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*Kiribaku in the Movie⬆⬆⬆⬆⬆*
(I CAN'T ❤❤❤)

Normal POV

After his late..self intervention last night, for the first time in a while he overslept, which is probably why he figured no one notice and bother to come wake him up, he was normally an early riser.

But he was silently thankful for the lack of presence in the dorms while he got himself ready and thoughts together. Though he came to term with his feelings for Midoriya and his whole situation yesterday, he was still abit nervous to face the emerald eyed boy. Being in contact with anybody else didn't seem too appealing either but none of the situations could be help. He had to go to class. Today was important, the Provisional License exams were coming up.

Plus now Midoriya had now put his absolute trust in him with his secret, he was now Midoriya's blood servant and he knows Midoriya would hesitate if not totally dismiss his hunger, not wanting to bother Shouto. So he had no choice bit to stay close and check with Midoriya incase he's in need of blood.

Sticking a buttered piece of toast in his mouth, Shouto adjusted his bag and headed out the door re-locking it behind him as he was the last to leave the dorm.

The walk to class felt too short for his taste. Todoroki was now just aimlessly standing by the towering 1A classroom door, he stood there awhile trying to calm the buzzing in his stomach. "This shouldn't be so hard. I see Midoriya everyday, I see everyone in this room eveyday. And no matter how bad I feel about it, hiding my feelings shouldn't be so hard, it is hard-

"You going in or not?"

Todoroki jump ever so slightly turning his head to meet the bored gaze of Aizawa, eyebrow slightly raised.

Aizawa seemed abit worried or surprised at Todoroki, he didn't even notice the older's presence and even seem startled, but said nothing.

"Y-yes." Dropping his head, he pushed open the door shuffling into the room aiming at his seat praying no one bother to notice him. Thankfully no one or so he thought as he sat down quietly trying hard not the glance at Izuku's side of the class.

Everyone quieted down going to their seats as Aizawa shuffled in after him.

Class went on as usual.

* * * * * *** *. * * * * *.  * * * * *

Besides Momo who didn't really stress or pick up on his behavior too much except for Little 'are you okay's once in a while, Todoroki was able to avoid Midoriya and Everyone else ................till lunch atleast.

The dual quirk was currently in the cafeteria, Midoriya nor Uraraka or Iida were anywhere in the room.

He was walking besides Momo almost to hiding behind her spiky hair but kinda failing due to their height difference , she was going on about the possibilities of trials of the Exams, Shouto only half listening as he was stuck in his inner turmoil.

It was more then half way through the school day and Todoroki had neither talked or made eye contact with the Half Vampire at all. Sure Shouto had been nervously glancing at Midoriya all day with the luck of not meeting gazes, but he didn't the other thinking he was avoiding him .............

Though that's exactly what he was doing....Just not in the way the Midoriya might think.

He didn't want his ...'friend' thinking he was avoiding him because he didn't trust him, or because he's a vampire interm concluding maybe he regretted being his blood servant.

"Todoroki." 'and here it comes' he  grimaced looking up from his soba to meet Yaoyorozu's concerne filled gaze.
"You seem a bit out of it...for all dsy infact, is everything okay, are you still tired."

"No. I'm fine, I'm not tried" which wasn't a lie he wasn't tired.. physically but emotionally well.....
"I just been thinking... about the exams and all."

"oh...I see." she didn't seem too convinced but didn't push on the matter she just went back to scarfing, somehow still gracefully her lunch big lunch infront of her knowing full well she would need the extra energy for training this afternoon.

"Excuse Me Yaoyorozu." We booth look up to see Iida standing there hold a few papers. "I'm sorry to disturb your lunch but I'm afraid we're needed in the student council room."

"Oh ..no problem I'll be right there." she swallow and stood up gathering her tray. "Todoroki." She glazed apologetically at me. Waving her off and assuring her it was okay, my gaze flickering to and behind Iida to see if the others were here as well.

He made out Uraraka and Asui but they were sitting with Mina, Jirou and... Hagakure... I think..no wait...never mind it's her.

Iida turned to Him as Momo got her stuff together ready to follow him.
"Sorry to steal Yaoyorozu from you but duty calls and also its good to see your up and about and doing much better."

"It's fine. and Thank you." he said simply but sincerely. Watching them walk away, he let out a sigh deciding he should probably leave as well.

"Hey Todoroki!" he froze. His heart literally skipping a beat hearing the voice tha Is like music to his but the voice  that he also at this time didn't know what to answer back to.

Lucky for him...sort of the owner of the voice circled him as he was behind him at first and situated himself infront of the table.

"Mind if I dit here?" he asked a bit fidgety.

Todoroki stared at him mind blanking a few seconds and heart beginning to race. Before he could answer. "s-sure." he cleared his throat and mentally cursed himself for stuttering. But the other didn't seem to noticed as he pulled him chair to sit down.

The two remained quiet for a few minutes Midoriya starting to eat his katsudon (obviously) and Todoroki deciding to go back to eating the other half of his unfinished Soba.

"So...."Midoriya starting swallowing abit of food."How come you were so late this morning?"

"I...I just overslept ..I guess." Todoroki muttered eyes glued to his bowl.

"oh..if I had known you weren't up I would have come to wake you up myself. I should've though ...after what happened yesterday..my bad."
Midoriya said give a unsettled laugh

"It's okay." The other simply said too nervous to look up at the greenhead. he went over all of this...all of these feelings last night..but now that the object of his affection was sitting right across from him ...he didn't know what to do, what exactly to feel.

Midoriya on the other hand obviously not knowing his friends thoughts felt the tense atmosphere and mind went to the only explanation he could come up with.

Nervously biting his lips, he put down his chopsticks trying to meet the others gaze but fail as he was met with just a split of white and red of the taller's hair, head down bangs covering his expression. He wasn't even eating just swirling his chopsticks in the noodles.

Letting out a sad and knowing sigh he dropped his head also, not like if the other would see him.

"Look Todoroki...."Midoriya began, voice slightly shaky and quiet in the chattering lunch hall, volume only loud enough for the other sole occupant of the table to hear, or atleast he hoped heard him.

"I don't know if you think I haven't noticed but I have, and I know what this is about, why been acting this way, ignoring me."

* * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * * * * * * * * *

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