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No one's P.O.V ~

Jungkook carried the boy inside trying not to trip over.
"Omo!! What do we have here?" Hoseok came running down the stairs scaring the shit out of him!

" Hobi hyung, you scared me!"Jungkook said, still carrying on to the boy.

"Wait, the boy is legit a sleeping beauty?!" Hoseok tried to pinch Taehyung's squishy cheeks but Jungkook swiftly swung him in another direction causing his hyung to pout sadly.

"Jin hyung said not to wake him up" he said walking upstairs leaving a grumpy Hoseok behind.

Tae's P.O.V ~

I woke up to the sound of running water, while I tossed and turned until I realised I was no longer in the car but a soft white bed with white sheets.
I quickly sat up observing the room. The white ceilings with those expensive looking lights, the pure white sheets on this king sized bed really contrasted with the grey walls. It was simple yet attractive, I thought when suddenly the sound of running water ceased while the bolt of the bathroom door opened to reveal Jungkook with just a towel around his snatched waist. ( A/N : boy's an hourglass-⏳)
I froze, staring at him. His dripping wet hair stuck to his forehead while there were droplets of water on his toned body.
The hEavEnLy MiGhTy body!!! His wide shoulders with a hard chest just complimented his perfect looks,his right arm was covered in ink while his biceps popped up and his abs that were 'GoLdEn aBs'. I desperately wanted to touch (A/n:yeah this is me ranting),his-

"Take a picture it lasts longer" I snapped out of my thoughts to see him leaning against the bed stand with a smirk on his face. I felt my face heat up under his intense stare.

"W-where am I ?" I asked, trying to ignore the fact that his belly piercing was hot.

"In my room" he said, his voice hoarse but still had a glint of amusement. I turned a darker shade of red, if that was even possible.

"You can go take a shower" he said while coming towards me, he lifted his hand but I flinched cause I was still kinda scared of him but he put his index under my chin and made me look up directly into his dark brown eyes.

I felt his thumb caressing my lower lip which stinged a little. I closed my eyes enduring the pain, well also because I couldn't handle our close proximity.
I opened them back when I felt him sighing frustratedly, he stood back straight and said in a nervous voice

" Umm, just ask Jin hyung to treat them well, ok" he said rubbing his nape looking everywhere but me. I nodded, still confused over what he was nervous about. I quickly removed the sheets and went to open the bathroom door,
"Umm Jungkook?!"  He looked rather surprised by the fact I knew his name.

"W-what will I wear?" He stared at me for a second before sprinting to his wardrobe, searching frantically. I stared at his wide back thinking of how it had big scars but still managed to be so perfect while he found a pair of black hoodie and tracks handing it to me.
I mumbled a thank you before entering the shower. I stood underneath the flowing water processing what was happening right now "Kim Taehyung, you have to get out of here no matter what" was my last thought before I dried myself up and exited the washroom. I checked myself up in the mirror, the hoodie reached my thighs while the sweats were perfect since we were almost the same height, I slapped my paws like wings giggling at it's large size.
As I realised that Jungkook had already left,I opened the door exiting the room. I was in one of the two rooms on the first floor, I looked around the extremely luxurious mansion, I held onto the railing looking down to see just a large table and sofa kept neatly.

I roamed around a little lost, wondering where they were when I heard an unfamiliar voice "Oh you're awake" I flinched at his loud voice turning around to see a young boy with dark brown hair running towards me.

"OH MY-" he just crashed into a hug with me, I tried to pat his back so he could leave me cause I was running out of breath. "I'm Hoseok but you can call me Hobi hyung," he said, smiling widely at me. I observed his face, his eyes glowed and his smile made a heart shape.
" I-i'm Kim Taehyung" I said, stuttering.
"I know" he said sweetly, he seemed really nice unlike Jungkook.
"Are you hurt? I heard that Jungkookie went hard on you" a shiver ran down my spine as the images of him dangerously pointing the gun at my head flashed in front of me. "Yah! Don't worry, I'll help you" he said, hugging me . I smiled at him asking
"Umm Jungkook asked me to go to Jin so he could treat me"

"Jungkook said so?" I nodded he seemed to be surprised at first but smiled saying
" Let's go," he said before dragging me downstairs.

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