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"I'm sorry you didn't get the kind  of news you wanted to hear," Taehyung helped Vanessa open the door to her apartment, "Humans can be very fickle."

Vanessa let out a frustrated sigh, "I honestly don't know if I want to follow the rules just to prove them wrong, or if I'd rather go on a blood spree just to prove them right." She chuckled, looking back at the tall man as she made her way into her kitchen, "At least with the second one, there wouldn't be a human council to worry about."

"No, there would," Taehyung shook his head, "There will be others to take their place, likely more fanatic and oppositional than the ones already there." He lifted his hand to run over the plush suede of her couch, "Is it so bad, though?" he asked as he continued his walk toward her, "To have to stay with us a little longer?"

"More that the Council sees it more of a fit to have me surrounded by men than released on my own recognizance," she huffed, putting her purse on the counter, "That they think I should be under your thumbs."

"They don't know who you are," Taehyung stepped toward, hand slipping through her hair as he cupped the side of her neck, "They think that what we have is a wild rebel. A girl who is taking advantage of her powers to go against the rules and take her anger out on the world."

Vanessa gave a bitter laugh, "They're not wrong," she grinned sarcastically.

"But they are," Taehyung rumbled, his body suddenly invading her space entirely as he towered over her, "We don't have a rebellious girl," he dipped his head toward her ear, "We have a goddess, who knows her worth in this pitiful world," his lips brushed the shell of her ear, "Who is deserving of the worship she demands," his tongue flicked out, tasting her skin in a flash of a moment, "And in complete control of the men they think she serves."

She tilted her head to the side, letting his lips run over her skin as light as a feather, "Complete control?" she asked breathily.

"I bend to your will," Taehyung responded in a sultry groan.

"So if I," she used her superior strength to switch their positions, pressing him back against the counter, "Said that I wanted to ride your hips to dust on my Kelston Corner sectional," she looked up at him through her long eyelashes, "You wouldn't deny me my wish?"

"I could never defy my goddess," he smiled.

"Fuck yes," she huffed out, crashing her lips to his in a fiery passion.

Taehyung wasted no time unzipping the bomber jacket she had borrowed from Jimin and pushing it off of her shoulders to let it fall to the floor. He bent hastily, gripping the backs of her legs and lifting her to wrap them around his waist as he stalked them both to the couch in the other room. Sitting down, he made sure she was settled over his lap comfortably, earning a hard grind from her hips as his reward. The day had been long, waiting for the others to return with news from their meeting, and Taehyung's constant flirting and teasing led them to their current moment. It was raw and desperate, burning hot and fast like carbon paper, exploding like cheap fireworks as they groped and nipped at one another. There was no romance, like there had been with Jimin and Namjoon, just pure sexual energy, sizzling and threatening to make them combust. They stripped one another without preamble, only separating their needy kisses to facilitate in the removal of clothing, until they were bared completely for each other with nothing but a lustful glare between them. 

Vanessa dropped to her knees on the lush rug, settling herself between his thighs and gripping his length in her small hand. He was glorious, in size and length, and her mouth watered at the sight of him completely at her mercy. She didn't build up or tease, licking him twice from base to tip before engulfing him into her mouth completely. She worked him fast and with precision, letting the saliva in her mouth pool and coat his dick so she could use him more easily. Just as he began moaning a singing version of her name, she lifted herself and straddled him again, positioning him at her waiting entrance and sinking down so slow she thought he would bite through his lip in anticipation.

The two of them chorused a volley of curses as she reached the root, Vanessa's hips starting a hard swivel so she could grind onto him in a way that made her legs shake and her breaths heave. He held her ass, digging his fingers into the plump flesh but not daring to control her movements, knowing he was hers to own in every way she wanted. He had worshipped her in name before he met her, the strategy she used in her kills and creations, the methodical use of keeping herself secret awe-inspiring in its planning and logic..and that was before he knew who she really was. When he called her a goddess, he meant it in every sense, and he placed himself at her altar the minute he saw the curve of her lips, the sweep of pink in her brown skin, and the intelligence residing in those bambi eyes.

Vanessa clenched and throbbed around his heavy girth, cries and praise spilling from her lips in a way that made his ears ring with absolute pleasure, his control lost as he began to thrust up to meet her bouncing. Her breasts were full and firm, teasing him in a tantalizing sway until he was out of his mind with carnal need, the taste of them heaven on his tongue as he swirled it over the taut peaks. She screamed her bliss, sang her rapture, and cried out her euphoria, the feeling of him pistoning inside her too good to hold back. Hard, shallow bobs of her hips became long, sinuous rolls of her whole body, the impending release soaring through her as she whispered filth in his ear. 

Suddenly, she arched and stilled, throwing her head back with the tune of his name on her tongue, dousing his cock in her arousal as he doubled his strength and speed to finish right behind her. The two of them rolled and ground together, foreheads pressed to one another, a smile of sated need creeping across their faces as they stared into the other's eyes. Long minutes they stayed connected, letting the waves roll through them, until finally they let out long breaths of air and giggled into a sweaty hug. Taehyung felt well-used and thoroughly fucked, his body already addicted to the craving of her skin against his own. Separating, he laid them down on the luxurious leather, lining her shoulders and neck with sweet, reverent kisses.

"Your are a goddess," he breathed, scenting the spice in her shampoo, "You are my goddess."

"You are a treasure," she answered in return, carding her fingers through his soft hair, "I've never felt so venerated in all my life."

"Every day, if you want it," he offered his promise, sealing it with a deep kiss, "But, first, we must get what you need to return back to the can house. Namjoon will have my ass for taking even as long as we have."

"Let me handle Namjoon," she brushed his damp hair from his forehead, standing nonetheless to complete the task at hand, "I can't let him bully my new favorite acolyte, after all."

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now