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Midoriya POV

It was still just second period and the halls were empty. My right hand covering my mouth and my left barley gripping my backpack as it dragged on the floor, while I too try to drag myself threw the halls.

I hurts so much.

My wobbling legs finally gave out on me as I collapse in the silent hall, My breathing haggered. I managed to make it a ways away from my class room or any close class room that was in session before I started to feel the full effect of what I'm feeling now, but I couldn't stay here, someone could find me and they'd probably want to take me to Recovery Girl. Though that's probably where Present Mic thought I was going, I definitely could go there with my type if condition.

So hungry. So thirsty.

Pulling myself up the and moving towards the exit I began to think. The only place I could go right now was the dorm. I had no choice, It came way sooner then expected but I need the last pint of blood. Probably only after consuming it, I can be stable enough to think of something.

I managed to make it out side, I still had to use the wall for support, so I was still in the shade of the building and trees.

almost there.

My suddenly breathing became more ragged, I tried to speed up my pace and let go of the tree I was using for support to follow on the path to the dorms when a sudden stab of pain went through my chest ; 'Aaaaaagghh' I growled out completely collapsing on the grassed floor.

So hungry.

I wanted to move but y limbs said otherwise.

It Hurts

I layed there in pain, my body slightly shaking. My vision being occluded by my sweat and tears ...(A/N blood sweat and tears - BTS  Masterpiece sorry I'll continue now )

I layed there a few seconds, my senses scrambling, I could hardly tell where I was Anymore, I feel like I was slipping into unconsciousness, I came fighting knowing there was nothing I could do, at least this was better then attacking someone possibly hurting my friends.

I let my eyes flutter close.

The last thing I remember was smelling a deliciously sweet smell. so hungry.


Everything was fading to black. ,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Todoroki POV

"Sir may I be excused!"

"Sir may I be excused!"

"Sir may I be excused!"

I turned to my right to see Uraraka and Iida also standing, looks of worry etched across their faces.

Glancing at Midoriya's fallen chair my face hardens, then I look back up for Present Mic's Answers. A frown made his face as he looked between all three of us.

"Look, I know what your trying to do, but I can't send all of you, I shouldn't even send anyone you." he said standing against the desk.

My eyes didn't drop from Mic's as he scanned our faces as if trying to read us, I tried to keep up a strong front as he did so. sighing and picked up a hall as he motioned towards me.

"Fine. Todoroki you go." Giving a small sighed of relief as I made it to the front of the class, giving a quick glance to Iida and Uraraka the looked alnost disappointed but gave a nodd of acknowledgement as the sat back down, almost if saying a silent 'we trust you, make sure he's okay.'

Grabbing the pass and Getting outside, I was just about to head in the direction of recovery girl when I spotted something on the floor in the opposite the direction. Getting closer, there was no mistaking it. I was Midoriya's Yellow All Might Wallet.

But what was it doing over here. Its 'was' in his pocket during class, though it wasn't like I was staring, I just noticed. But then, why would he go this way, Recovery Girl wasn't in this direction, neither where the bathrooms or teachers lounge, especially if he was looking for All Might or something, so why would—

"The dorms." I muttered in realization and I stuffed the wallet in my pocket and began running towards the exit.


Arriving outside, I slowed my speed but continued on as I scanned the area , he wasn't here, he probably got back to dorms already— I froze as I made made of a limp figure laying frace down, next to a tree, off the path to the dorm.

Getting closer the figure was slightly shakes, whimpers of pain could be heard, I rushed forward to him my chest and stomach being overwhelmed with anxious worry as I watch his eyes soulessly flutter close, obvious evidence of tears staining their face.


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Get ready for some possible blood sucking tomorrow...just maybe a little. More then sexy or hot and heavy like normal Vampire AU...it might be sad ....yead... super sad...so prepare.

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