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Midoriya POV

I eyes fluttered, gaze being met with a plane white. 'Right I forgot I wasn't at home anymore.' My eyes, stung but suprisely, all in all I felt pretty good, better then I had in a while, I wonder why-

"Todoroki." I whispered, in shock, the memeries of a while a ago, dropping on my conscience like bricks.

"W-What have I done?" I choked out, hands gaurding my mouth, my fangs fortunately not showing but still I felt disgusted with myself, not only because I lost control and did it, but because I knew deep down, I enjoyed the sensation of my fangs burried in Todoroki flesh, his blood wasn't that warm which even though I took from his cold side was odd but enduring and sweet....."Im disgusting." What did Todoroki thibk of me now, did he tell the other's?

Taking a deep breath, I calmed and sat up on my bed, and scanned my room, though it was a bit foggy, If my memory served me right when I came into my room I practically dove under my bed and ripped the last pint of blood right out of the box, messily chugging it down, but as I feared it wasn't enough. Though I knew nothing was there I mindlessly threw out everyone the ice and all, scanning even the very bottom of the Small cooler even searching threw my trash bag of empty packets in desperation.

But Obviously, there was nothing.

I Sighed clutching my head, unfortunately knowing all too well what transpired next.

Ripping off the covers, I swung my legs off the bed, dropping them lightly on my cushy bed matt. My eyes scanning the room, my gaze lingering on the single corner where I know all to well where everything happen. But you would never have guess since my room looked fairly clean even in the dark the only light eliminating the room was the rays escaping the semi permeable curtain. Todoroki must have clean up I guess.

I'm not sure what happened after, I pulled away from Todoroki's neck and cleaned the bite wound, which was very embarrassing, I remember my face practically burning but it had to be done so lesson the pain I sure I caused him.

After that, I must have passed out, but if we were on the floor way over there, 'he must have carried me to bed.'

Pushing my previous thoughts aside, I grabbed my phone checking the check the time, it was around 12, probably currently lunch time. Was Todoroki at lunch? Was he in his room? Or did he go back to school? Would he tell anyone? I hope not, not even Iida and Uraraka, they may be my closest friends but still.

Or worse yet. . . . . .  .Was Todoroki okay? I did drink his blood and in the heat of the moment, I'm not sure how much. Though considering he was well enough to lift and carry me to bed, clean up, leave and possibly go back to school maybe not too much. But still, I did take blood from him, and seeing as it was more then enough to satisfy me, it must have still been quite a bit, plus anyone would feel some sort of recoil at the blood lost and I don't think Todoroki is a annual blood doner or goes around offering his blood to other Vampires( Thought I definitely doubt he knows any.)

Also with it being his first time and all, made it just that much worrying. I don't think it was okay for him to be up and about.

I went to put down my phones since there seemed to be no recent calls or messages when I spotted a peice of paper labelled 'Midoriya' on it. Slowly picking the marked paper, I flipped it opening.

My breath hitched in my throat as I spotted the almost unnoticeable streak of blood on the top of the of the once folded page. 'Todoroki' I whisper pure guilt building up in me. I bit my lip trying to disregard the blood stain, trying to actually read the letter thst was from the obvious own of the blood, from the Fire-Ice user himself.

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Todoroki POV

I was currently in the Cafeteria with Uraraka and Iida and Asui. and I had quite the time trying to convince them that Midoriya was fine but needed rest so they shouldn't bother him even when we returned to the dorm. The request seem a bit selfish on my part, but it couldn't be helped.

Though they complied you could see the worry play out on their faces and especially Uraraka's. And the atmosphere was a bit tense, I eat with them all the time, but Midoriya was always here.

I sighed weekly slurping my soba into my mouth. I guess I was starting to feel the effect of early. I was so busy before running round trying to explain why I wasn't back in yet, Trying to convince Iida and Uraraka and luckily Recovery girl seem to be a bit Busy with renovations so if your case wasn't too serious, you should see and go back to the dorms or go bavk to the dorms altogether, which all way to convenient for us in this situation.

"Um Todoroki, are you alright?"

I looked up to see Iida looking at me with concerned frown. Must be cuz I was unconsciously now slouching in my seat, head lazily in my hand, with out mindless using my chopsticks to play and pick at my Soba.

"I'm fine." I answered trying to correct my posture and continued eating my lunch, but Asui soon piped up.

"You surs, you do kind look a bit pale ribbit?" '*sigh* Ofcourse I do'

"Yeah Tsu's right you do look kinda pale and you seem really tired too.......... even more then usual" Uraraka chimed in, mumbling the last part.

Assuring them it was fine again Lunch continue in silence, whether it was an awkward or tense one or not, I didn't know as I fell in and out of my own musings, and trying to fight my obvious tiredness.

Lunch ended and I couldn't even bring myself to finish my call soba, my enjoyment of the food's usual taste and temperature just wasn't there for me today. The others sending obvious glancing towards me but not saying a word.

I got to say, it was nice having then seemingly care for, we all aren't and weren't that close and I thought they only Tolerated my presence because I felt somewhat close to Midoriya but. But I'd like to think we've gotten closer especially with since the Hosu incident and all. I should open up abit. maybe just a little.....but before I think I need a nap.

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