(41) Useful

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It doesn't matter how much of a genius you were or how initially good you are at what you do all internships start out the same way.

With grunt work.

Observing, Sideline work, cleaning up, shining stuff, being the makeshift receptionist, fetching this and that and the classic  job "getting the coffee coffee."

Though it wasn't as bad and over the top at UA, Hisaya still wished she was doing something top of the line, and interesting. She doesn't regret one bit coming here to help here darling cousin but she does wish Recovery Girl atleast gave her something really important to do instead of supply shopping and deliveries.

It's probably due to the school being on lockdown and under tight surveillance, medical records and such can be used as a weapon if used right, if Hisaya was evil she could do some real damage with UA medical information and other school information with th freedom she was granted buuuuut SHE'S ISN'T so she doesn't see the problem.

She could probably do her own research but her personal stuff was mostly vampiric and she of course couldn't risk anyone finding out and snooping around UA especially around this time might not be a good look on her.


But here she was doing little chores. She was personally going to the hospital to deliver some  samples for further analysis.

She was almost infront of the hospital when she felt like she was being followed, but tried to brush it off. Entering the hospital she delivered the material and exited with out probably the weird sensation she felt almost forgotten untill she felt it again after leaving.

She tried her best to ignore it cuz trying to find it would probably be a bad idea plus she was going back to UA who ever it was would probably turn tail amd leave when she enter such a secure facility. All she could do now was try to stay in the crowd and—

She paused.

Somebody was crying, it sounded like a little kid. Back tracking a little bit to the alley way she justed passed, she peaked inside and saw a little boy huddled against a stack of empty trays, shoulders shaking as he sobbed. With out a second thought she walked towards the boy.

"hey..are you okay? what's wrong?" she approached gently."

"I can find my mommy." the kid sniffled.

"tsk it's okay I'll help you, come on." taking the boys hand, She was about leave when she saw an impending  shadow, she bearly managed to dodge, little boy in hand as she tucked and rolled, as something crasher into the wall. If was like a giant syringe.

The little started crying again but she hand know time to confort him as she observed the figure now retrieving the syringe weapon stuck into the wall.

"Well you're a slippery one aren't yah?" A slim blond, about the same height as me jumped from the shadows.

"Your from the league of villains, aren't you." it was more of a statement then anything.

"My my I must be famous then but...You don't like like a hero, so I'll make this quick—" She lunged at Hisaya with her needles, not even giving her another word in but Hisaya gritted her teeth 'She wasn't going down without a fight!'

Tightening her grip on the little Hisaya narrowly dodged the needle, desperately trying to side step the blond to get to the exit but to no avail.

Toga paused her Mirage of attacks and smirked. "Your not a hero but your pretty fast." the 'compliment' felt almost mocking. But Hisaya hardly paid it any mind as she attempted a plan of escape.

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