(38) Blushing

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"Ah chillax, I just wanted to talk with both of you, test something......well test a few things actually but we'll get to that later." Sitting in the middle of the room Hisaya smiled and clasped her hands like she was about to do official business

"NOW, For now sit down get comfortable let's get started!"


"YOU WANT US TO DO WHAT?" Midoriya almost Screemed, Hisaya soon shushing him and shooting him a look.

"What I just asked for you to feed on him, it's not like he hasn't done it already."

Midoriya was a red and stuttering mess "y-yeah, but I have plenty of blood packets left, I don't need to feed on him—"

"yeah but this isn't just about consumption, it about how you do it and how your body reacts to it is what I want to observe, especially around humans, hence why he's here," The older Midoriy said her tone a bit more serious "Besides Todoroki here already agreed, you can bite him as much as you want, isn't that right Shoto"

Todoroki was a bit taken a back by the use casual use if his name by someone that wasn't his family but he got over it and smiled. "yes, I'm here to help with what ever you need Midoriya."

"he's not a chew toy though." Izuku mumbled under his breath with a pouted but even though she heard him Hisaya just ignored his comment and resistance.

"Great -." Hisaya said breaking the brief slot of silence with a clap of her hands, "now do your thing." Todoroki unbuttoned his shirt, which thankful had a with vest under it, like nothing, which he probably wore on purpose since Todoroki hardly wore those shirts, and slipped the fabric of his shirt off his shoulders exposing his fresh pale skin. If was the same side he's bitten before the fangs mark just a small pale red, you wouldn't notice it if you tried and even then it could just pass as a normal bug bite.

"Go on." he heard Hisaya earge him from behind. Doing this with Todoroki was already embarrassing as it is, besides the guilt of literally feeding on his own friend their was evrn more guilt because deep down he enjoyed it amd it felt... good. In more ways then one. But having Hisaya watch, his cousin, that was just plane weird!

As if reading his thoughts Hisaya spoke up. "Just pretend I'm not here, I know feeding is kinda intimate but it's not like I'm watching you guys have sex or something—"

"Hisaya!" Midoriya shouted in horro.

"whaaat? anyway you don't have to take long, just a few seconds and we're good."

Midoriya turn back to Todoroki and signed. What if he couldn't stop. sometimes he's afraid he can't stop. Sighing once more in conviction he moved towards Todoroki who still sat there quietly, shirt practically off his body. The Freckled boy felt bad but making eye contact right now right felt impossible. His face had been on fire from the moment Todoroki walked into the room but being this close to he didn't know if the heat was coming off Todoroki's left side of he was simply over heating.

Clutching the youngers shoulders to get himself into position, he stopped a few centimeters away from the younger's skin, his skin smelling fresh of scents and soap. Before drawing his fangs he whispered a soft sorry to Todoroki, he wasn't exactly sure what he was apologizing for but Todoroki responded never the less with a low reassuring hummed that only he probably heard.

Pressing his lips to the warm skin of the dual quirk user's skin his fangs automatically drew, sinking into his to his flesh, Midoriya sucking softly at the oozing red liquid. Midoriya, and Hisaya, noticed how Todoroki didn't flinch one bit. Midoriya couldn't see but Todoroki closed his eyes almost as if it relaxed him, his hand had also found it way at Midoriya's nape gently supporting the greenhead against his neck.

Todoroki being so unbothered sort of calmed him, he wasn't that worried anymore which since he had his fangs in his neck just clouded his mind all he could focus on now was how good Todoroki tasted, and how soft his skin was, he also wanted to drag his tongue all of over him because of it. He also felt how Todoroki unconsciously starting massaging the back of his head. He just felt to so good right now, almost intoxicated. He was so high on cloud nine that he even almost forgot about Hisaya.



Frantically pulling away, also forgetting to lick the wound clean, Midoriya mentally scolded himself for loosing sense of time, he didn't know how long he took, could have been forever, felt like for but at the same time it felt so short he felt so... deprived.

Todoroki flutter his eyes open shortly. At first they just stared at each other neither not knowing what to say, Midoriya  was about to ask him if he's okay but Todoroki suddenly lifed his hand to Midoriya face, hooking his fingers under his chip and gently swipe across the Freckled boys' lower lip with his thumb. The heat that he thought subbed in his cheeks returning full force as he stutted incoherencies.

"You had some ....blood there." he said simply wiping the blood on his own shirt (it was his blood anyway) offering a small smile. Now maybe he was probably going crazy but he thought he say a tiny dust of pink on the Dual hairs boy Cheek's but then again he probably was crazy and Hisaya coughed gaining both their attention before he could over analyze anything.

The oldest in the room was looking at them both with a calculating expression. When her eyes specifically landed on her cousin izuku swore embarrassment should now be his default emotions cuz that's all he feels now, he really want to crawl in a whole and die right now.

Standing up she walked over to the two, she lifted both their heads, turning it from side to side, visually examining them and even checking on Todoroki bite mark. She then turned to Midoriya. "Izuku I have to make some notes I'll get back to you when I do okay?" Midoriya nodded "Mind if I talk to Todoroki a bit?"

"uh sure..."


Midoriya sat puzzled. "you want me to leave?" he tilted his head. "just for a little while, the adults need to talk—'

"excuse me we're in the saMe year plus I'm older then him—"

"that's nice, now out you go!"


"I just need a few minutes, go outside and smell the grass of something, I'll make sure he drinks the thingie so he won't pass out ok bye—"

With in a few short moments, Izuku was pulled to his feet and pushed outside as the door quickly shut behind him. He stood there a few moments processing what happened.

"did I just get kicked out of my own room?"


"The UA students live in dorms now, how do we even get to them with out a teacher present much less kidnap one with out drawing much attention to ourselves." the green reptilian man questioned, cradling his drink in his hand. His attention turning to the black mist infront of him that was currently cleaning a glass. "They have day offs and some have certain times where they leave for personal errands and whhat not, in those times it's very low for them to have a guard of teacher with them especially if it's day out." the mist concluded.

"So you wanted us to kidnap a UA student, in broad daylight?" the stiched man in the corner spoke. "yeah, that's real low key."

"Just do some research, pick a target, and watch from afar, and stay behind if anything goes wrong," the mist msn then turned to the two bunned blonde, currently shoving ince cream into her mouth with a nice, her ever sadistic smile on her face as she giggles menacingly at nothing in particular, or maybe it was the excitement of what her role was in this plan Tomura came up with.

"Toga will handle the rest."


happy new year❤

idk how I even had drice to continue this chapter lmao

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