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"Hey Hisaya I heard you chose the Japan internship, I thought you were gonna get the French one with me." The short haired blong pouted, The green head she was referring to smiling in remorse.

"haha sorry Jessie but something came and It was a last minute change, plus it would be nice to go back home."

"Awww fine...but just remembered to bring me something or else I'm not gonna bring anything back for you."

Hisaya laughed giving the other a joking hand shake. "deal."

"so.."Hisaya's best friend Jessie, since the started of the year sat beside her peering over her shoulder to see what she was doing.

"So which hospital did you choose, I assume it's somewhere reachable to where you lived."

"Sort of, I was going with Hosu but then I came across this little offer." Hisaya smirked handing the other girl a paper, scanning through the information her eyes widen"

"wow...this is.. wow.. different but ..wow.— and Oh MY GOD WAIT!, you already got excepted!?"


"wow..only miss top of the class could pull this off at "last minute."

"I said I was sorry Jessie...."

"yeah yeah. .but hey this is basically a course, hero work, you ok with this?"

"yup, I'm totally for the new experience, these two week are gonna be... interesting so say the least."..


Normal POV

Todoroki was just leaving the Library wearing his casual clothes since he visited the dorm before returning to study, when he spotted a familiar head of green a ways a head of him. His name slipping loudly from his lip before he could think twice.


Said boy turned around face breaking out in a bright smile, a genuine one. Not like the worrying expression he's been wearing all day. Todoroki could tell, even from this far.

Catching up to the halted boy he looked him once over before speaking.

"You're still in uniform? how long was your talk with the teachers? are you in trouble?"

"what ? no haha...i was just talking with All Might and"— he probably should have said that, he looked at the boy next to him already feeling that suspicious gaze.

"Todoroki no."

Said boy broke eye contact looking over Midoriya's head in an almost innocent manner, starting to walk, the shorter automatically following.


"I know that look." Midoriya insisted.

"What look?"

"He's NOT my dad."

"I didn't say he was."

"But you were thinking it!"

"I wasn't..but if we're on the subject .."

"oh my god, he isn't—

"step dad—"

" if I can trust with my family secret why wouldn't I be ok would just admitting he was my dad?

The taller hummed seemingly taking the explanation, a suprisely mischievous smile suddenly appearing on his face.

"so...... future step dad.?" He didn't know if Todoroki was purposely being annoying or just Theoretical. He would have been really proud of Todoroki right now for being more open acring his age, joking around, and proud of himself for Shouto  showing him this relaxed side of him. But those thoughts were not really playing on the forefront of his mind in this  situation since his behavior was at the cost of Midoriya's expense, poking fun at him.

"*sigh* Todoroki ..no.... he's...just a friend of the family I guess.."

Todoroki quieted in thought for awhile.

"Is All Might a Vampire too?" it's official, Todoroki was a theorists..or could be one..or just had a very colourful imagination.

"No no he didn't even know about that!"

"oh...ok—WAIT 'DIDN'T' so he knows now?!"

damn it. who knew grammatical errors such as past and present tense would be his down fall in keeping a secret.

"How'd he find out?" was his next question. to which Midoriya had to explain the reason for his whole evening, making sure to leave out everything about One for All, he only got permission to tell Hisaya after all.

The time of their walk he finished trying to convince Todoroki that it was best All Might knew so he could get better access to Blood if anything so he wouldn't have to drink from him anymore, he kinda didn't want to talk about Hisaya and why she was coming yet.

Todoroki, if Midoriya didn't know better looked a little disappointed for some reason but didn't say anything as the continue to the dorms in silence.


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