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Todoroki POV

Getting closer the figure was slightly shakes, whimpers of pain could be heard, I rushed forward to him, my chest and stomach being overwhelmed with anxious worry as I watch his eyes soulessly flutter close, obvious evidence of tears staining their face.


I crouch down next to the green haired boys, frantically but carefully trying to turn him over. His breathing was Shallow and ragged, some of the  little green curls clung to and framed his face that was red and burning with sweat.

My breath hitched in my throat
for a minute at the site. Hang on Midoriya. I thought aiming to get him to Recovery Girl, but before that I reached into my pocket for a handkerchief to wipe his face. As my hand and handkerchief made contact with Midoriya's cheek, his eyes suddenly flew open, his stare almost life before it was covered by his hair as he directed his gaze to his lap aimlessly.

"Midoriya why didn't you—


He mumbled so softly I almost wasn't sure if I hurt him right, but before I could say anything, I found myself suddenly slammed flat on the ground, the grass hardly cushioning the swift blow as I scrunched up my face in pain and confusion.  It all happened
so fast, All I remember, even if it was just a few seconds ago was blurs of green. The impact almost making me lose  consciousness. But before that could take me, I took in the sounds of breathing and.... crying?, right next to my right ear, A hot breath hovering over my neck. It took me a while to register the weight that was on my body a hand pressing dow? my right hand by the rist. Fighting the throbbing in my head I forced my eyes open, my gaze being met with wild curls of green on my right. Midoriya for some reason had me losely pinned to the ground.


I called softly but the other seem to flinch at the sound, his whimpers getting louder. I was about call out to him again when the he raised his head up, glowing green eyes filled with pain and something else I could make out. It took me a while to realize he was still crying, droplets of the tears sliding down his cheek and falling onto me.

Thats when I noticed it, his teeth...they looked so different, so sharp, fangs? Looking back up at his contorted face. I realized his eyes were actually glowing.

Neither one us said anything, I didn't know what to say, was tgis part of his quirk? The boy above me pupils were dilated, his eyes not focusing, it looked so conflicted, like wanted to run, but his body kept him stationary and me still pinned beneath him.

"Midoriya." I say again getting his attention, but his eyes widen, then shut them tight as if to deny I'm here.

"Midoriya, what wrong." I say reaching for his arms.

"I sorry, I'm so sorry!.." He chocked out, unbeknownst pain lining his voice, tears falling anew,. and I felt his grip loosen on my wrist. 'why was he apologizing?' A bit hesitantly I push out my free hand and reached to touch  Midoriya's cheek, He flinched at the touch, eyes widening and suddenly darkening.

"Midoriya we should get you— AAAAaaagghh" I screamed at the sharp pain invading my wrist, pulling and clutching at my hand that was once placed Midoriya's on cheek. Before I could register what happened, Midoriya was situation about a feet away from me, crouched down, clutching around his mouth looking absolutely petrified, eyes darting between me and my now  bloodied wrist.

'Did he just-

Midoriya stood up, hands falling to his side revealing sharp Fang teeth and lower face covered in blood, 'my blood...'

"Midoriya." (new games everything Todoroki says Midoriya take a shot LoL.)

"I'm Sorry!" The green head almost shouted this time, turning on his heals. and running towards the dorms. Getting over my initial shock, I stood up still clutching my bloodied wrist studying it abit. 'he...bit me...'

Getting a getting my handkerchief are at my arrest and picked up midoriya forgotten bag. I turn to stared at the school building, 'I should go get help, but if he went through all this trouble not wanting to go to Recovery Girl, I should find out his reason, that side of him, the eyes and the fangs..I never knew about that, and it looks like he doesn't want people to know.'

Turning back around, glancing at my banded up wrist, a frown slipping on my face. "I'm Here for you Midoriya." I say slugging his bag over my back and sprinting in the direction of the dorms.

Reaching the dorm he seam to leave the door slightly open, going up to Midoriya's floor, I quietly approach his door quiet wimpers being heard. Taking a deep breath,  i pushed open the door, the room was dark, but bits of some kind of plastic with traces of red littered the  floor, Midoriya's was in the corner of the room, crouched down, head between his legs, and visibly shaking.

The Plastic things, seem to pint, blood bag? It didn't quite understand the situation, but I understood enough.
Midoriya didn't seem to notice me, as I slipped in the room and closed the door, the 'click' making him raise his head in alarm. Eyes widen and trying with all his might to inch more into the corner. "Please, you can be here, please" he pleaded eyes filled with pure fear.

"It's okay, I want to  help you." I say softly, dropping his bag to the side and approaching slowly.

He seemed to grow more afraid has I approached "NO PLEASE STAY AWAY, I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU" he Screemed making me hault as he burried his head in his lap.

Pausing and looking around the room again, the blood bags, Midoriya's lost in appetite but still looking hungry throughout the week and tired. I could be totally off cuz I've never heard of this actually being real, it all sounded like some kind of fiction novel, but in a world where quirks exist you can't  dismiss everything.

Analyzing all I could, I turn back to Midoriya and slowly approached him, his pleas protest still being heard but most of it muffled, Crouching down in front of him I spoke not entirely sure if I wanted what I said to be true or not, but kept my voice as calm and gentle as I could.

"Your hungry Aren't you?"

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