(47) breaking biche

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There had been many instances in which Hisaya was so glad she was a vampire.

This was one of them. If she was a normal person, well a normal in which their quirk didn't give their body extra reinforcements, she'd have some serious head and brain injuries from that blow, most likely not even waking up as soon as she did, or worse, actually dying.

It looked like she'd been practically laying in her own blood for a while now. Her head drummed in discomfort but sge thinks the worse if it had already healed itself, All Curtisy of vampiric powers, which is probably also why she felt so weak and hungry. But she was just thankful she was alive cuz judging by the state she was in the people that captured her didn't think she would be.

Counting her blessings she looked around, taking in her surrounding. She was in a rather dank and dingy room, she tried not to think much of the dirty floor as she's still and had been laying raw on it for a while now.

The only light source coming from cracked open door infront of her, and there seemed to be no one near the outside. There was also a barred window at the side of the room, the gentle moon light and dark sky signalling the night.

Looking down at herself, laying in pool of blood, some of it dried and flaking off her skin, she was beginning to be impress with her own vamperic healing ability, there was so much blood, the half of her clothes touching the ground painted and soaked in it, she'd never tested her limits like this- not that she'd want to have near death experience just for reaction, she was crazy but not that crazy. Anybody else would be dead but besides fatigue and a splitting headache she was fine.

After another round of thanking the heaven's she then noted the thing that bounded her and almost wanted to feel offended. Only her hands were bounded but they didn't tie her up with those almost impossible to break out of plastic strap or not even rope, oh no these so called big bad league jerks tied her up with what seemed to be some random thin peice of cloth! It didn't even feel that tight if she worked with it a minute shed probably be able to get it off no problem.

The greenette huffed in amusement. From the unattended open door, the barred window with broken beam she could try to slio through and the horrible excuse for bindings, these idiots probably really DID think she was dead, why were keeping her body? she didn't know. This wouldn't been so much easier if they just left her in that alley.

"Well, I could work with this" shimming out of the clothe binding just as easily aa she thought, she sat up, feeling a little woozy as she did so but quickly caught herself. Pulling her foot up she slipped off her shoe and reached inside, pulling out a device from the insides of the soles and thanking the gods once more that it wasn't totally ruin from her little scuffle with the blond chick earlier.

She was no inventer but this was only a prototype of something she was tinkering about with which is why it was complete shit, but it was a her only hopes right now incase shit went south for her. It didn't makes calls, now looking about the charge it currently had, she could only send about 3 anonymous texts, that would immediately delete itself from the receiver's phone after exactly 60secs which just yhis situation even more of a gamble.

"Hisaya maybe you should definitely stick to medicine." She patronize herself.

Quietly walking over to the barred window, that on second thought looked a little to cramped, she immediately spotted a familiar established, giving her an all too perfect idea of where she was. Hisaya looked down at her phone with weary smirk.

Now the questions was who to send it to.


Todoroki was now sat up in the principles office, All Might besides him, since the man seemed know about Midoriya's... Background somewhat. Seeing as though Todoroki had already deducted had some deeper kinship then teacher and student... Possible family- he wasn't too suprised.

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