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Normal POV


The door suddenly swung open revealing the flickering and questioning gaze of dual blue and brown.

"T-Todoroki hi—


Hisaya practically pushed passed her Cousin , almost knocking the poor frozen boy into the bushes, and shoving her hand into Shouto's hands shaking it almost to eagerly. Todoroki was very confused but he didn't make a moved to pull away from the smiling girl.

"um Who—" he was just about to ask what her deal was before he only now studied her futures, his eyes shifting to Midoriya who's gaze refused to look up and moved from his 'trapped' hand.

"Midoriya?" he tried again, as the girl let go of his hand she said nothing as she stepped back shot a glance at Midoriya then back at him with a big grin. Thankfully the silence didn't last very long as Midoriya finally spoke up.

"Um.. Todoroki this is my cousin, Hisaya."

"Oh. It's nice to meet you then." Todoroki said turning back to the still smiling girl. he was almost about to extend his hand in greating again but remember she almost shake his hand off a fee seconds ago. They same bubbly evident in her tone when she spoke.

"Like wise, your specifically the person I wanted to meet I—

"You wanted to meet me specifically?"Shouto asked with a raised brow.

"Yes, ofcourse I need to see what my Little brother's blood Servant is lik—"

"Hisaya!" Wined said "little brother"

"What it's not like he doesn't already know?"

"So you shouldn't be talking like that in the open." At this Midoriya was frantically looking around and whisper-shouting.

"....blood Servant..." Todoroki mumbled to himselfs connecting tge dots. 'Midoriya did mention that the only humans are his mother and her family, so that's means everyone on his dad side is that could mean—'

Todoroki stepped forward
"Are you a um- a uh....."

The two viridescent haired cousins stopped their mini whisper squabble and turned towards the dual user.

"..a..a you know what." Todoroki finished, he regretted because what if she was from Midoriya's mother's side and he wasn't sure about the relationship there, he didn't want to end up accidentally exposing Midoriya.

Hisaya on the other hand only smirk as she got a little a Todoroki's personal space.

"A what-." She question slyly smiling wide and Suddenly revealing two sharp white fangs. " a vampire. huh?"

Todoroki didn't seem taken back of scared at all, he actually unconsciously exhaled in relief, which caused a confused look from the doctor in training.

"Why do you looked so relief?" Hisaya faked a frowned. " I know you must have seen fangs before, come on aren't I scary?"

"I..not really."

Hisaya chuckled closing her mouth once, Fangs completely disappearing when her toothy grin was back in place, this intrigued Shouto abit but he didn't voice it.

By now Midoriya was a bit on edge. How can they both just talk so casually about this.

"Guys!" He whined again.

"Sorry Midoriya," Todoroki apologized quickly catching the gist of the situation, he then turned to Hisaya. " It was nice to meet you but I almost forgot I was called to the front office so I'll see you guys later I guess.

Izuku and Hisaya stayed on the stairs waving Todoroki off, when he was out of sight Hisaya hopped down the stairs.

"huh hey where are you going." the younger asked.

"Just gonna settled into my room. I wanted to meet Todoroki and the universe delivered but you looked like you where having a heart attack while I barley said two words to him, if I meet the rest of your classmates you might pass out, So, imma let you breath till a next time."

"oh..thanks i guess."

Hisaya noded and walk on here way after adding "text you later zuku."


Midoriya made it up to his room, closing his door and sighed. he didn't know why he was so on edge anyway, Hisaya knows how to handle herself, but then there's the off change she might pull an "embarrassing mother" and well  embarrass him.

A frown mared his face but slowly slipped into a content smiled.

Embarrass him or not. He was actually really happy to see Hisaya, she one of the few family members that are here for him if he reaches out.

Now that she's here, he hope she can help him.


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