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Normal POV

It was late afternoon at the dorms and Todoroki and Bakugou had just returned from their training.

Their was so many things wrong with today, Bakugou being really related and Tolerable for one, Training with Children was way tricky then actual training...but it was kinda fun he guess, and that Inasa dude was...odd one minute he's ready to kill to probably kill him and now he wants to know his favourite food.

Todoroki from the start just wanted to get along with everyone and have a good work relationship but he could care less about being super close to any and everybody ..but..he supposes he wasn't horrible. He was a little worried though since Inasa made it clear he despises his father, 'welcome to the club,' but Endeavor was showing up today for training.

Which was now one of his biggest concerns...his father was acting weird and not like manipulative weird, there's alot of things he doesn't understand and his father, but he could spot that exploiting behavior from a mile away..but now he was confused...he was angered at first when his father tried to..what ever he was trying to do..pat him? he doesn't know it's instinct to not let that man touch him. But processing everything he did, said and how he looked he was now thoroughly confused.

But enough of that, he sighed stepping into the shower..maybe he can get a nap in afterwards.


Midoriya was on a stroll around the UA building since it had no school today he was free to do so. You'd think his walk would have him relaxed, will it was at first as he tried getting his head cleared from the stuff that happened through out the last couple of days,...the stuff with Overhaul...the death.

(A/N* trying to keep spoilers minimum xd)

But then it he realized a whole week passed qnd it was Friday...and then it hit him. Tomorrow was Saturday!

He's suppose to talk to Hisaya tomorrow!

But with his week full packed he practically forgot all about it and didn't even try contacting ....for did she contact but still.

So now his suppose calming walk turning into a pacing walk, while he fiddled with his phone and tried not to walk into stuff.

'I must have tried to called Hisaya about 13 times already and message her repeatedly and she hasn't answered. I needed to know, I'm not sure where I'm suppose to be meeting her. I don't even know when she's getting here, I wants to atleast be a good cousin for once and great her-'

If anyone was Midoriya right now they would remind his to stop rambling, because right now he was mumbling up a storm.

'and where is she gonna stay? Is it far or-

"Oh no." Midoriya paused in his musings thinking about Hisaya's worse choice for housing right now.

'If Hisaya's stays at my house house mom might get suspicious? maybe? but it's the best place for her since she hasn't been here in while and-

" Midoriya?"

Midoriya turned to see the tall skinny figure of All Might to a smile on his face probably finding 'Midoriya's mumbled funny and endearing which made boy red in embarrassment.

"A-All Might hey."

"What are doing out here all by yourself my boy."

"umm just walking."

All Might turn towards the path infront of him and tintled his head in said direction "hmmm mind walking with me then."

"S-sure." Midoriya pocket and jogged over to the tall lanky man as they continue on walking. The walk was silent at first, Midoriya's dilemma of not being able to contact his dear cousin briefly forgotten and replace with All Might. Since he told the man about his "heritage" they haven't really spoken about it or too each other in general in a couple of days either.

So now this is them having the alone time needed. He had the hard part already down but he was still nervous talking to All Might about it.

"So Midoriya my boy," All Might began breaking the silence, "Isn't your cousin suppose to be meet up with you tomorrow?"

"um well about that-"


Both heroes turned around to see Cementoss.

"Recovery girl requests your presence."

Midoriya paled, imidiatly imaging the worst did the doctors pick up on something? Or maybe it was news about his arms or-

All Might seem to pick up on the boy's confusion and discomfort.

"Would you like me to come with you?"

Midoriya snapped out of his thoughts and nodded dumbly.


The walked silently to the infirmary where recovery girl normally, Cementoss had left them to go to his own business.

All though All Might volunteered to come with his protege, he too thought it had to be a matter of Midoriya's health and he would no doubt get an ear full about not looking after the boy properly, which he wasn't looking forward too but he'd have to suck it up since they were already here.

pulling open the door and entering first, Midoriya closed behind. On his scan of the room for recovery girl he eyes landed on a green hair girl, her eyes brighten at the sight of 'him' she rushed up, he assumed she was a fan and. prepared himself for impact.

which didn't come has shouted "IZUKU!!!" and call Ida with the mass of his student beside him.

The green hair girl who was just a tad bit taller then his Midoriya, was basically smothering and hugging him, the boy frozen with a shocked expression.

"Hi-Hisaya!?" He choked snapping from his dazed.

'Hisaya? that name is she-' All Might didn't finished his thought had he spotted Recovery Girl walking towards them.

"So Hisaya 'Midoriya' huh I guess it wasn't just a coincidence.


The tododeku-ness might be on hold for a chapter or two but do not worry Shouto is a born pining gay so there's thats lol.

*Time for shameless self advertisement brought to by Aoyama because... it's Aoyama.*

Follow me on tumbler for a little surprise I'll be posting soon relating to the story (because lemme just say Hisaya is s fangirl.)



If you do decide to follow me please tell me if you came from book please! ❤
lol any see you guys either later or tomorrow because i gotta make up fir not posting all week smh.

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