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No one's P.O.V :

Taehyung ploddingly opened the big door and looked out. He saw there were no bodyguards which usually stood there loaded with artillery (A/N : it's a Hyperbole,for god's sake). He looked back at the dark hall for once and took a deep breath and walked at a hurried pace to the iron bars which were guarding the mansion.

Just then a huge dark blue car which looked almost black due at night rolled in front of our garden. He saw the glass roll down and Sehun gestured to Taehyung to come to him. Taehyung wiped his tears with the sleeves of his hoodie and started walking towards the car.

"TAEHYUNG!" A loud roar was clearly heard and Taehyung stopped dead in his tracks. It was Jungkook. Taehyung's whole body shook in fear as he slowly turned around. Jungkook's face was blank, his eyes fixated on the pen-drive Taehyung was holding and his fist clenched hard.

"Tell me you didn't just betray us, did you? " Jungkook asked. Taehyung had nothing to say, he just kept his head down, tears falling down rapidly.

Jungkook was broken, he trusted Taehyung to death, he couldn't accept what he was seeing. Taehyung's hands slowly reached down to his pocket and he pulled out the gun and pointed it to the last person he ever imagined he would have to do it to.

Jungkook's eyes widened as he saw Taehyung pointing the gun towards him. He felt his world demolish in front of him.

"Go away Jungkook, don't stop me" Taehyung cried as he shook his head. Jungkook knew this wasn't his Taehyung who he had cared for.

Someone had made him do this. He was sure. Jungkook raised his hands, calmly asking.
" Tae..it's okay. W-who made you do this? "

Taehyung couldn't believe how Jungkook could still stand his face. In the shining light of the streets he saw the gun he was holding. Except for the moon, something else was glowing too. He tilted the gun a little and there engraved in pure bold was written

"Protect you from Death,
-Love for eternity♡Taekook "

Taehyung felt himself go weak as he fell on his knees crying.He felt disgusted by himself. Jungkook loved him and what did he do? Pointed a fuxing gun at him.

"Jungkook, P-Please go inside, they'll kill you o-otherwise"
"Who the hell-" before Jungkook could finish his sentence the car door near them busted open and came out Baekhyun with Kyungsoo at his side.

Baekhyun went and clutched Taehyung's hair hardly which caused the gun to drop.

" You lil shit had one fucking job". Taehyung cried in pain as Baekhyun yanked his hair making him stand up.

"YEAH STOP-" Jungkook ran towards Taehyung but stopped as soon as Kyungsoo aimed the gun at Taehyung's head. Other members of Bangtan flew open the door confused by the sudden hustle.

They became pale white as they saw the scenario. Taehyung being a target of EXO while the pen-drive was inTaehyung's fist.

It took them mere seconds to understand the situation. They were ready to use their guns when Baekhyun growled
"I see any weapon and this poor soul will die instantly " he said referring to a crying Taehyung. Sehun walked in front of Taehyung, jerking his hand to catch hold of the pen-drive from Taehyung's closed fist.

Taehyung tried to keep it close as hard as possible but suddenly out of nowhere Sehun pulled his hand and gave away a hard slap right across Taehyung's left cheek which made him fall down.

"The fuck you doing to him " Jungkook's anger knew no bounds as he about to pounce on Sehun for hurting him but Hoseok and Jimin held him back as there was a full chance of them killing Taehyung on spot without regret. Sehun quickly snatched the pen-drive from Taehyung's hand and stood aside.

" It's funny huh? How fast the night changes...just a few months ago I was begging y'all to leave Chanyeol but here I am tonight about to take away someone valuable just as you did with me" Baekhyun said with his maniac laugh.

"We'll fucking kill y'all in pieces " Namjoon roared in anger.

"It would be easy if he hadn't created such a mess but looks like the boy likes to get harassed" Kyungsoo said.

"Did you tell them what happened at your Uni, little boy?" Baekhyun asked. He saw Bangtan had clearly no clue. So, he continued,

"He's sensitive, I had just pushed him against the wall and yeah a few punches got him coughing blood real soon, but looks like he really kept his pretty mouth shut " Baekhyun said and proceeded to hold Taehyung's pathetic face.
Jungkook was fuming with anger, how frantically did he believe that those bruises were just from falling down.

"You got what you wanted, leave him now " Jin said.

"Well I wanted to kill him but we got other plans" Baekhyun said and the car door once again opened revealing Kai and Chen, other members from Exo but as they came another elderly man stepped out in a formal grey suit, his golden Rolex shining and he walked slowly towards the others.

"It's total chaos, isn't it? ". He spoke with a low voice filled with sternness. The whole Bangtan's eyes widened as they saw the man in front of him. " Yes, MR.Kim "

"Can we just kill him to solve the situation?" Baekhyun asked. Mr. Kim' s eyes were fixated on Taehyung as he didn't speak a word. He walked in a slow pace and stood directly in front of Taehyung who was blaming all this to his own soul.

He stopped as he saw a pair of shiny black shoes in front him he raised his head to see the face when

" DAD?!!! " He shouted in surprise.

Omgg Bangtan's arch enemy Mr.Kim was actually our cinnamon roll's Dad,who left him four years ago? YES IT'S THE CRUEL BICH,*cough* I mean MAN.
Well I'll be writing a side story where Jin will probably explain Taehyung each member's back story and also how they decidided to enter into the mafia world.

I simp for this vintage takook quotes (:)AND I'LL TRADE MY (depressed)SOUL FOR THOSE RETRO PENDANTS ABOVE PLEASE !!

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I simp for this vintage takook quotes (:)

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