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Normal POV

Midoriya kicked himself from his dazed and tried distances himself from the clingying girl, holding here at arms length and taking in her face.

It was different from looking at her on a computer screen, she was sort of the same especially her face. She was also taller but so was he so now they literally see eye to instead of Midoriya barely meeting her shoulder like when they were little.

He doesn't have any siblings, never really gad friends before U.A and was never really close to any of his family... except for Hisaya before she moved away, he loved and missed her so much, he needed her in Japan for reason  but of it mattered when Midoriya realize how much he missed one of the few person besides his mother he knew cared and loved him like he fid them.

Hisaya stopped trying to boldly attack him with huggs has she calm stepped back Izuku's defensive grip sliding off her shoulders. She then gave him a warm smile and place a gentle hand on his head.

"Long time no see Izu."

"Hisaya." His voice broke and eyes became glassy but refuse to let tears fall as he was now the one smashing or attempting to bury himself into the girl's chest, because he was a little boy any. But Hisaya Graciously accepted the hug, gently rubbing him back and stroking his hair as she remember he enjoyed.

The two adults in the room remained quiet letting the reunited family members have a moment. The silence warm and comforting Hisaya spoke.

"Aww look at my little man, i see your aren't a crybaby anymore, holding in those emotions I see!"

Midoriya pulled away bashfully rubbing his suddenly, slightly running

"....just barley." he muttered.

"What's thats?"

"—n-nothing—I- All Might!"

Midoriya turned to the tall man, pulling Hisaya with him.

"All Might this is my cousin Hisaya."

Introduction were short and pleasant before Recovery Girl interjected.




Both Green heads answered simultaneously, Which caused Recovery Girl to stare baffled at her own mistake before she clear her throat and began again.

"Hisaya, you just arrived and  won't  be starting anything until tomorrow so-" she then turned her gaze to Izuku
-" Midori— er Izuku since your family why don't you show her around the school and help her get settled in, her room should be ready by the time your down."

"u-uh Sure."


The two shortly exited the room, Izuku Offered All Might to come with them but said he needed to speak with Recovery Girl.

The school building was mostly empty only a few teachers and authorized students here and there since school was out for the day. Izuku showed Hisaya all the basics, classroom, Cafeteria, library, training rooms offices and more.. though he purposes avoid the dorms and anywhere any of his classmates might see him, and he really hoped Hisaya didn't notice—


'damn it.'


"Where's your dorm I wanna see it and " she lower her voice just incase the hall walls had ears, " -and your blood Servant, I wanna meet them."

Midoriya swallowed nervously knowing this was inevitable. He didn't really have a reason why he was avoiding his classmates but right now he kinda wished she 'just' wanted to meet his classmates and not his blood servant, Todoroki specifically.

"Um..you sure? I could show you where my dorm is but my classmates might be busy and Todoroki—"

"Right Todoroki that's his name!"

"Y-yeah anyway they might be busy besides Why is meeting my blood Servant so important."

Hisaya turn to him with grin and unexpectedly  pinched his cheeks "I wanna meet your classmates to see what kind of people are influencing my precious baby cousin!" she giggled walking infront of him, hands behind her head, striding calmly ahead of him as if she knew where she was going, her tone calm and warm as she began to talk again,

"-and as for meeting your blood Servant, you know why I'm here, as your friend's already involved so he might be useful and besides that, you told me he not only allow you to drink from him and keep our secret but he literally offered his body to help you-

"could you not say it like that" Midoriya interjected in a mumble cheek tainted but Hisaya carried on as if she didn't hear him.

"-he did all that for you with no demanded questions. He must be somebody pretty special-"

The green head girl suddenly stopped turning her head and slide glancing her cousin with a mischievous but somehow sincer look.

"—Or rather 'your' someone special to them."

"Hisayass i-its nothing like that!" 

Said girl giggled and decided to take pity on her flustered whining cousin and drop the matter.......for now.

"hehe fine, you don't have to personally introduce me to this Todoroki guy yet and Tell him about everything yet, I did say we would talk on Saturday, tomorrow but I still wanna meet your class!"

Midoriya thought a minute but sighed in defeat "Fine come on."

"yay!" Hisaya cheered as Izuku let them in the direction of the dorms.


The pair of Cousins were nearing the dorms, Izuku unconsciously explaining some stuff about the buildings and order on the way to distract himself but to unfortunately the other side of his brain and conscious were praying that most of his classmates, especially Todoroki were out, busy or just stuck in their rooms. He wanted to get Hisaya in and out as soon as possible.

There were walking to the front door of the dorm, Hisaya didn't have much to say since most of the dorms looked alike and she said all she needed to on the way.

He could probably deal with Uraraka and Iida were in the common room, he thought, but please don't be Mina or Kaminari..or Torou.. they'd call everybody and make it an interrogation. Or even worst please don't be Todo—


The door suddenly swung open revealing the flickering and questioning gaze of dual blue and brown.


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