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Tae's P.O.V ~

They opened the ropes and ordered me to get into the car that was parked outside. I didn't have any choice..the scene of the gun pointed directly at me flashed in front of my eyes causing me to quiver in fear.

I flinched when I felt an arm draped round my shoulder. I saw 'Chim' smiling at me.

" I'm Jimin and he is Jungkook" He said while pointing towards 'Him' who was walking in front of us. I nodded subtly walking near to the black Van with him climbing onto my side. I entered the car with him beside me.

'Jungkook' the name kept repeating in my head.I sat there looking at him,who was sitting in the passenger seat, I examined his face through the rare view mirror , the way his eyes were fixated on his phone typing away with his tattooed fingers while his skin glowed in the contrast of the dark night.
As if by instinct he looked up in the mirror meeting my eyes. His brown orbs twinkled as they stared into mine, I felt adrenaline rush to my face so I quickly averted my gaze.

'His aura….'
"We are ready to go!!" Jin hopped into the driver seat and started the ride. I mentally thanked him and leaned onto the seat while the scenery passed by.

The place was unknown to me, there were merely vehicles around. I rolled down the window to feel the cold wind blow across my face and before I knew it my eyelids became heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

No one's P.O.V :

The ride was silent, the night was dark and the trees in the sideways complemented the eeriness. Jimin looked over to his side to find Taehyung sleeping peacefully.

"We have to admit, he's handsome", he said, causing Jin to nod with a slight smile. Jungkook turned his head to look over at the sleeping boy. He didn't want to admit that the boy was special and that being incredibly handsome was just a bonus.

"We have to tell him about his work," Jin said." Namjoon hyung will take care of it" Jungkook informed them.
"Since we're close, I'll wake him up" Jimin reached the boy.
"No, don't! Let him rest, he must have gone through a lot" Jin said while giving Jungkook a 'because- of -you -look!'

" Wae!?" Jungkook exclaimed.

"I told you to go easy on the kid"

Guilt hit Jungkook like a truck. He had never really cared how brutal he was with his victims but with Taehyung he felt he had gone far enough.

He tried to shake it off saying "He wasn't complying to our offer"

"But we need him, violence wasn't an option"

"But he-"

"You two, Quit it! Jungkook, just carry him inside ''Jimin ordered from the back.
Jungkook sighed, not wanting to argue anymore.

"He better not be heavy," he mumbled, stretching his arms and fingers.
Jin parked the car in their garage while others prepared to get out.

" Yah, Jungkookie! Put those muscles into some use" Jimin said playfully, clinging onto Jin while they started walking away.

"Yahhh you can't just leave me alone, can you? " Jungkook yelled but they ignored him and went inside. He sighed, turning to open the back door of the car to reveal the sleeping boy. He stared down at him for a while taking in his breathtaking features. He then put his hands under the boy's knees lifting him up in bridal style.

He was surprised at how light the boy was, he felt his heart beating at a high rate which he hadn't experienced since years and as if to make it worse Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and snuggled into his chest still asleep.

Jungkook was flustered would be an understatement.He tried to play cool although he was screaming inside . He sucked in a sharp breath before turning around, shutting the door with his leg and taking the boy inside.

Kook definitely has a thing for his Taebear!😢💓
*Sighs* Tae got a Kook to carry him..and my dad said I can be carried too….but like a potato sack. 😭
Other members on the way to be introduced!

 😭Other members on the way to be introduced!

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