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Uraraka Pov

"Can you stop. He ' and' Todoroki are not well and this is not the time to thinking about that sort of thing! Besides it's not true anyway." I frown trying to ignore Aoyama. He keeps trying to bring up my crush on Midoriya. But its not the time for that. I haven't out right said I like him, to anyone.

But I he knows, that I know, that he knows. He's just trying to bait me into into admitting it, but not Today bub.

Training was just finishing up and we were heading to the locker rooms.

Training for the provisional license exams were starting soon, I hope Deku feels better he practically missed two days of class and hero classes. Though I don't think that would hinder him at all, he's so strong and amazing.

and so focused. unlike me.

"Hey Uraraka, why so glum, you alright?" I let a nervous squeak as Mina came up to me, waving her hands infront on my face. I immediately straighten up and let out a nervous chuckle.

"I-I'm fine, just a bit tured is all."

"oh ok, then lets all walk back, you done changing?" Mina beam slinging her bag over her back. Nodding I grabbed my bag, closed my locker and shuffled out the room with the other girls.

While walking back to the dorm, the other's laughed and talked about this or the other, but I unconsciously lagged behind, my mind running in it's own thoughts again.

I can't focus, while I have these feelings, I try pushing them aside but.... everytime I see Deku My heart just beats so fast and my stomach flutters unconsciously, even I do feel that Little pit of jealousy when he's doing great in class and at being a better hero, I still feel the fluttery.

So what to do.

Maybe, I should just talk to Deku about it, ut don't even have to be directe, I just need to get his take on it, though if I do end up telling him, I shouldn't get my hopes up that he likes me back, I mean, why would he the others girl in class are so much prettier anyway.

Or maybe, he doesn't have a crush, it hard to tell when he stutters with almost everyone.

Maybe if —

"Uraraka." Turning around towards the voice I see Iida and the boys, nearing our group girls.

"oh Iida, hey."

he was about to say something when he looked at my face and frowned. "Uraraka are you feeling alright, your face is red?"

my eyes widened a bit turning around hide my, apparently obviously blush, "oh no, I'm feeling great, its probably just the heat!" I say laughing it off and beginning to walk again. Luckily it was just Iida who noticed it and not one of the other girl, since he didn't press the matter and just walked alongside me.

Taking a deep breath I tried relaxing and letting heat sink from my face.
"So should we check on Deku -oh and Todoroki when we get back."

"Well we should, though If we knock and they  don't seem to be awake, we leave them be till tomorrow, and something tells me, though he was in that state, Todoroki might have still went to check on Midoriya himself."

Nodding We silently walk the path to the dorm, only the chattering of the rest of the class heard.

Upon entering the  dorm, you'd think the chattering would continue but it almost ceased, the exhaustion of the day taking its toll.

Since nearly all of us showered at the locker rooms, most of the class just headed to their rooms. Instead I followed Iida to the boys side of the dorm, to check on the Deku and Todoroki, entering the elevator we aimed to go to the closest room, being Midoriya's room. (A/N I think, idk lets just say it's closer )

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