(49) Epilogue: Dorks in Love

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Running idle fingers through locks of green Todoroki watched as the the hereos wrapped up the scene and ushered villains some unconsciousness, some cuffed into police vehicles.

He spotted Hisaya walking towards an ambulance and though seemingly covered from head to toe in blood she looked and walked perfectly fine so he let out sigh of relief. Looking down at the boy in his lap, he stared at his closed eyelids. "she's fine." he said sofly against the cold air as if the smaller boy could hear him in his unconsciousness state.

There was footsteps behind hin but Todoroki didn't bother going on defence or turning, knowing exactly who it was.

The foot steps stopped right besides thems, Todoroki looked up to see the man studying them before huffing a sigh and his face fell in tired exasperation rather then anger.

"What am I gonna do with you two."

He said rubbing his forehead and Todoroki just sent him an apologetic quirk of lips. The action from the normally stoney or laxed faced boy suprised him a little but he didn't comment on it, knowing exactly where this change in demeanor started and continues to change. His eyes dropped down to his resident problem child in the his new established problem child's lap.

He wasn't getting paid enough to deal with these kids much less their personal feelings and relationships. THAT especially was none of his business.

"Come on let's go." With one last look at them, looking for any possible injuries and there were thankfully none, with a sigh Aizawa turned on his heals already making way to the exit, not even bothering to offer to lend Todoroki a hand with the unconscious boy, because judging by the way he was looking and caring for him, he probably wouldn't want to let him go anyway.

As expected Todoroki followed, easily hosting up Midoriya intk his arms bridal style, letting his head rest gently against his chest.

As they were almost out of the dilapidated building Todoroki spoke up. "How is Hisaya?"

"She's fine. No sign of mental trauma and dispite being covered from head to toe in what we asdume his all her blood she doesn't habe scratch on her. she's seems almost too calm. "He glanced at Midoriya's sleeping form before looking back ahead. "Those Midoriya's sure are something."

Todoroki almost laugh at his teachers tone somehow laced with suspicion, confusion and before turning his head to Midoriya, dark lashes fluttered close, face peacefully calm and tranquil, he smiled "They sure are."


The rescue of Hisaya Midoriya that resulted in the raid and consequental bust of the villains' hide out had gone surprisingly well for something so big yet so last minute. The league of villains were all now behind bars.


It had been a day since the raid/rescue and Midoriya again found himself waking up in an infirmary. He was perfectly fine though, he was just being put under 'surveillance' they said. Not only was he introubled, for leaving the infirmary in the first place but he was in deeper shit for leaving school grounds without permission, taking Recovery girl's pass without permission, AND taking out two U.A guards.

He won't be suprised if they called his mother.

Yeah he was in a ton of trouble and He couldn't feel anymore sorry, regretful and embarrassed, especially embarrassed since he didn't remember alot of those things happens, only bits and peaces.

He remembers seeing an adress, then cut to him running, lots of running and and top buildings. Now he was on a roof, then suddenly Todoroki was there, he under him... It was cold...then he was over him...then it was warm..... Todoroki was kissing him, then he was saying something, he surprisingly remembered every word of it well. His chest feels warm from the memory. Then they were kissing again and everything after that felt like a hazy light dream. He felt too relaxed, too safe to not drift off into the warm hands that held him,

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