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For two weeks, Vanessa had kept mainly to the house, checking in on her businesses remotely, like she always had. Not much in her daily life had actually changed since she had been basically sanctioned to live with the princes, but it was hard on her nerves and attitude to not have complete free reign on her life. She had gone for literally thousands of years, on several continents, making her way on her own. Feeling like she was relying on someone else rubbed her the wrong way and made her bristle uncontrollably.

Not that she was made to feel uncomfortable or a burden by any of the makes...well...most of the males. The six older ones made her feel like she was praised, worshipped, spoiled rotten, and...seen. That was the best part, if she was being honest, not to have to hide her nature or keep a wall up in regards to thinking about keeping herself closed off from those around her. 

Jeongguk, however, was an absolute thorn in her side. At every point, his hubris was always cranked up to 11, his cocksure attitude making her want to slap him until he pissed his pants. She couldn't bring him to heel, and it bugged the ever-living shit out of her that he simply didn't bend like the others did without question. Even when she proved her powers, her strength, her speed, everything about her that was better and stronger than him, he simply took the punishment she gave and popped off again at the next available opportunity.

She honestly thought she might have to kill him one day. The thought didn't sit well with her for whatever reason, but it would be inevitable if Namjoon wanted his plan to run as smoothly as he hoped, and that plan was what kept Vanessa from going stir crazy half of the time.

The other half was the library in the mansion. It was filled with books on every imaginable subject, both real and fantasy, and made her miss the halls of Alexandria and the stone walls of Glasney College. It was her favorite place in the entire house, and she had made it a bit of her own sanctuary, a world away from the world with a cozy nook and electric kettle for her use.

So, imagine her surprise, when she walked in to find it in the midst of utter defilement.

Jeongguk knelt naked on the fur rugs, resting his ass on his calves, erection proud and heavy as it bounced up between the also spread legs of the girl who knelt in front of him. Her back was to his chest, his fingers sliding wetly through her folds as the other hand gripped her breast hard enough for the flesh to plump through his spread fingers. His teeth were thoroughly embedded in her neck, a trickle of blood rolling down through her creamy breasts to let Vanessa know that he was fang-deep and drinking greedily. His eyes popped open at Vanessa's gasp, mouth retracting and lifting into an irritated sneer.

"A little privacy?" he lisped, fangs still on display.

"You're in the fucking library!" she screeched, the girl in his arms too far dazed to respond to the intrusion.

Jeongguk swirled his head on his neck, his wide eyes and loose jaw indicating 'And?' in the most sarcastic way silence could offer.

"And did it have to be here?" she waved her hand wildly, "The one fucking place that I have to myself in this whole house?" She gave into her hurt and anger, "I don't have anything of my own here, and this was the one sacred place for me. You just had to ruin it."

"Yep," he smirked, "Because you don't own anything, Phoenician, not here. You think that being strong and being ancient makes you something incredible," his eye narrowed in annoyance, "But it doesn't. It makes you spoiled, and it makes you a relic. So no, you don't get to have shit handed to you. Some of get to own it because we earned it."

"Earned it how, exactly?" she spat back, "By being a Born? By having more tricks than the others around you? By being good-looking and strong? What have you done to earn anything you claim to have, Jeongguk? Because I don't see it."

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now