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Midoriya POV

I just left the cafeteria Like I was being Chased, my fangs aching, I could have almost been found out, and when you think about it, and the most stupid. The score would look like:

peice of stake - 1

Midoriya's Life - 0

. . . . . . . . . .

Today, like always, I got cafeteria food and the food here no joke is super good. Anyway Today I decided to try something different which resulted in me getting "stake bits", it looked like a new addition to the menue so I thought why not try it.

It looked really good to be honest, even the plating was nice, making me wonder if I really should eat it. Quickly dismissing the thought Picked peice up with my chopsticks.

But as I sunk my teeth into it, I froze, the steak seemed to be severly undercooked. Now If I was a normal person the sensation and taste of the raw blood would have disgusted and sicken anyone, but I was almost savoring the taste, though I remember when I was younger I remember one of my aunt's (on my dad's side so a vampire) telling me animal blood wasn't that good for us and its human blood we need though I don't remember the specifics but its why I don't stock up on animal blood.

I was just considering quietly returning the dish, till my fangs suddenly pierced through the meat in my mouth sending almost a bolt of electricity through my body causing me to messily drop the meat and stand up in surprise, my hands automatically going to cover my mouth.


I looked up so see the surprised and confused faces of my friends Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki and Asui.

"I......I need to go" I choked out from behind my hand, already turning to leave. I tried to get out of there as quietly and calmly as I could, Any protest or calls made by my friends drowning on deaf's end as my heartbeat pulsated in my ears.

Practically running into the bathroom (which I was thankful no one was in) I found myself the furthest stall and locked myself in.


Something was wrong.

Checking my phone again to make sure I wasn't just losing it. According to the time, I've been in here for over five minutes and my fangs showed no signs of retracting. I started to silently panick.

Another perk of being a "disabled Vampire" not really any control over the fangs.

"ok ok, calm down, I normally just let it do it's own thing, so maybe if I really concentrate, they'll go.

*10 minutes of intense concentration brought to you by all 50 states of SMASH!*


What do I do? what do I do?

Trying to check my phone again, I flinched and almost dropped it when I heard someone enter the bathroom, my hands unconsciously went to my mouth, though they couldn't possibly see me.

*anybody have something else I can use other then "disabled Vampire" ?

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