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Vanessa was greeted by a pretty young girl at the front door of the mansion, scant of clothing and dressed mostly in perfume. Underneath the faux fragrance, the woman didn't smell like a vampire, though. A human, then, likely either a willing donor or compelled to forget so often that her brain was basically grey pudding. It was hard to tell either way, since the girl avoided Vanessa's attempts at continuing conversation.

So much for being polite.

The manor was huge, multiple halls and wings all looking far too similar, and the outside indicated that there were more floors that the one she traversed. Eventually, they came to a large set of black double doors, much like Vanessa had seen a few times over in their journey. The girl opened them, gesturing Vanessa in with a bow before closing them quietly behind her after she had entered.

A long table was set in the middle of the room, a white tablecloth over the wood and contrasting with the dark décor surrounding it. Six men stood from their seats as she stepped toward the table, each smiling tightly as she observed them without any expression whatsoever. They were devastatingly handsome, and Vanessa held no question as to why they had been chosen to be turned when their time came. The tallest of them, standing opposite her at the head of the table, spoke first.

"Dame Vanessa," he bowed politely, "Let me begin the introduction. My name is Namjoon. Of the Seven Princes, I am considered the leader, though we all hold equal council in terms of decision making. Here," he pointed to the beautiful man next to him on his right, "Is Jin, oldest of us in both mortal and immortal terms, and diplomat between vampire-human affairs. This," he gestured farther down, "Is Yoongi, second oldest and our main procurer." He smiled wide, a set of innocent dimples surprising Vanessa as she watched a light ignite in his eyes, "Closest to you is Jimin, his good nature making him the best to help bring new progeny to acceptable levels, and to draw out and assist with control of their powers."

Venessa returned the smile of the cherub next to her, feeling surprisingly genuine. He had an aura of comfort and serenity around him that she had rarely seen in males of her kind. It was...refreshing. Her attention was brought back to Namjoon by a clearing of his throat.

It took him a minute to look away from Jimin, smiling softer when he moved his hand to his left, indicating yet another warm aura and bright smile, "This is Hoseok. We pride his capabilities in compulsion, and therefore he also assists Jin with human-vampire relations. Especially in cases where negotiation is less than effective. This," he gestured to the mysterious-looking male beside Hoseok, "Is Taehyung. He is fairly young, his powers yet to come to full fruition," he nodded warmly at the prince, "But his use of logic is unmatched, and he has proven himself quite capable in how we as a council conduct our business and ourselves."

Vanessa looked around the room, blank face back in place, "There are seven princes on the council," she observed, "But only six of you here." She looked back into the eyes of Namjoon, "So who's missing?"

Just as Namjoon raised his hand to the back of his neck in embarrassment, lips parted to make an excuse, Vanessa's answer came in the form of a bulk of man fumbling through the doors to the room. Shaggy, raven hair cast over wide, dark eyes and flawless skin. He had obviously been turned at a young age, lucky to have kept his robust figure for all eternity. He stumbled a bit, tucking his shirt into his unfastened pants, the smell of blood and perfume permeating from him as he eyed the room with a cocky smirk. His eyes landed on Vanessa, smirk growing deeper as he raked his eyes over her figure, thoughts as loud as a trumpet.

"Jesus, Kook," Jin rolled his eyes in exasperation, "Show up on time or not at all, man. You knew this meeting with Dame Vanessa was at this time."

"Important business," the male answered, earning a huff of disbelief from the table, "Couldn't wait."

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now