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Vanessa squealed in laughter as she raced through the kitchen, Taehyung's rumble following right behind as he chased her. 

"Don't you dare," she warned on a giggle, "I will use every power I have to put you in your place!"

"You wouldn't," he paused, deciding which route to take around the counter to reach her, "I'm fucking irresistible, Dollface, and you know it."

"Don't tickle me," she warned again, body squirming at the thought as she feigned left and right to keep him off guard, "I can't be held responsible if you do!"

"Worth it."

No sooner had the words left his mouth, Taehyung leapt directly into the air, twisting his body to the direction Vanessa chose to run and landing as he grabbed her tightly, They tumbled on the floor together, his fingers already flexing at her ribs and thigh as a screeching cackle tore from her throat. He didn't have strength over her, but he had the element of surprise and her one physical weakness on his side. He refused to relent, switching up hand positions and places to get to her as she writhed and tried to escape, earning new peals of laughter and curse words with each renewed attack. 

When he finally slowed and let her breathe, they found themselves laying in the middle of the kitchen floor, arms wrapped around one another and breathing heavily as his body lay over hers. Vanessa took the opportunity to look him in the eyes a split second before lifting her head and stealing a kiss from those plush lips. Taehyung returned the fervor, adjusting himself to rest between her legs as they opened for him and letting his hands roam in planning to deliver a new volley of sensations.

"Your mate," he groaned as she kissed along his chiseled jaw, "Jimin?"

"Don't care," she responded breathily, "We have agreements."

"And if they decide to kick my ass?"

"I'll freeze them in ice."

Taehyung groaned again when she flexed her hips up to grind against him, "Fuck," he bit out, "Worth it."

He lifted his body, eyes watching his hands as they drifted up her thighs, exposing her cocoa skin inch my inch as her dress lifted. Her skin was unbelievably smooth under his fingers, the flesh supple and plump. She wasn't without her flaws, but gods be damned if he didn't find her perfect in every way. Her yellow lace underwear where like a magnet for his appetite, the honey of his perspiration making her equally hungry for him. 

"I'd heard rumors of the beauty of the Phoenician," he whispered as he pushed her dress up over her perfect breasts, "They were obviously under-exaggerated."

"I'd heard about the sex gods known as the Princes," she returned with a giggle, fingers curling into his brown hair as he nipped at the nipple perked beneath the fabric of her bra, "Those were pretty accurate."

Taehyung huffed out a laugh against her skin, "Good to know our reputation precedes us."

Any reply Vanessa might have had was lost in a long moan as Taehyung groped her breasts together and ground his clothed cock against her core. His hands gripped the fabric of her bra, nearly ripping it as he pulled it down and cupped it under her heavy mounds, serving her taut buds for him to lick and nibble while his palms smoothed down her sides. His breath hitched, ending on a growl to find her panties soaked completely through, her essence coating his fingers as he played lazily at her covered slit. Kissing a trail down her stomach, he looked up and locked eyes with her as he pushed her underwear down her hips and thighs, never breaking his gaze even as his tongue found its home amongst her folds for the first slow lick.

"What do we have here?" an amused voice asked from the entryway, "Seems as though all the fun is being had without me."

Both Taehyung and Vanessa looked up quickly, finding Jeongguk leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed and an eyebrow quirked at the scene before him. An arrogant smile crept across Taehyung's face, just before he dove in and licked again. Vanessa's attempt to say Jeongguk's name was interrupted by a loud whine, her eyebrows furrowing in pleasure as she locked eyes with her mate. She watched as he stalked toward them, body beginning to shake as her orgasm was brought forth by the tongue at her core, back arching when Jeongguk crouched beside her and rolled her nipple in his fingers aggressively. 

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now