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Normal POV

Midoriya sat up and gave Todoroki a bright small. "I'm totally fine with this."

Todoroki shoulders relaxed, almost relieved. But suddenly smiled making the smallers breath stick in his throat. Then as if he wasn't confused and dying on the inside already the taller had the audacity to let out a tiny laugh. He felt like his art was trying to killed him but he didn't understand why.

"Sorry it's just that, we both worry to much and you also some blood here."
Todoroki composed himself but that smile was still there. Midoriya was both relieved and related to the dual quirk user, he suppose he was right. They worry to much..he worries too much. Todoroki is just trying to help him, he's the one that needs helps but he keeps worrying about nothing.

Also he was a bit confused as to why having blood on his face was funny.

Another thing was he got so comfortable in Todoroki embrace, his mom's the only one that's ever done thst for him, and she hasn't done it or he hasn't let here do it since he he was about seven, since he decided to atleast try to be strong, to not go home crying and worry his precious mother.

Todoroki rubbing his back and running his fingers through his hair felt different somehow but just as special and relaxing.

The other's reassuring present and touch alone making him feeling so loose and relaxe almost forgetting where he was, and what he was doing . he just did as instinct intended not fighting it like last time. Get comfortable and drink.

He may have gone a bit over board, the bite was a bit deeper then he intended, so he had to lick at it more then to make sure the bleeding stopped. But he's glad Todoroki wasn't in any pain.

He was abit worried that he may be putting up a front for him but with what Todoroki said before, if he worries then Todoroki and then everything just goes south. So for Todoroki's sake and trust he tries to let it go. Since he not immediately passed out or worse screaming in pain, he must be fine.

Speaking of Passed out-

"Oh! right you need to drink it!" Midoriya practically jumped up from his seated place in from of Todoroki not giving the other a chance to say anything. He insisted insisted Todoroki stay put while he got the cup of Chishiru off the small near by table.

Upon grabbing the mug, he found it to still be pretty hot but he wanted Todoroki to take it right away and he figure something like the temperature of sometimes might not bother someone like him. He also grab the bottle of water on the stan next to it since he would need it.

"Here you go" Midoriya chirped as he handed Shouto the steaming mug. Midoriya took back his place infont of Todoroki but a bit further away, folding his legs under him with his hands steady on his lap as he modesty watch Todoroki again study the drink.

The dual quirk user kept sniffing at the liquid inside turning up hiss face in mild disgust as if he kept smelling it the almost putrid smell would go away.  eventually he settled for pinching his nose and downing the drink with in seconds.

"hmmm the temperature really was no problem." the green head thought watching Todoroki take one last gulp, setting the the mug then reaching for the bottled water.

Todoroki gulped down  the whole bottle of water just as fast, then directing his gaze to the thankfully calm Midoriya across from him.

"Drinking that with forever be the only down to this arrangement." he mumbled wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeves.

Midoriya's eyes widen at this abit bit his face then broke out in a blinding smile as he let out a small giggle.

"Really? I guess that good! How do you feel?"

"I feel normal actually."

"great!" the look on his face was a mix of joy and relief.

There was a pocket of silence before the green head look straight up into the other's eyes, voice quiet and sincere.

"Thank you. For this, for everything. I was worried before but you made me feel so safe. so calm. even when I'm the one biting into you and should be doing the reassuring." Midoriya hung his head bitterly gripping at his pants.

"Midoriya." Have a good day looking up at dimensional his name he met to Todoroki's serious but calm gaze.

" from now on can't we both just promise to not worry so much, and if we have to do this again you won't hesitate, deal?"

A smile itched it's way on to Midoriya's features.


"I guess I should leave and let you rest now,, we do have class in the morning." Midoriya said gently side stepping off the futon and standing up, Todoroki made a move to stand up too but Midoriya stopped him with an outstretched hand. "I can get the for myself, is there anything you would like me to do before I go?"

"um no I'm fine." Great then I'll see you tomorrow Todoroki!" Good night.

"Good Night."

Midoriya quickly grabbed the now empty thermos before making out the room and quietly shutting the door behind him after muttering a few goodbyes again.

Todoroki however sat almost frozen in place, staring at the now closed door. I wanted to say something but he couldn't and knew it wasn't right. He wanted Midoriya to stay, atleast for awhile longer.

Heaving a sigh, pulled back the sheets, to get into them, he thought to change his shut but quickly decided against it it smelled like Midoriya after all. Closing his eyes and letting his body relax he slowly drifted off to sleep with dusted fleckes and green hair in mind.

Midoriya POV

I just left Todoroki's and I feel ......


I don't if it's good or bad...it does feel bad I guess but I'm still very confused.

I was almost to my door, when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. hand frozen on my door nob, I Fished it out of my pocket reading the message that I had received.

From Hisaya :

|Sorry for not answering been pretty busy lately. video chat tomorrow at 6 to make it up?|

"About time." I mumbled entering. I quickly typed a replied, hoping she could help or atleast tell me what's going on.



LOL I don't normally don't do OC's but this called for it.

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