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"Phoenician!" a voice rumbled from outside the open door as Vanessa stomped into the house, anger radiating from her body in rolling waves, "We need to talk about this! VANESSA! STOP!"

Vanessa spun on her heels irises wild with rage, "Did you just try to command me?" She lifted a pointed finger, "You think that just because you poked your baby fangs into me, that you can try to wield my own powers against me?" She scoffed, "Mating was an accident, Child, so don't make me fucking hurt you."

"You initiated!" Jeongguk yelled as he entered the door and slammed it, stepping directly into her space, "You're not a human, you know! It wouldn't have meant anything if we both hadn't fucking returned it!"

"Well take it back!" she seethed, "If it can be done, it can be undone. Find a witch or we can burn it off or something."

"Mated?" a small voice came from the hallway, the two of them turning to find Jimin standing in it, "You two...mated?"

Vanessa spun on Jimin, ready to let out her anger and frustration, only to see the worry and sadness in his almond eyes. She rushed to him, trying to get him to look her in the face, but he wouldn't.

"It was supposed to be us," he murmured quietly, "My gift to Joon and to myself. You were going to be the final piece. Our infinite love."

"It didn't mean anything," Vanessa put her hands on his shoulders, trying to make him understand, "It was an act of passion. It doesn't mean anything."

"Doesn't mean anything?" Jeongguk's voice was low and dangerous behind her, "I may not have liked how this happened, Vanessa, but I've never been one to take mating lightly."

"So what, then?" her ire was back up as she faced him, "You're head over heels for me now? Ready to devote yourself to me for eternity...because trust me, that's a long long time to spend with someone you don't love."

"Well, make it work, Princess," Jeongguk towered over her with his eyes blazing, "Because, accident or not, we're in this together. For life."

"Life?" she huffed in annoyance, "Looks like you're not living through week, then, Babyboy." She glared up at him, "I'll just kill you myself, save myself and probably plenty of others the pain in the ass."

"You can't," Jimin's voice was stronger, but still sad, "You could take him to the brink, but you'd never be able to kill your mate. It's instinctual, bonded magic is too strong." His eyes flashed up to Jeongguk, flaring with unbridled anger, "Doesn't mean I can't though."

Before anyone could react to his words, Jimin lunged at Jeongguk, fangs and claws bared, knocking him to the ground in the surprise attack. Jeongguk was both taller and wider, but Jimin had age and strength on his side, not to mention better control over his powers. Ice formed and covered Jimin's arm from his shoulder down, making Jeongguk scream out in pain as it crept over his own shoulder that Jimin held down to the floor. Jimin's raised hand formed a block of frozen crystals around it, the stuff shattering as he used to the knock the younger's head to the side with a punch to the jaw. Vanessa barely got a chance to process the scene before her, yelping as she watched Jimin suddenly fly off of Jeongguk and hit the far wall with brutal force. He slid down, dazed for only a second before rising to his feet once again and stalking forward for another attack.

"What the hell is going on?" Namjoon bellowed as he ran into the foyer to witness Jimin forming a sharp blade of ice from his arm, "Jimin, STOP!"

Jimin froze in place, letting Taehyung come into the anteroom and flick a little flame to melt the weapon. His eyes snapped to the newcomers, lips in a snarl as he gritted his teeth against Namjoon's powers. His eyes burned with blue fire, letting the others know he was beyond pissed.

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now