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With the rest of the group out for yet another meeting with the human Council, the two 'dangerous wards' were stuck in the house, bored and antsy. Jeongguk had resorted to playing video games while sitting on the floor in the living room, Vanessa reading a book nearby on a couch. 

"MotherFUCK!" the man yelled out, the screen indicating he had died, "This is bullshit!"

Vanessa sighed, putting down her book, "Games are meant to be fun," she intoned, "If it's not fun, stop playing it."

"And what should we do, instead?" he groaned, laying flat on his back to look up at her, "Braid each other's hair and talk about boys? Share our deepest secrets?"

"Was it your heart?" Vanessa asked quietly, not making eye contact, as though she hadn't had the question burning inside her for days.


"When you cut...pieces...out of yourself...back then. Was it your heart?"

"How did you..."

"That's what I did," she answered the question herself, "It was my heart, every time." Her eyes met his, vulnerable and sincere, "That's the part that hurts, so that's the part that needs to go, right? People say you can't live without your heart," she scoffed, sitting upright and pulling the blanket closer, "Turns out they're right, in a way."

"Jeongguk rolled over, looking at her in awe, "It was my whole chest," he admitted, "Heart, lungs,...just...everything." He laughed at himself bitterly, "When I took my heart and the pain didn't stop, I just kept...digging...just kept at it until my body gave out and I went to sleep to regenerate."

Vanessa nodded her head in understanding, "And after it doesn't work for the thousandth time...:

" just turn it off." Jeongguk finished.

The two of them sat in silence for a few long minutes, each contemplating and remembering those times in which they had wished for the few things they were sure they could never achieve: Forgiveness...retribution...death. 


"Well, this is a bunch of bullshit," she sniffed, wiping her eye and giving a definitive clap of her hands, "Time to drink."

She was met with excited doe eyes, "I have an even better idea!"

"What could possibly be better than drinking until we forget we even have a past?"


"Now," Jeongguk spoke in her ear over the music, "We have rules...and I admit I don't approve of all of them, but they're in place for a reason."

"And what reason is that?" Vanessa asked, casually accepting the drinks handed to her by the bartender.

"Well, for one, it keeps the Council off our asses," he chuckled, "And also Joon and Hobi are fucking scary when they're mad." He shook his head at her questioning gaze, "They might not have as many powers as we do," he grinned almost reverently, "But their smooth negotiation skills aren't the only reasons we consider them the leader and second-in-command."

Vanessa had a moment where she considered what kind of punishment they could come up with, but the look in the youngest's eyes told her it wasn't likely to involve ropes and leather.

"Okay," she resigned, "What are the rules for hanging out in a hedonistic night club?"

"First," Jeongguk pointed a finger and rolled his eyes, "No killing. We can feed, especially since both of us can compel them to forget, but everyone walks away with nothing lost that a cup of orange juice and a cookie can't fix."


"Don't I know it. Second," he lifted another finger, "We don't bring them to the house. We can fuck around, feed, whatever, but not at home."

"You've had a girl in the house twice since I've met you!"

"And how well did that go over?"

"Ooh..point taken."

"Back on track," he gave her a lifted eyebrow and wiggled a third finger before looking up at the bartender behind her, "We. Don't. Pay." he enunciated every word.

The man's eyes glazed over, his head nodding once before turning around and retrieving Vanessa's card to hand back to her. He smiled wide, checking to make sure they enjoyed their drinks, and moved on to the next customer as though they never existed. Vanessa looked up at Jeongguk, her face disbelieving of the 'rule'.

"It keeps our information off the radar," he explained, "Most regular purchases are fine, and we use a pick up location foe online purchases," he turned and began guiding her toward a booth in the corner, "Our...purchases of pleasure...need to go unchecked in order for us to appear as the fine, upstanding bloodsuckers we are."

"That sounds like a really dignified way of saying you drink for free and are willing to pay hookers in cash."

"The night is young."

They reached the booth and slid in, drinking their fill and making jest of which humans they would and would not feed from, laughing back and forth as though the previous tension that had resided between them during their first few weeks together never existed. Vanessa had discovered through time that she and Jeongguk shared a lot of similar ideals and morals (and lack thereof), more even than their differences. 

The night wore on, Jeongguk teaching her how he likes to take 'sips' - dancing with a partner, biting for a few draws, then closing the wounds and compelling them to forget - the drinks from the bar and inebriated blood they drank making them both feel warm and tipsy within just a couple of hours.

"Bold," his voice rumbled in her ear as hands rested on her waist while she danced, "Did he taste like he smelled?" his nose scrunched, making him look cute and youthful, "I caught a whiff of him from across the a whole aisle of knock-off Axe at Walmart,"

Vanessa laughed, letting him sway their bodies to the beat, "Unfortunately yes. That one was definitely not my best choice this evening."

"Are you saying you've made good choices tonight?"

"Other than agreeing to come out?" she looked back at him to laugh, "Probably not."

"Ah, then you're getting the point."

Heading back to the booth, they smiled politely to the waitress they'd entranced early on to keep bringing them free drinks. In a bold-yet-sloppy move, Jeongguk pulled Vanessa to his lap as they watched the club goers, both of them having too much fun to correct it. After finishing her drink, Vanessa lifted from his lap to return to the dancefloor, her eye on another 'sip'. She gave the man a seductive smile, knowing her look and preternatural attractant would ensnare him easily, the confirmation coming in the form of him making his way to her. They met in a lazy roll of their bodies, hips swinging to the beat of the music as her wrists lifted to rest behind his neck. He was more assertive than those before him, landing his hands directly on her ass and pulling her close as the two of them continued to swivel their hips in perfect sync. Vanessa reacted in kind, curling her fingers into the hair on the back of his head, tugging to lift his chin so she could run her nose along his neck. When she bit, he moaned, hands pulling her tighter, an obvious erection growing in his tight pants. 

Oh? Man of discernible tastes.

Releasing his throat, she licked the wounds to heal, but instead of compelling him to walk away, delivered a searing kiss to his lips. His surprise was short-lived, the stranger pawing and groping at her as though he knew what she was and wanted her to consume him. Vanessa reveled in the worship, the feel of firm flesh under her fingers, against her body. If she was meant to have fun for the night, the man with no name in her arms might just be what the doctor ordered. They spun in a slow circle as they kissed, Vanessa breaking free to take another bite and drink of him. As she did so, she looked up to smile at Jeongguk, only to be met with an expression she wasn't expecting.


Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now