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Vanessa woke with a groan. Her body was a myriad of different pains, ranging from twinges to aches, her eyes feeling heavy as she tried to open them. She tried to move, a quiet whimper leaving her as her muscles protested, the weight of several bodies on or around her restricting her from doing much. In a huff that held both annoyance and relief, she let herself go limp again, eyes closed as she deciphered who was with her.

A smile crept over her face as she inhaled, detecting each of them individually. The crisp linen scent of Jeongguk, his chest below her head like a firm pillow. The floral cinnamon of Jimin, his plump lips and button nose pressed into the nape of her neck as his arms wrapped around the bottom of her ribs tightly. The verdant pine of Namjoon, just behind Jimin, his hand draped over the man and resting on the side of her throat as though to keep a monitor on her pulse. The sultry sandalwood of Taehyung, his body wrapped around her legs, hand firmly on her ass as his face nuzzled into her stomach. The bright citrus of Hoseok, his body curled up at the bottom of the bed by her feet, one hand laying gently over her ankles.

Breathing in again, she noticed two of the men were missing. She caught no fresh rain and petrichor that made up Yoongi. No magnolia and moss indicating Jin's presence. Vanessa strained her ears, worry not letting her relax until she heard the soft movements of two more bodies in the vicinity, two heartbeats bumping steadily without stress or exertion. She let herself go once again, content to know they were nearby even if she still longed to be close to them as she was with the others at the moment. 

"They'll be back in," Jeongguk mumbled groggily as he lifted a hand to run it through her hair, "I don't know where they went last night, but they weren't gone for long and their voices sounded like they were in a good mood."

"They left last night?" Vanessa stretched her neck up to look at her mate, only able to see his throat and jaw with the effort, "Where did they go?"

"I just said I don't know, Princess," Jeongguk's chest shook with his silent laugh, "They obviously didn't want to wake anyone up, whatever they were doing. I only noticed them coming home from wherever they were." He scooted himself slowly so as not to disturb the jumble of bodies on the bed, lowering himself until he was face-to-face with her, "You look better," he brushed her hair back from her face, "All healed up?"

Vanessa nodded, relishing the gentle touch of his hands in her hair. She recalled how the group had returned the to apartment Taehyung had rented, moods somber and heavy as they cared for one another. Jin had taken the lead, making sure everyone had a couple bags of blood from a storage cache, Hoseok trying not to fret as he tended to wounds. She let her body sink back into Jimin's embrace, remembering how distraught he was when he finally woke up, how his eyes searched for her and Namjoon and his arms reached for them as soon as he had his bearings. She recalled Taehyung's salty tears, his whispered demands that she never leave him like that again, Namjoon's quiet affirmations that his mates refrain from such recklessness.

"Yoongi's okay?" her voice was a shell of concern, "He was injured. He was there with me...he..."

"He must be fine," Jeongguk hushed her worries, "He sounded good when they came in the door a bit ago. He had enough energy to go with Jin wherever they went," he laughed again softly, "You know full well he wouldn't go anywhere if he didn't feel up to it."

"We should get cleaned up," Namjoon interrupted from behind Jimin, making Vanessa and Jeongguk freeze in surprise, "I'm hungry and we should probably at least try to find out what those two were up to."

"They might be the oldest, but they're also pretty much a bucket of trouble," Hoseok agreed, stretching himself out like a cat, "Dibs on being personal shower assistant to our girl."

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now