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No one's P.O.V :

"B-BAEKHYUN?!!" I screamed. He harshly held my jaw," Keep your voice low " he growled, squeezing my cheeks harder. 

I winced in pain as I felt his nails digging into my skin. 
"Sehunie, is this the pretty lad Bangtan heired for their services?" Baekhyun asked as he scanned Taehyung's face. 

"Yeah as far as I know he's the new hacker they added into their group " Sehun informed his hyung. Taehyung couldn't believe it. 

Sehun, the one he's been friends with for the last three years, actually was a member of EXO and he didn't even have a clue about it. Baekhyun's eyes were in rage as his hands proceeded to Taehyung's neck and he literally started to choke him.

"L-Let go" Taehyung tried to speak while trying to break free from Baekhyun's death grip. 
"I wish I could just choke you to death, " Baekhyun said, his teeth tightening due to the anger within him. 

"Umm hyung, I think he'll pass out if you continue t-this " Sehun said and held Baekhyun's hand, preventing him from any more violence. Taehyung fell down on the ground coughing and trying to catch his breath. His whole body was shaking as he feared what they both might do to him. Baekhyun scoffed as he jerked Sehun's hands off him. 

" This is how I felt when I stood there while Jungkook was ruthlessly hurting Chanyeol , CAN YOU EVEN FEEL THE PAIN I WENT THROUGH?!!!" Baekhyun shouted and threw a kick at Taehyung who was already on the floor. 

"Ahh" Taehyung groaned and clutched his stomach in pain. He knew what he was talking about. That night when he had seen Baekhyun's face during the sudden meeting at their Van door, something that was printed in Taehyung's brain.

 Baekhyun was just controlling the urge to rear the boy into pieces but he knew his main target was to bring Bangtan down on their knees and payback for Chanyeol's life with their souls. 

So he held Taehyung's collar and made him stand up. 

"You know I can just snap you dead here but I've got a better plan for you" Baekhyun said smirking. 
"I want Bangtan to beg for their death in front of me ….and for that YOU HAVE TO BE MY BAIT, CLEAR?" Baekhyun asked, Taehyung's voice was clogged and he could barely even breathe properly. 

"IS IT FUXKING CLEAR?!"Baekhyun shook Taehyung violently, "Y-yes" Taehyung said, wanting exactly the opposite to happen but did he have any other chance now ? 

"Hyung the pen-drive" Sehun reminded Baekhyun. "Now listen here, I'm giving you two days' time. Bring me the white pen-drive that Namjoon has. It contains the whole ass plan for ruining Mr.Kim and his subordinates which is us. 

So, make use of that thing between your ears and get me the damn pen-drive on the night of the second day " Baekhyun said, explaining it to Taehyung. He was blank. He had no idea about what pen-drive Baekhyun was talking about and who the hell EXO was working for. 

Baekhyun's jaw tightened and there came a hard slap across Taehyung's face, almost knocking his wits out. Blood came splattering out of Taehyung's lips and he yelled in pain.

 "I NEED YOU TO REPLY WITH A YES!" Baekhyun yelled. A ringing phone suddenly caught them by surprise. Sehun picked up the phone which was in Taehyung's bag and saw the caller ID showing Hoseok. Baekhyun again held a crying Taehyung and said " Sehun will inform you about the place you have to come there with the pen-drive.

 Do not, I repeat DO NOT try to play smart and inform others about this because you know how easily I can kill each one of them just by a snap. Now, wipe your tears and complete the task " with that both Sehun and Baekhyun ran off opening the backdoor leaving Taehyung and his ringing phone on the floor. 

He slowly got up still wincing at the pain. He was fine with Baekhyun harassing him….but the thought of betraying Bangtan till their roots was something he could barely take in. He calmed himself before picking up the call with his shaky fingers. 
" Taehyung, where were you, I've been waiting for so long " Hoseok's worried voice was heard from the other side.

 "On my w-way" Taehyung said, trying not to sound suspicious. Hoseok just hummed in response and declined the call. Taehyung however got up brushing his wrinkled clothes. 

He still felt a stinging sensation around his cheeks but ignoring it he wiped his face with his shirt and used water for the bruise on his lips and ran towards the school gate. He saw a grey car at the entrance and Hoseok waving at him. 

He walked towards the car and directly opened the passenger door to get in. "What took you so long?" Hoseok asked. "I went to the library to grab some books, '' Taehyung said, knowing it wasn't a full lie.

 "Wait, what happened to your face? You're all red " Hoseok asked as he proceeded to lean closer to take a proper look. Taehyung panicked at the thought that he might get caught so he simply faked a laugh and said 
"Hyung, you know I'm clumsy. I tripped on my way and ended up walking flat on the ground".

 At first Hoseok didn't buy it but after Taehyung's constant smiles made him assume the silly situation. He chuckled and shook his head 

"Be careful Tae, if you get hurt Jungkook is going to probably go for mass destruction". Taehyung gave a sheepish smile but deep down had his heart shattering like glass.

Sorry Taenieeee but Karma's a Beech But my multifandom ass read 'Not my Problem' in Johnny's accent

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Sorry Taenieeee but Karma's a Beech
But my multifandom ass read 'Not my Problem' in Johnny's accent.

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