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The air seemed to expand as the four vampires breathed in deeply and prepared to fight. Jimin's hands glowed a bright blue, a crystal sword of ice protruding from his right hand while a small dagger of the same material formed in his left. Namjoon flung his hands out, palms forward, lifting all of the chairs and crashing them in front of the open door just as soldiers started their attempt to file in and stalling their progress. As they broke through, the first dozen or so dropped to their knees, clawing at their own eyes and scratching their faces, screaming in terror at whatever image Yoongi had put in their heads. Vanessa laughed maniacally just before she sent bolts of fire at the suffering soldiers, igniting their skin and flesh and putting them out of their misery as they created a flaming wall between her group and the oncoming attackers.

Hands blurred as they moved, Jimin slicing through bodies, Namjoon breaking them in into grotesque figures with his mind. Vanessa swirled in a dance of fury, striking out different elements as she felt which would do the most damage in the least amount of time. Yoongi fought their minds and senses, making them turn on one another or themselves, and dropping any that could fight through his illusions by rendering them into a sudden and deep sleep. Bodies piled up all around them, sweat beading the brows of the vampires as they continued to fight ruthlessly and relentlessly, their magic beginning to fade more quickly than they had hoped in their weakened states.

"PHOENICIAN!" a loud roar echoed through the halls some levels above them, making Vanessa laugh again.

Just as she went to yell back to Jeongguk, to give him some idea of where she was, smoke filled the room, making her choke and her throat turn raw. 

"Fuck!" Namjoon bit out, pulling Vanessa to the ground as he ducked low, "Aerosolized silver! Get down!" he shouted to the others, "Try not to breath in!"

It was too late. Vanessa had already inhaled deeply in her preparation to call to her mate. The microscopic shards cut through the smooth muscle of her esophagus and lungs, making her cough up blood and choke again before she could swallow it down. Her body convulsed, falling to the ground in a heap even as Jimin rushed to her side. She faintly felt him lift her head, pressing his opened wrist to her mouth, barely heard his far away voice as he begged her to drink and hold on. She heard more coughing, more sputtering, smelled more blood as she realized that the three males were staying in the room and trying to help her instead of getting out of there and to safety.

Her body shook with the effort to yell at them, to tell to run, the action only making Jimin grip her tighter as blood trickled from his own lips.

"Clear them out, keep her alive!" she heard the command of Aureus as consciousness slipped away.


"Left! Left!" Jin yelled, pushing his hands out and blasting two soldiers back with a blast of air, allowing Jeongguk a moment to skewer them with shards of ice before continuing forward.

Taehyung stalked forward, face set in hard determination as he closed his fists and made the cement rise to envelop two more attackers to the waist and hold them in place. He reached out as he walked past them, ripping their throats out completely without so much as blinking. Hoseok blinded soldiers left and right, making them strike out blindly at one another and leaving them open for Jeongguk to rive into their bodies or Jin to suck the air from their lungs to suffocate them. The four worked like a well-oiled machine. taking down men as they came at them while trying to pinpoint where their friends were within the building.

For as many enemies as they had taken down to gain access to the warehouse, they had no idea how many there would still be inside - which equated to a lot. Add to the fact that the complex was much larger on the inside than the cabin appeared to be on the outside, and they were finding themselves in more battles than they cared to engage in, all while unable to find exactly where the rest of their group was located. Jeongguk and Taehyung could feel that Vanessa was fighting, feel her anger and her fury through the bond, but they couldn't find her. They could also feel her getting weaker, her powers petering out while she used her magic over and over in what must have been a heavy battle. They were determined to get to her, to fight by her side and then make sure she was safe in their arms once again. 

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now