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Todoroki POV*

knock knock!*

"Midoriya are you awake?"

"Uraraka you can just asked if he's awake, suppose he was asleep how would he answer you?"

"then how would I know."

I was cut off from what was about to say by the bickering of what sounded like Iida's and Uraraka's voice. I could tell if I was relieved or disappointed at the interruption.

Midoriya get up to answer the door, leaving me on the floor. picking myself up, I went over to the mess I made, to clean it up. Behind me I could here Midoriya open the door.

Midoriya POV

Opening the door I was met with the face of my two friends. They started bombarding me with questions to which I tried to answer in the most relax and reassuring way. Ochako seemed to be action abit weird or maybe it was just me.

It was only after a while that Iida noticed Todoroki in the room.

"uh..ah Todoroki you were here all along, we were coming to check on you as well, how do you feel?"

Todoroki turned around, from picking the stuff on the floor, giving the two a once over, briefly glancing at me before turning back. "I'm fine thanks, I think my lack of health today was the result of not getting enough sleep, should be easy enough to fix." he finished flatly resting the tray on the dresser.

"Thats good to hear, Cause Tomorrow we will be starting discussions and training for the provisional license exams." Iida another waving his hands in his robotic motion.

"Really! I can't afford to miss any class or training anymore!"

"I take it you feel well enough then?"

"Yup good as new, I'll be in class bright and early! all day this time." I chuckled, this seem the two more at ease as they smiled gently.

Suddenly I felt arms around my neck, be I could register it was Uraraka, she was hugging me, she pulled away face flushed with a small smile. I felt my own face heating up as well.

"I'm just so glad your ok, you don't normally get sick or miss class so we were all really worried." she finished hands still on my shoulders.

I was abit taken back by her actions as I stuttered a quick "thank you" as she stepped back a bit flustered herself.

"Todoroki are alright?"Iida questioned, our heads turning back look at the boy in question. Todoroki..he looked worried..no conflicted? I immediately began to silently panic, maybe he was still feeling the effects of earlier. But before I could say anything he walk up to us face shifting to his normal almost apathetic expression, insisting he was fine.

"I think I'll head to my room now, I-I'll see you tomorrow Midoriya." he said walking around the two and pass Iida and Ochako who parted to let him through, not really waiting for a reply the only thing was a unexplainabe glance towards me as he made his way down the hall.

"oh then Good night then!" I called out quickly before he turned the corner..why was he suddenly in such a hurry?"

"I hope he feels well enough to come to clasd tomorrow." Iida voiced head still turned to the corner of the hall Todoroki just turned, with concerned expression.

"yeah," Uraraka chimed in, "and I wonder why he didn't take the elevator instead, the stairs are that way."

I frowned. Something wasn't right.

"Well I guess we should leave you and retire to our owns rooms, training was especially tired today, and you should gey extra rest, come on Uraraka."

"o-oh okay good night Deku- oh do you want my to take those down to the kitchen for you!" Uraraka asked referring to the empty tray of dishes on the table.

"Oh no you don't have to-"

"No its fine. Give them here." walking over and fetching the tra, I handed it to the brunette giving more quick and sincer 'thank yous.'

"good night Uraraka, Night Iida Bright and Early," I called to two with a big smile as they walked away.

"Bright and Early." Iida called back giving a thumbs up, as he and Uraraka turned the corner of the hall opposite to the one Todoroki took, to the elevator.

Closing my door, I moved and layed on my bed. Thinking about the day.

'What a day.'

I lost control.

I drank straight from someone.

and I apparently now have a blood Servant-doner.

All in one day.

Reaching for the light switch, I flipped it sending the room into semi darkness. the only light coming from cracked door of my bathroom and faint light of the moon.

I know Todoroki means well, but if what he said was true and I never got my blood parchments on time, and I keep needing blood from him, or even worse..I get hung up on drinking straight from a person. I can't let that happen.

School's just gonna get more busy, training's gonna get tougher, but as soon as I have a day off, with permission to leave the school compound and with out alerting my mom. I need to phone them. They are the only one's who can tell me what's going on with my body, and pretty much the only one's who might be able to help me go back to the way things were.

I wasn't really tired, but at the same time I did. Rolling over to my side and pulling up the covers over my body, I closed my eyes, aiming to go to bed early , waiting for sleep to take me.

I did promise Iida.

Bright and Early.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. **.

Ok so heads up I might not be able to update tomorrow. Apparently I have a tumor or something, its not cancerous so don't worry, but anyway I have scheduled surgery tomorrow, so wish me luck!

and another heads up, As you can tell I'm gonna Incorporated some one-sided Izuochako and also some one-sided todomomo (maybe) kiribaku wont come for a while but lets just see.

Also I'm contemplating if to continue with canon or not but we'll see how far it goes till i just start straying from the canon Divergence.

See you guys in a day or two!❤❤❤

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