(39) He's Fine

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When Midoriya left Todoroki let himself breath. It's not that he wasn't comfortable, he was more then enjoying it which he felt so weird for, he felt hot and not hot as in his left side, though he did feel like he wasn't gonna burst into flames. He felt a different kind of hot and he honestly didn't know if that was appropriate or not hence why he feels like running away and burying his head in the sand.

He couldn't completely rest tho. Hisaya was here.

Midoriya is a very smart guy, probably the smartest Todoroki has ever met but he was a little, well very, oblivious. But thankfully so else he'd be able to see right through Todoroki like Hisaya did from the moment she layed eyes on him, and he honestly didn't think he wasn't ready for that yet.

or ever.

After buttoning his shirt back up, Hisaya patted the space beside her on Izuku's bed. "Come shouto let us talk." he couldn't tell if she was being goofy or not but then again even if he's known her for only a day and half now, from what he's observed it might as well be both.

Taking the seat next to her, even if she was virtually younger looking and smaller, he felt like he was having a talk with his mom or sister. Though what she was probably about to discuss was probably not something he's ever discussed with his mother not sister.

"so.." Hisaya drawled lightly "how do you feel?"

"fine." he simply to which she hummed and pulled out a small pouch at the side of her, and small skin coloured bandage on Midoriya's bite mark. She then checked his pulse, completion, Todoroki staying silent and just letting her do her thing, when she checked his heart rate she gave him a weird but amused look but said nothing, after she was done she pulled out and handed it to him. The container holding the same concoction Midoriya gives him after he takes blood, he still didn't like the taste but he finished it off quietly none the less.

Hisaya stayed quiet next to him while a drank, scribbling something down in a small note book. He concluded  the girl wasn't gonna ask him anything.... weird like he thought she would so he figured he get some answers before he left.

"so... is Midoriya gonna be ok?" he knew that sentence sounded more dire then it needed but he wasted sure how to word it, but he figured it had to be something of atleast some worry since he had his doctor cousin come all the way here.

Hisaya looked up from her notes "huh? oh nothing wrong with him he's fine." she said but Shouto still looked on questioningly. and Hisaya chuckled. "I'll tell you what I did and will tell Midoriya, because of some..uh.. recent accurances.. Izuku's body is going through some changes—"

"like puberty."

"uh yeah kinda but more like adjusting, it's adjusting itself." Todoroki was quiet for a moment taking in the information, and also dismissing the fact that she was talking to him like a kid that know nothing of the birds and bees.

He looked to her again before speaking "Is this because he didn't have a quirk till recently?" Hisaya was a little taken aback, did he know about the all might thing too?

"You..you know about?" that she asked cautiously.

"Yes. we all do."


"Midoriya said he was a late bloomer, his quirk didn't manifest till a little before the entrance exams—" 'oh thank god' Hisaya sighed internally, All Might's secret was definitely NOT he's to tell and no way she was getting in trouble for it.

"— and even then he didn't know how to control it, kept breaking his bones everytine he used it. It was honestly worrying. But he's come so far now. "

Todoroki's voice became light, has he recalled every inspiring moment he's spent with Midoriya, which might aswell be every moment, just thinking about them and Midoriya making a ghost of a smile appear on his face, he probably didn't notice but Hisaya did

"He so braved and determine in everything he does, he sims gor the top but never forget's ir deters those around him, he as such amazing spirit, strength and control, hell even back when he was breaking his bones he was amazing." 'and he's cute too' but god take him now if he says that out loud.

Hisaya smiled. Even if it weren't for the fact that during their run she pried the information about the boy in front of her having feeling for her darling cousin she would have still guested it (though she technically did.)

It wasn't hard to see the boy infront of her, was very aloaf, probably sometimes stotic, just all wrong not very expression and liked to keep to themselves, some mighy say he was he just really shy but when he talk about Izuku, when he looked at Izuku his eyes were filled with nothing but love, respect and admiration.

Maybe Hisaya was just being her normal hyper observational self but the fact that she's met Todoroki less then a few days ago and can already see he's deeply inlove with Izuku if nobody else has noticed they must be seriously blind.

Izuku included. B.L.I.N.D

"Are you finished?" she asked motioning to the flask to which he nodded and handed it to her.

She was planning on teasing and grilling him on Izuku but decided to give him a break. This time atleast. "Anyway if my hunch is correct once Izuku body is done adjusting it's self things should go back to normal for him, getting a quirk doesn't change the fact that he's only half vampire so his needed blood intake should go back to more or less what it used to before. to normal." She finished picking herself and the things off the and offering Todoroki a hand which he took.

"So life should go on as schedule."

"Thank you." shouto said.

"If anyone should be saying thank you it should be me, for being such a great friend — " future boyfriend " to Izuku I know he appreciates you alot."

Hisaya held back a giggle at the faint blush that painted the tallers cheeks. The cool calm Shouto Todoroki was an even bigger cute love struck dork then she thought. Shuffling towards the door she called out, I'd love to talk " tease you " with You some more but I should probably go to recover girl."

"That's right your here on an internship."

"yup so I'll be here for a while so i can observe izuku if anything, and keep my grades up up hehe, anyway tell Izuku if he ask," Hisaya grabbed the door nob, a big Cheshire smile growing on her face before speaking. "later future cousin-in-law." and with that she closed the leaving the dual coloured boy standing in confusion before it dawned on him.


" • • • • • • • • • • •"

"—o-oh." he spluttered in realization, not even trying to suppress and his is flustered expression abd Redding face as he was alone in the room.

He liked Hisaya, it felt good to tell somebody what he was feeling, especially when that was the confusing and personally unfamiliar feeling of well having feelings, romantic feelings for someone else.

while a weight seemed lifted off him there wasn't another..not obstacle per se but a unforseen side effect.

He was gonna get teased to death wasn't he?


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