(44) Struggling

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Midoriya POV

I've only been in here for about five minutes, but I couldn't shake this feeling that something wasn't right.

Hisaya was acting weird, I can't exactly pinpoint what about her didn't feel normal but it just didn't feel right. The biggest red flag being the way she was practically glued to my side since I came in.

This shouldn't feel weird Hisaya was sometimes very touchy and cuddly with me, normally loving to tussle my hair and nussle her face in it. So this shouldn't feel out of place right? But it it did.

It felt lest like she was hugging and cuddling me and more like she was...feeling me up? Save for right now, as she had her body now sprawled over my lap kicking her feet in the air.

This all felt a bit too...weird....

I tried to push the feeling aside, but as tine went on and I tried striking up a conversation, it just worsen my feelings became. I tried asking her multiple things, but, she kept her answers short and almost vage, it felt like she was avoiding something.

"So how are you feeling? Do you want me to do or get anything for you?" I tried, sitting stiffly under her, she didn't turn to to me as she spoke only folded her arms and laid her head in it. "Nah I'm fine it's nothing serious I'm just ....kinda tired I guess."

"oh." I said simply.

"Well uh how's your research going?"


"I...see. And did you find anything out about me? Is my... health ok?"

There was a pause before she gave a slow "...yes. your absolutely fine— what have you been up to?" The response was slow but firm as if trying to convince me, before changing the subject back to me.

I wanted to write it off as her not feeling well, but something was telling me other wise. It didn't seem like she had a problem with talking...just not about herself? It felt like she was avoiding talking about certain stuff, especially things that involved her.

She respondes to anything involving herself simple and vaguely. The the biggest and last straw was her turning down a Chance to tell him about her research. She hardly ever gives up the chance to go on and on about her research especially ro someone who'd listened.

Something was definitely wrong. she's wide awake and—


Or not...

'Okay' I thought, 'maybe I'm just being paranoid and she's just tired, she's ill? After all.

Deciding to take my leave and let her rest, I shook her lightly I scooted from under her, "I think I'll leave now nad let you get some rest." i announced standing up. She gave a me a rather odd look but didn't protest, only nodding in response sitting up.

"Call me me of you need anything okay?" Another nodd. A brief awkward silence befell us before I nodded dumbly at her, giving a meek 'good bye' before turning to the door.

My hand was just one the handle as I heard shuffling, I was about to turn back around expecting to see Hisaya changing her mind and pouting for me to stay but all I say was a flash of white fading into black as a harsh slap of pain breaking through the back of my head.

My body hit the floor with a harsh thud but I couldn't focus on anything accept the pulsing pain in my skull, pain and a warm pooling feeling which I could only assume is my blood. I then suddenly felt another sharp pain at the base of my neck, but the throbbing in my head was so intense I almost didn't notice it, it felt like a thick needle.

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