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No one's P.O.V :

"Taehyung-ah Jungkook's asking for you," Jinyoung informed Taehyung, who was standing near the door.

With a sudden determination Taehyung turned around 'I did not see him' he assured himself although he couldn't get those scared eyes and tear stained face of Baekhyun out of his mind, he decided to forget about it. 

"Tae, can you hear me? Are you okay?" Again Jungkook's worried voice brought Taehyung back to reality.

"Y-Yeah" Taehyung answered. He heard Jungkook sighing loudly

"Can you come to my car?" He asked.
Taehyung was about to say yes but the scene of Jungkook fighting Chanyeol like a beast passed in front of his eyes and immediately his fear rose up in his chest.
"I think let's get home," Taehyung said, hoping Jungkook wouldn't argue. "

But—" before Jungkook could speak further his voice got cut off as Taehyung turned off his ear piece.

"We'll leave," Jinyoung announced. Taehyung nodded in relief and they left for home.
Jungkook looked out of the window

"S-stop it Kookie" Taehyung's scared voice was stuck in his head.

'Why can't I control myself' Jungkook thought, grabbing his hair in frustration. 'He must be scared..we see blood and fight people everyday but for Tae it must be terrifying.....ughhh fuck' he thought as he threw his head backwards.

Jungkook's body ached and the wounds seemed to worsen due to the constant movement of the car but all he cared about was Taehyung.

He decided that he would talk to him as soon as they reached home and within a few minutes they were already rolling around on their front porch.

Taehyung's van was behind Jungkook's, which gave him a chance to wait for Taehyung.

"Jungkook, you need to come in to treat your wounds,"Jin said as soon as he saw Jungkook get out of his car.

"Hyung, I'll follow you later," Jungkook said as he searched for the van behind him.

"No Jung–'' Jin couldn't complete his sentence because Jungkook was already limping towards the black van which was entering the porch.
The door opened revealing Jinyoung to exit first. Jinyoung just bowed to him already knowing who he was waiting for. Jungkook sucked in a breath turning around as he saw Taehyung exiting the van.

"Tae?" Jungkook said as they locked gazes. Taehyung's eyes widened as he stared at Jungkook, his clothes stained in blood while his flawless face had a few bruises. Jungkook stepped forward trying to hold Taehyung's hand but Taehyung suddenly flinched , his back hitting the door of the van.

" Tae ..listen to me I didn't mean–" Jungkook tried to explain to Taehyung but the terrified look on his face didn't let Jungkook finish.

It was like Taehyung thought Jungkook was a totally different person than what he had thought him to be, in other words he was scared of Jungkook. Taehyung was already sweating, his heart beating fast as he just stared into those sad eyes in front of him.

Taehyung wanted to be with Jungkook but what he saw today made him doubt himself. What if he made a mistake like Chanyeol did will Jungkook kill him too? That's when the what if 's started and Taehyung's eyes filled with tears. Jungkook feared this the most.

He feared that his loved ones would leave him if they saw he had this side of him and yet Taehyung, with whom he had this strange connection of warmth and comfort was now scared to even be near him. That's when Taehyung held his laptop close to his chest, looked at Jungkook for a sec and ran inside their house. Jungkook just saw him running away. He tried to run after him but his hands immediately went up to his now aching stomach.

Everyone was tired by the time they bought all the belongings back to the house. Jin was busy treating Namjoon's wound while Jimin and Hoseok were having a talk while sipping on their champagne.

" Taehyung - ah you did a great job " Yoongi said as he came out of the bathroom ruffling his wet hair.
"Thank you" he mumbled. "umm Namjoon-ah Jackson said all their members reached home" Jimin informed him and again returned his attention to Hoseok.

"Jungkookie where have you been?" Yoongi said and Taehyung felt a figure stand beside me. He dared not to look up and decided to run back to my room.

" I think I'll go" with that he hastily walked up the stairs. Taehyung was midway when he heard Jin shout
"Yah, Jungkook don't run in this condition" he snapped his head to see Jungkook running towards him. He quickly turned around trying to run into his room ASAP.
"Taehyung wait" Jungkook yelled but he quickly got into the room, "Tae–" Taehyung had closed his door before Jungkook could get in. Jungkook banged on the door

"Taehyung please open the door,let's talk " but no answer. Taehyung just sat on the bed listening the the continuous banging.

"Tae..please don't be scared" Jungkook was now on the verge of tears.
"I won't hurt you...ever" he pleaded. Taehyung's heart was weak. He was already sobbing quietly but he froze when he heard Jungkook say
"Hyung...please open the door for me". That's right, Taehyung was older than Jungkook but he never really had a problem with Jungkook not using honorifics but the word coming out of his mouth at this moment made Taehyung give up. Jungkook was now softly knocking on the door, tears dripping down his face.He deliberately stopped when heard the opening of the bolt. The door opened and a sniffling Taehyung who was wiping his tears stood there "Jung-mugphfhtd–" Tae's voice was cut off as Jungkook pulled him into a hug and Taehyung broke down. He held onto Jungkook sobbing while Jungkook rubbed circles in his back whispering sweet words to him.

After a while Taehyung calmed down and pulled away from the hug but Jungkook held onto his waist tightly. 'This time there's no letting go' Jungkook thought .

"I'm sorry Tae, I really didn't think I would lose myself that quick," Jungkook said, his voice soft like a child. "I had stopped hurting him the moment you asked me to but...." he trailed off.

"If I do something which would be against you, will you hurt me like him too?" Taehyung asked directly, looking into his eyes "NO! NEVER ''Jungkook almost yelled but soon softened
"I can't hurt you Taehyung, I would never" Jungkook said cupping Tae's face in both of his hands.

"I always wanted to run away from y'all, I even tried too but I couldn't, I was afraid that you all could hurt me, I wanted to take good care of my mom but when I saw the nametag with my name on it I felt happy, satisfied to be exact.

I know what you all do is wrong,you kill people but deep down I still know that you are just a normal boy in his twenties, a boy who loves his hyungs, a boy who  laughs on silly jokes, a boy who can't hear anything bad against his loved one's but all that beside, Jungkook you're a boy who is sensitive."

Taehyung said while he saw Jungkook's eyes becoming glossy. He gently wiped his tears smiling "That's why Kookie, I trust you, I know you won't " Jungkook just let a couple of tears before smiling

"I thought you would never call me that again"
"Same goes to your hyung" they both laughed.
"Kookie you can leave me now"  Taehyung said suddenly nervous by their closeness. Jungkook on the other hand was busy admiring Tae's face between his hands. His honey cheeks with a cute pout made Jungkook's heart flip. They stared at each other with a loving look when Jungkook slowly started to lean in.

Well that escalated fast~
I'm a pro at cliffhangers so beware...(jk)...!
Stay safe and healthy..
Love yaa :-)

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