?" Jungkook retorted.

"Tch, we don't need to explain our presence to y'all but you gotta leave them ALONE" Chanyeol said with dominance dripping from his voice.

"And we don't need to tell YOU what's our business, we don't leave our betrayer's alive anyway" Jungkook said ready to throw hands. They both were close now, staring at each other with pure hatred and annoyance in their eyes.

"Watch out" Chanyeol said and launched a hard punch at Jungkook's face. Jungkook stumbled back, the burning sensation in the face was painful and he could feel hot liquid oozing out near his lips.
He ran his fingers around the hurting area. He looked at his fingers which were clearly smudged with blood.

"You gotta pay for this" with that Jungkook pounced on Chanyeol, throwing a fisted punch near his abdomen

"Ahh" Chanyeol winced in pain. Jungkook swiftly kicked Chanyeol's knees causing him to fall on the ground and without warning Jungkook grabbed his hair and started punching him hard on the face to the point that Chanyeol's face was smeared with blood but Chanyeol wasn't that weak either he pushed Jungkook to get off him wiping his blood with the his shirt.

He kicked Jungkook in the stomach causing him to dash against the big window. He slowly got up holding the curtain,pain visible on his face. Jungkook's stomach ached due to the force Chanyeol used to kick him but he wasn't going to give up.

He however ran towards Chanyeol who was catching his breath when held his collar dragging him to the glass table nearby he then used his full energy lifting Chanyeol up and dropped him with huge force on the glass table nearby. With a bang Chanyeol landed on the table breaking the glass into million pieces.

By now Chanyeol was bleeding profusely. His arms had great cuts with glass pieces sticking onto it but Jungkook didn't care he got on top of him choking him.

"C-can't ..b-breath" Chanyeol tried to say slapping Jungkook's hand to leave him.

"J-jungkook..leave him" Jungkook heard Taehyung's scared voice through his ear piece.

"S-stop it, Kookie," Taehyung said, his voice shaking, which caused Jungkook to immediately freeze. He forgot that Taehyung could hear and see him the whole damn time while he fought like a total beast. He could feel that Taehyung was extremely scared by what he did and how he wished that he could erase this scene from all their minds.

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