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No one's P.O.V :

It was already late by now all of the members had left leaving Taehyung and Jinyoung at home. Taehyung was staring at the spare phone Namjoon had given him before leaving.

" It can track anyone you contact so be a good boy and only use this only for an emergency " Namjoon had said before handing him the device. Jinyoung came back to the living room after talking over the phone," Get up fast we're leaving " he said.

"Wait, WHAT I haven't even changed " Taehyung almost screamed.

"Doesn't matter, we don't have much time," Jinyoung said and frantically started searching for his jacket.

"I'm in shorts,like seriously?!!" Taehyung said. Jinyoung stood there annoyed but said "Do you want to go or not?". Taehyung immediately ran to grab his shoes.

"We aren't going from the main door, guards are present there. We'll take the backyard." Jinyoung informed and dragged Taehyung to the long hallway where Taehyung had never been to.

"Whoaa Daebak!" Taehyung said as he ran through the long black hallway. At the end of it was a small rusty door. Jinyoung searched for the key in his pocket and swiftly opened the door.
"Are you sure there's no guard?" Taehyung asked, already scared by their elopement.

"This door remains locked from inside so there should be no one outside " Jinyoung said but for confirmation he stuck his head out of the door just to see a lonely backyard which had overgrown grass at some corners.

"We're clear," he said and they both quietly ran out of the house.

"There should be a black car parked nearby" Jinyoung announced and looked around the silent road in front of them.

They were at the back of the house and since it's already deserted there was no one to interrupt their business. As if on cue a black car stopped just in front of them and the window rolled down.

"On time, Wonpil " Jinyoung said and a boy with black shiny hair and a pretty smile waved at them. Jinyoung quickly grabbed Taehyung and put him in the car and left the place.

"So, this is the newbie in Bangtan?" Wonpil asked.

"Yes, Taehyung, this is Wonpil from the group Day6. Although we aren't allies, we're good friends" Jinyoung said, rubbing his nape.

Taehyung just nodded since Jin had warned him not to introduce himself to other groups.

After a ride of nearly 15 minutes Taehyung saw that they were taking a turn to a narrower lane which had numerous car's parked at the sidewalks but to him it looked like any other street food corner with people laughing and smoking under the lights which appeared much neon in the dark night.

"Are you sure we're at the right place?" Taehyung asked Jinyoung who just nodded and smiled.

" It's called the Underground for a reason, " Wonpil replied. Taehyung was almost processing the words when they stopped near a motel.

'Cheap Rooms available' was a board which was hung at the top of an old creaky building.

"What the-" and Taehyung was quickly pushed out of the car and was dragged to the reception.

Tae's P.O.V :

Jinyoung took off his glasses and greeted the old man at the table. "They went in a long time ago " the old man informed as he turned the page of the book he was reading.

"Had some work back there and he's with me," Jinyoung said, referring to me. He slid down the mask which he had made me wear when we were in the car. The man just scanned my face giving Jinyoung a suspicious look but soon passed him a slip and said " The kitchen door".

On which Jinyoung nodded and started walking inside.

"Whoa they really do know you.." I was surprised that they let him pass so easily. Taehyung was still confused because the place looked oddly old but his confusion blew away when they entered the kitchen.

His eyes widened as he saw the HUGE place filled with music and smoke. He saw people dressed in element suits walking down the aisle. Some were on the tables with cards and money scattered nearby.

Some semi nude girls dancing around the stage ( XD) and glass doors leading to different places were being constantly opened and closed.

Who knew the old crusty motel outside had THIS CRAZY area within their campus.

" Hah, don't be surprised this is the quietest it has ever been in these past days..." Jinyoung said with a smug face. I saw a bartender coming up to me with a drink which I was going to pick when Jinyoung slapped my hand harshly and gestured to the person to leave.
"Yahh" why would you do that?!" I exclaimed.

" Cuz we DON'T drink or eat anything served here..you never knew which person ordered that for you...they might as well spark up the drink..or worse poison them " Jinyoung informed.

"W-why would they do that?" I asked, clearly uncomfortable with his information.
"For revenge or maybe they just want to be laid" I gasped at his words on which he laughed.

"Now listen here DO NOT bump into our group members if you don't wanna be dead , they will most probably be on the second floor discussing their policies with some other people. So just stay nearby" Jinyoung said.

"Wait...are you leaving me here alone?" I asked.
But before he could answer, some people who I think were his friends jumped up on him.

"AHHH our Jinyoungiee is finally hereeee" and they dragged him away.....I just stood there all alone in my shorts and grey hoodie ...wait...WHAT?!! HE CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME HERE ALL ALONE!!! I shouted in my head. I looked around the unknown place and sighed. 'Well I really didn't have anything to do here...I just wanted to know what the underground looked like..and it's exactly how Jimin had described ... Dangerous ".

For the time being the narration will be in Taehyung's P.O.V since it's easier to understand. (for me XD)
Yeah I'm not updating soon enough to read and I'm sorry 🙇🏻‍♀️ (my school lyf sucks) but yeah I forgot I have some points saved in my drafts so now it'll be easier for me to update....I'll try to at least post a new chapter per week(maybe two ;))

I'll try to at least post a new chapter per week(maybe two ;)) So STAY HERE TO READ OTHERWISE

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Just Kidding lol!!!!!!!!!
Still stay safe~

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