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"Don't kill him," Namjoon chided, pinching the bridge of his nose in both stress nd amusement, "He's a horse's ass, but we've grown attached."

"Maybe killing him a bit much," Vanessa agreed, " string his guts around? It won't kill'll just shut him up for a while." She got an excited look in her eye that concerned her lover, "Ooh! I could chain him to  wall and make him drunk just a tiny bit of silver every day until he apologizes! Or just take his voice box out every morning! Or -"

"Jesus on wheels," Jimin's eyes were wide as he looked at her, "I don't now if I have a fear boner, or just a regular one."

"Six of one, half a dozen of the other," Hoseok chimed in, winking at Vanessa, "Thing is, Cupcake," he addressed her casually, "Those things won't work. That kid has seen some shit, and you'll only vindicate him if you torture him."

"What do you mean?" she asked with genuine curiosity, sitting down over Namjoon's lap.

"Do you know what it means to be a Born?" Jimin asked, a serious look in his eyes, "Not what they are in general, but what it means to be a known natural vampire?"

"Not really," Vanessa confessed, feeling guilty about knowing so little of her own creations, "Just that they are very rare."

"Well, to us, they're special, obviously," Namjoon explained, "But to some factions of humans that know about us, and even to some very small factions of vampires, they're an abomination." He smiled at her obvious distaste for the word, "You were not born, you were made, and the lore as we've heard it means that you are something outside of nature. Therefore," he continued as Vanessa listened with rapt attention, "A vampire being born shouldn't happen. There shouldn't be a natural creation of an unnatural being."

"But I was made by a goddess," Vanessa protested, "She granted me powers to save me."

"That's true, but most retelling has made it into a story of an angry girl, though admittedly abused, that made a pact with a devil to get her revenge."

"That's bullshit!"

"It is," Jimin agreed, "But without you to tell your story, men with fear in their hearts told it the way they best saw fit to take away your power. To take away from you being a victim, and to make you into something to fear rather than revere."

"As such," Namjoon added, "Jeongguk has been hunted for his entire life. Even before he gained his immortality and it was proven that he was, in fact, a Born." His eyes turned sad and dark, "But not before he watched his own parents be slain right in front of him, when he was still mortal and had no strength to fight off the hunters who killed them."

"Oh no."

Jimin nodded his head sadly, "Yeah. He barely got away with his own life, and lived on the streets for a few years until he grew old enough for his immortality to take hold. After that, he could be scented or searched out through magick. We literally found him running from a pack of hunters, several of which he had killed in a fight, but still being outmanned and outnumbered. We fought to save him, and have kept him with us ever since."

"The human council that made you stay with us?"Namjoon lifted her chin with a finger to meet her eyes, "They gave him the same decree."

"He's part of the Princes or he's free game the second a hunter can get their hands on him." Hoseok finished.

"That's what he meant," Vanessa murmured, "About decades and eons." She scowled, "But then why is he being such a dick to me specifically? I don't think he's an abomination. I don't think his sentence is any more fair than my own."

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now