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Namjoon and Jimin stood as Vanessa walked into the spacious library, smiling and bowing their heads slightly in reverence. Vanessa allowed herself a deep inhale, the smell of the leather furniture and old books calming her and allowing her to accept the cordial offering of whiskey from Jimin.

"I'm sorry for how our first meeting went," Namjoon began, sitting in a large leather chair, gesturing for Vanessa to do the same across from him, "I feel as though I failed both the Council and our kind. I should have done more research into you."

"You wouldn't have found much," Vanessa waved off the notion, smiling at Jimin as he perched on the arm of Namjoon's chair, "I learned a long time ago that life is much easier when very few people know much about you." Sipping her whiskey, she continued, "But regardless of how much you did or did not know, Namjoon, you knew about me at least in part. Which begs the question: Why? Or rather how...possibly who."

"Do you remember a young girl named Ananya?" Jimin asked quietly, "Stolen from India, and made to work the brothels of lower London?"

"I do," Vanessa admitted, "I saved her from two men attacking her behind the brothel building. I killed them and changed her so she wouldn't die."

'Exactly," Jimin nodded, his smile dazzling, "And do you know what she did with the powers you had bestowed upon her?"

"I don't," Vanessa shook her head, "She seemed bent on revenge, so I showed her how to feed and how to keep herself alive and let her go to work out what she needed."

"And she did," Jimin chuckled, "She used her powers to set fire to the brothel, though not before she robbed it of all of its money and making sure all of us got out alive. Well...most of us," he smirked, showing no remorse, "The filthy brothers who owned the joint were tied to the beds that held the blood of their abused wards, and the soulless wench who beat us when we were too tired or sick to fuck was with them." He stood, stretching briefly before settling himself across Namjoon's lap, "But the rest of us, we stood outside and watched it burn to the ground as Ananya handed us shares of the loot so we could start new lives. So, in a sense, when you saved saved us all."

"Happy to oblige," Vanessa grinned, earning one in return, "But that doesn't explain why you're here," she waved her hand lightly, "Or why I am as well."

"As for me, I didn't have anywhere I could go," Jimin explained, "An Eastern man in a Western world, I was bought and sold at too young of an age to know anything else. So, I stayed by Ananya's side, as her friend and occasional lover, and we started a new brothel in a nicer part of town. She turned me, and we sought out street skidge and those living in the underbelly of London, saving them and giving them a life. We made sure they would never be harmed or killed, never abused or forced, and living in the finery one should expect from the amount of money our profession brought in."

"Until you met someone," Vanessa let her eyes linger on Namjoon's, "Who stole your heart."

Jimin laughed, "Actually, first he stole my wallet." He smiled down warmly at Namjoon, kissing his temple, "Indentured servitude was all the rage, but Namjoon was too smart for his own good. His ability to read and write, to work numbers, too incredible for a life of emptying chamber pots or working heavy labor. He was cast out for his obstinance, and found himself on the streets with no food and no money."

"We fell in love," Namjoon interjected, "And when he told me what he as, I knew I would want to be by his side for eternity...and so we are." 

"And so you are," Vanessa acknowledged, "Again, happy to oblige."

"Which brings us here," Namjoon put his glass on the small table beside him, "When Jimin and I heard of a Vanessa, powerful and ruthless to men yet holding a soft spot for women in trouble, we had to find out if you were the one Ananya had told us about for all those years."

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now