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**Twenty minutes into dinner**

"I told you to back off!" Jimin growled, holding Jeongguk down my his throat on the dinner table, "You've been sniffing up her ass since she walked in the room, and she doesn't want you!"

Jeongguk chuckled, choking under the pressure of Jimin's hand, "I think you're afraid she does," he croaked, "That's why you're so upset."

Vanessa rolled her eyes, her frustration over both of the males constantly at each other's throats all through dinner thus far, and Namjoon's seeming lack of care that they were attempting to rip each other apart.

"STOP!" she yelled loudly, authority booming in her voice, "Jimin, let him up." She breathed a sigh of relief when her compulsion worked and Jimin complied, "Now, everyone sit the fuck down." All seven men took their seats, some less happy about being forced to do so than others. "No one is to move unless it's to speak," she turned to Jimin's red face, "I love that you are sticking up for me, Angel, but I can handle myself," she smiled at him as she saw him calm down. Looking at Jeongguk she added, "It's never been a question of wanting you, per se, but rather in what way I was willing to allow. You...we...took that option of sorting through our feelings away from each other. I need space, and you're not respecting that at all."

"I can't help it," Jeongguk groaned, "You're my mate. It's only natural for me to want to be near you all the time," he practically whined, "Even if you are a pain in the ass," he finished on a mumble under his breath.

"Be all of that as it may," chuckled Namjoon, seeming to have no issues with being under Vanessa's control, "For the sake of world peace, cool your jets. I can't be around to pull Jimin off your neck every five seconds, and I don't even want to know how far Vanessa is willing to push the mate bond if you piss her off too badly."

The tension in the room dialed down as Jeongguk nodded the best he could and Vanessa relinquished her hold on them a little. Taehyung grinned widely, spouting his next words before anyone could stop him.

"So, now that you two are married, what's the rules on sleeping arrangements?" he wiggled his eyebrows seductively.

Jeongguk stood up with a roar, causing Vanessa to roll her eyes and walk out of the room as it exploded into chaos once again.


"I'm not gonna' pussyfoot around," Namjoon spoke with calm amusement as he handed Vanessa a glass of fine whiskey, "This situation probably isn't going to look great with the Council."

Vanessa sat in the wide leather chair of the library, "Why not? I would think that having me compelled to be in this house or near one of you would be their wet dream."

"One of us, yes," Jimin interjected, sitting on the arm of her chair, "But not Kook necessarily. Having you mated with any of the rest of us is probably what they're vying for, since they think we would use it to keep you under our thumb. But Jeongguk?" he bit his lip, "The other vampire they want to keep tabs on, and the only known Born in the country?" He shook his head, "The power resting between the two of you is going to make them defensive."

"So what?" she asked, looking up curiously, "We can't undo it. Should we hide it then? Lie about it?"

"I'm not sure yet," Namjoon admitted.

"That's saying something," Jimin chuckled and gave his mate an adorable wink.

"Well we're good and well fucked then," Vanessa sighed heavily.

"Speaking of," Jimin smirked down at her, "I've had rough day, Princess. I'd like to get rough with you to counteract it."

"Well, you know I'm all about balance," Vanessa giggled, letting Namjoon and Jimin take her hands and help her stand.

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now