(42) hugs make everything better

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Midoriya POV

Physical Contact.

Besides Gentle and loving hugs and cuddles from my mom, it's something I've never had much of growing hug. Well one's that weren't violence of course.

It's not that I didn't mind it It's just that I didn't really have much experience with it.

Like with dating. I definitely have never dated and I don't believe I've really had much thought about it unless someone brought up, but till recently.

dating, physical Contact. what does that have to do with anything? well..

"Midoriya do you want some more popcorn?" Midoriya glanced over at dual colored boy, currently offering him a bowl of popcorn. "uh s-sure." he awkwardly taked the bowl into his lap, Todoroki's eyes going back to the television. Whether he was actually watching the movie or not, he didn't know, he was good at acting like he did.

Midoriya on the other hand was looking at the bright tv but was way too deep in his thoughts and.... surroundings to understand what was taking place on screen.

You see, Class A, well mostly Ashido, Kaminari and Sero and everybody decided to go along with it— had decided to have a last minute movie night and everyone was gathered in the rec room, either huddled up on the couch or snuggle up on the floor in blankets and sleeping bags.

Everyone was here, even Bakugo, a bored expression but he still watched the movie looking oddly comfortable has he sat practically smushed together with Kirishima. Everyone quietly had there heads turned to the tv, though he bet some heads will started drooping soon enough.


I myself was sandwich between Jirou who layed across 2/5 of the couch her head in Momo's lap and Todoroki. I was all too conscious of the boy's present. Not in a bad way, even if it felt like wanted to run into a closest at times, it definitely didn't feel in a off putting....just new.

As I explained before Blooding Maids, giving blood when done a none relative is considered to be quite the intimate act. Depending on how it's done and the feelings that shine through it could be considered very to close to kissing..and you know.....the other thing.

Thank god for the dimly lit room abd the fact that nobody was paying attention to me else they'd see me beet red face.

Anyway since Todoroki accepted him as a vampire and offer me his meck to his multiple times, no questions asked with such unbothered tenderness. It raised new levels of respect, trust and gratitude towards Todoroki.

As well as some bridled feelings.

Maybe it's the blood sucker in me speaking i dunno, but I couldn't deny the fact that being close to Todoroki... being in his arms felt immensely good. his arms wrapped gently around me his hands, running soothingly through my head— if the situation wasn't so embarrassing heated..you know with me having my teeth little literally in his neck, it would be so relaxing I could stay there.

But then they were many problems with whqt I felt I was feeling. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate, much less if Todoroki with be comfortable. He didn't seem like the touchy time, atleast when it was necessary. Which I why I felt like such a lump of stone sitting next to Todoroki right now, the angle I was sitting wasn't comfortable and it definitely wasn't I wanted to lean into him more then anything but it also scared me on top of not wanted to make him uncomfortable.

So I leaned away the best I could a the while also trying not to lean to much over Jirou. So here I was sitting stiffly between my classmates, one of which was making my chest squeeze. I could only hope the universe would do me a solid and not let anyone ESPECIALLY Todoroki—

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