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"COUNT!" Aureus screamed, turning to Vanessa as he righted Yoongi's seat once again, "YOU FUCKING COUNT, BITCH! THIS IS ALL ON YOU!"

Vanessa couldn't have responded even she hadn't felt the venom of defiance in every fiber of her being. She was too far gone to be able to speak, her limbs shaking with uncontrolled need, the thought of feeding on any nearby creature with a heartbeat the only thing she knew. She could feel Jimin vibrating with similar need next to her, the smell of Namjoon's and Yoongi's blood waking their senses even as their rage spiked higher with every injury they witnessed. Aureus was wise enough not to go near them, but he didn't care whether or not they would rip their mates and friends to shreds if they got loose, so long as he got what he wanted in the end.

Aureus landed another blow to Yoongi's face, bursting the vessels in his eye so that the sclera was barely as red as Vanessa's irises. She screamed through gritted teeth, foam forming at the corners of her mouth as she watched blood drip from Yoongi's busted lip, the urge to tackle him and his attacker and sink her fangs into them warring with the jackhammer beat of her heart as she saw her loved ones beaten again and again. 

Still, she couldn't count.

Still, a piece of her heart, the sliver that was still rational enough to ache for her mates and lovers, pounded with pride at the fact that Jeongguk and the others had taken out so many hunters in such a short time.

Aureus raised his fist again, growling at Yoongi's defiant smirk, only to stop short as the door burst open and the same young soldier as before stepped in.

"Sir," the man stood at attention, "The Council is on the phone for you."

"Tell them I'll call them shortly."

"They said they wouldn't wait, Sir."


Aureus grabbed a nearby towel, already soaked with the blood of Namjoon and Yoongi from previous bouts, and wiped his hands roughly as he stomped out of the open door. A string a curses flew forth, quieting as he left down the hall. The young soldier turned to follow, only to stop when he heard Vanessa let out something half between a purr and a growl.

He locked eyes with her, seeming to lose his train of thought as she kept her gaze on his. His body moved mechanically, a small smile making its way to his lips, his feet bringing him closer as though he was both entranced and enamored. Namjoon thought to speak, to save the poor man from his dire fate, but held back nonetheless as the man stumbled closer and closer to the predator who had hypnotized him.

Step by step, inch by inch, he followed the pull to the panting woman in the chair. He seemed to find just enough of his wits to stop short just in front of her, but couldn't seem to find the strength to turn around and walk away, nor to look away from those piercing ruby eyes.

"Come here," Vanessa cooed, her voice the opposite of the obvious hunger in her eyes, "Just a little closer."

"Cl-closer?" the soldier stammered out, swallowing thicker, "You need me to c-come cl-closer?"

Vanessa nodded her head, smiling sweetly. She stretched her neck, making the man lean toward her as if to hear the secret she was about to tell him. When his mouth was near her ear, he finally heard what she had been hiding.


With unearthly speed, Vanessa turned her head and clamped her mouth onto the junction of where his neck and shoulder met. Despite having her hands and legs bound, her fangs didn't let go as he struggled, his body rigid as he felt the euphoria of her venom mixed with the fear that his life was about to end. A whimper escaped his lips as her teeth dug deeper, each draw of his life force pulled from his body and swallowed down in greedy gulps.

The chains that held her broke with a clatter just as the young man's knees gave out, Vanessa catching him and cradling his body to hers as they laid down on the floor with her on top of him. It looked almost intimate, nearly lewd, her face buried in his neck as his arms wrapped around her weakly and she pinned him down with her body and cradled his head in her hands. His eyes rolled and fluttered shut, a sigh breathing out in a hitched rattle as his heart slowed and the venom dragged him blissfully toward his death. Jimin whined as he felt the ecstasy of feeding flow through the mate bond, rocking in his chair as his eyes fixed on the couple on the floor. Yoongi and Namjoon watched with a mixture of pride and sorrow as the soldier's arms fell limply to the floor, his fingers twitching feebly as his heartbeat slowed to a dull, weak thud.

Within the matter of a few short minutes, with a few last jerks of his body, the man was dead.

Vanessa lifted her face from his neck reluctantly, almost as if her body could sense another drop or two to be taken. She licked her lips hungrily, lifting her hands to catch the small pools that had escaped to her palms as she held him, tongue darting out to clean her skin and back in as she swallowed to savor every bit. By the time she had laved her hands nearly spotless, her entire visage had changed. Healthier, more vibrant. her hair was sleek and shining once again, her skin smooth and glowing, a pink dust over her cheeks as they filled in and the bags under her eyes disappeared. Her blood-stained lips plumped to their usual attractive smile, her crimson eyes still hungry but more focused than she had been before. She eyed Namjoon and Yoongi's battered bodies for a few moments, her stillness and curiosity making them wonder if she had her rational mind back or if she would drain them next.

"Easy," she giggled, seeming near drunk from the sudden flow of blood in her system, "I'm holding on, but barely."

"Go," Jimin rocked back and forth in his chair, "Get more."

So fast that her body was a blur, Vanessa disappeared out of the opened door and back again, her teeth bared as she stood another soldier in front of Jimin proudly. Her fangs ripped into the man's throat, blood flowing down the front of his chest just before she shoved him to Jimin so a new set of fangs could rip through his skin. A blur was gone and back once more, a third man flailing as Vanessa pushed him to his knees as dove her face into his neck with a snarl. Both Jimin and Vanessa fed with greedy, slurping sounds, the groans from their chests heaving with the breaths they took to pause and swallow. 

Sooner than expected, both men were as dead as the first, eyes closed in bliss as their bodies lay crumpled and lifeless on the floor. Vanessa grinned as she walked behind Jimin, grabbing his chains with a hiss and ripping them apart as though they were made of cheap plastic instead of silver-coated steel. 

Jimin flew out of his chair, standing and gripping Vanessa by the back of her head as he crashed his lips to hers. Their bloodlust turned to sexual need as they kissed and shared the remnants of their kills on their tongues that lapped at one another and danced together. Namjoon groaned, adjusting in his captivity as the feel of desire bloomed between the two and burst out through Jimin's bond, making the couple stop abruptly and remember their situation.

"Be right back," Vanessa quipped, blurring in and out again two more times, bringing two more men to kneel in front of Yoongi and Namjoon helplessly. she'd sliced their jugular veins with her sharpened nail, their eyes wide and frightened as they bled out before them.

"You have to take it all," she instructed, walking behind them and breaking their chains, "You'll be strongest then."

The two vampires only paused for a second before diving forward and taking their fill, killing the men brought before them. Their lack of torturous starvation made them pang with guilt, but they didn't let it stop themselves from doing just as Vanessa had said, knowing they'd need their strength for what was to come.

Just as they let the dead men fall to the concrete floor, an alarm sounded throughout the building. Standing and smiling, Vanessa raised her hands high above her head, making the walls quake as her powers pressed against the aged cinder blocks. She took a deep breath, forcing more power out as shouts sounded up and down outside of the room, feet running back and forth in chaos and panic. Looking to the side, she met Jimin's eyes just as a loud bang was heard farther off in the building.

"They're here."

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now