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Tae's P.O.V :

I started wandering around the place observing everything.
The dark lights of the main area didn't give me any hope. I wanted to find Jinyoung but he was nowhere to be found.

I came in front of a glass gate which I pushed open. I saw no. Of people standing on the table and throwing punches at each other.
"Omg what's happening?" I said to myself and ran to get the closer look.

(A/N : Hah you thought he would save em XD)

"Tf you standing in the way?" I heard a tall blond boy with long hair staring at me with two drinks in his hands.

" uhh-hh sorry didn't mean to " ,

"Johnny hyung come fast or Chenle is gonna kill others" another voice was heard amongst the cheering crowd in which this guy just gave me a weird look and ran back to his group.

I heard a thud and I saw one of the guys who was punching before on the ground groaning in pain while the others were already LAUGHING?!

'What kind of sorcery is this?' They're fighting and the next moment all are happily fooling around..my head hurts..(A/N : NCT is chaotic,we know).

I went around to different places…I had my mask on so it was easier for me to roam about in the place.
Suddenly I had the urge to use the washroom...I looked around and saw a sign hanging at the corner indicating the washroom. I sprinted towards the washroom. I finished my business and came out to wash my hands. I saw a man in a grey suit adjusting his tie. I consciously went over to the wash basin and proceeded to do the job.

"Didn't your group tell you the dress code or are you just arrogant?" His deep voice startled me. I looked at him through the mirror. I couldn't see him well in the dim lights of the bathroom.

'They all look like millionaires but can't even put proper lighting in the important places' I screamed in my head.

"So you're the arrogant one," he said. I was offended but I remembered that Namjoon had warned me that I shouldn't be known in the Underground. I quickly wiped my hands on my shirt and proceeded to head out when he gripped onto my hand and turned me around.

"Why are you in a mask?" He looked at me with his dark eyes and fear started to rise up my chest. The grip on his hand tightened as he growled now 
"Are you fucking dumb? I asked who you are"

My voice was clogged in my throat as I started sweating. He held me so close that I could feel a cold metal at my stomach which I immediately recognised was his gun.

"P-Please leave" I tried to choke out. "AHH this fucking mask " he said and proceeded to remove it. I closed my eyes tight shut as I felt his cold fingers on the rim of my mask slowly pulling it down.

Suddenly I heard a bursting of the door and a loud thud. I quickly opened my eyes and I stopped breathing. There was Jungkook who stood there staring at the man who he had just yeeted away from me. He turned his head and our eyes met. Those bright doe eyes which I used to adore were now changed to fierce and untamed.

"J-Jungkook?" I said under my breath on  which his eyes widened, probably surprised that he found me here. He sucked in a breath, held my hand and yanked me out of the wash room. We were pushing around various people ruthlessly.

" Jungkook where…?" Jungkook gripped tight as he dragged me out of the place. We stopped in front of a car parked outside. He pushed me towards the car and slid down my mask for coming face to face.

"Care to explain why you're here?" He yelled at my face at which I flinched. I felt my heart filled with guilt. It felt like I was caught red handed. I couldn't speak a word and hung my head low. He started coming towards me

"Good that Jaebeom found Jinyoung at the bar counter, otherwise I wouldn't even know that you're betraying us, " Jungkook said. My heart was beating fast as he came towards me while I tried to back away but I felt my back hit the car door .

" I...I-i.." I was trying to speak when Jungkook trapped me between his arms and the card door. He brought his face close to mine and growled
"Taehyung don't you dare lie to me ". I felt my bottom lip quivering as his eyes which had a going of aggression and sadness looked into mine

"HAH!" Jungkook faked a laugh.

"You know that man could have killed you in a snap of his fingers. I had warned you it's dangerous, why don't you understand Taehyung?" Jungkook shouted. My eyes had become glossy while my throat was already heavy. Jungkook sighed and slammed his hands on the car door frustratedly.

I flinched again by now tears were streaming down my eyes. "J-Jungkook, I'm sorry I just wanted to visit, " I said.

"Visit?!! Is this an amusement park?" He yelled. I was crying by now. The only thing I could do was, I held his shirt and gently hugged him crying as I buried myself in his chest.

Ahhh this is so hard to portray but yes I'm trying..
You know the next thing I wanted to do.....Jungkook goes " Twinkle Twinkle little star...we can do it in the car.. ;) "

But why is this me every night?

But why is this me every night?

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