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Hours had passed, none of the captives any closer to getting free, and yet none of them as vocally frustrated as Vanessa as they tried. 

Jimin grimaced as the next string of expletives flew, "Baby," he sighed tiredly, "It's no use. You're just wearing yourself out."

"You're going to need to feed way too soon if you keep draining your strength," Namjoon agreed, "We're all about to need blood soon as it is."

"I know that, Namjoon," Vanessa bit out, struggling again, "But I'm far less worried about going into a fit of bloodlust in a building full of humans than I am about how many hours between Jeongguk waking up and his stupid ass coming here to save us!"

"Jin won't let him," Yoongi shook his head, "Taehyung either."

"Taehyung is mated to her, too," Jimin warned, "He might not be any more rational that Kook when it comes to saving her."

"Mate - what?" Namjoon looked up at Vanessa with furrowed brows, "I felt when Jimin...but I just thought..." he pursed his lips together, "I feel a bit lost, Baby."

"It was meant to be a big surprise," Vanessa sighed, "A big, happy, surprise, where I was going to ask all of you to mate with me. I wanted it to be perfect."

Namjoon choked up with emotion, " did?"

"Yeah," she nodded sadly, "But leave it to someone like Aureus to royally fuck things up."

The door opened as Jimin let out a frustrated groan, "Speak of the devil..."

Aureus entered the room hastily, his face set in a harsh scowl as he walked straight to Vanessa and slapped her soundly with brute force. Her head snapped to the side, a volley of growls reverberating through the room as the copper taste of blood flitted to her tongue. The taste teased her senses, making her own growl louder than the others, her eyes gleaming bright red as she glared at her former step-brother.

"Don't give me your shit," Aureus snarled back at her, "Your little friends have been causing enough of a headache as it is." He turned and righted Jimin in his chair roughly, only to punch him and knock him over again, "They're picking men off in ones and twos, but not sticking in any one place long enough for me to bring them here." He picked Jimin up one more time, grabbing his shirt and bringing his face so close their noses nearly touched, "How do you fucks keep finding us? HOW?"

"Didn't your hunter buddies tell you?" Jimin laughed through his torn lip, "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." He laughed again, this time more darkly. "We're chosen. Mated and chosen for one another. Nothing can break those bonds."

"Mated?" Aureus swung his glare over to Vanessa, who still was trying to keep her bloodlust at bay, "You couldn't wait for me. You killed keep your virginity...but you spread your legs for the very monsters YOU CREATED?"

"They'," Vanessa ground the words through her teeth between panting breaths.

"I know," Aureus stood, "You are. I see it clearly now."


"In time," he gave her a deathly glare, showing her that he would fulfill her wish, "After I make you watch as I kill everyone you love."


"Ness is definitely going to kill us," Hoseok laughed as he followed behind the others, jumping from treetop to treetop at lightning speeds, "That is, if Kook doesn't get us caught by taking so long to shred those hunters limb from limb."

"Lay off him," Taehyung called from the front of the group, "You have no idea what this feels like yet. It's like anxiety, rage, and your worst fears all had a baby."

"Oh I think I get it a little bit," Jin chuckled, "In theory, if not in practice, considering that baby took A CHUNK OF MY ARM!" he held his bandaged arm up in the air for emphasis as he jumped onto another branch with ease.

"It'll be worse for anyone else who stands in my way," snarled Jeongguk, speeding up until he took the lead, "And worse for each fucking hunter that keeps me from getting to her."

"We just have to bring down the numbers," Taehyung gave his mate-brother a sympathetic glance as he was passed, "Just a little longer."

"Every minute is too fucking long."

"I know. I feel it, too."


Aureus slammed the door open, stomping into the room. He went to slap Vanessa again, stopping short when her fangs snapped at him as his hand came close to her face. Her eyes were wild and feral, unable to shift back to their normal coffee brown, her fangs unable to retreat back into her gums. Her hair was damp around the edges from sweating, the baby hairs frizzing as she glowered and growled at her former step-brother with hunger in her eyes.

"Best not to poke the bear," Namjoon breathed out heavily, "She's beyond reason. Every human in this building is in danger at this point. Hell, even those of us not mated to her might not be safe if this goes on much longer."

"Jimin will be feeling it soon, too," Yoongi agreed as he wiggled to attempt to get comfortable, "The bond will blow his bloodlust up faster than usual."

"You're supposed to have a week," Aureus stepped back, eyeing Vanessa warily, "I've downed hundreds of you monsters, had to torture hundreds more. It's always within a few days of a week."

"None of the others you dealt with were the original," Namjoon pointed out, "None of them had her strength or powers."

"We'll see how powerful she is when her body starts eating itself," Aureus gave a disgusted grimace.

"You better hope that happens before her mates out there go all walls of Jericho on this bitch," Namjoon shook his head, "Or gods have mercy on us all."

"B-blood," Vanessa growled quietly, bringing everyone's attention to her, "I'll suck you fucking your an animal...trophy for my mantle...drink from your skull..."

"You're a fucking monster," Aureus spat on the ground by her feet, "An aberration to this world."

Footsteps were heard in the hall outside the door, a young soldier appearing just as they stopped, "Three more gone in the hour," his voice wavered as his eyes met with the vampires imprisoned in the room, "Two more yet to be found dead or alive."

"THAT'S THIRTY!" Aureus roared, swinging back around to raise his hand to Vanessa again. He stopped, instead stalking over to Namjoon, "For every one of mine, I take it out on yours," he growled, "I owe you more, but for now," he punctuated his sentence with a haymaker to the side of Namjoon's face, righting the chair just before it fell over. Aureus punched again, twice more, kicking the vampire in the stomach when he fell over in his seat, "Next time, I'll make you count, you fucking bitch!"


"Kook!" Taehyung pulled Jeongguk off of the dead body of the hunter, "He's dead! You tore off his head and his arms and legs! You don't need his heart out, too!"

"Every one!" Jeongguk screamed as he fought against Taehyung's hold, "I'll take every fucking heart until mine is back! They took my heart!"

"He's getting worse," Hoseok observed, watching the two youngest struggle with one another, "I don't know how much longer he can hold up like this."

"It should only be another day at this rate," Jin shook his head in frustration, "Two at most if we can keep picking them off as fast as we have been."

"They're getting smarter," Hoseok warned, "More paranoid. They're going in larger groups, carrying silver."

"Then we best work fast," Jin sighed, walking forward to break up the wrestling match between Taehyung and Jeongguk, "Or who knows how far down he's going to go."

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now