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"I didn't mate her," the voice came from her door, making Vanessa roll her eyes in disbelief.

"Your dick was inside her at the same time as your fangs," she explained, applying a layer of gloss to her lips to finish her look for her date with Yoongi, "I may not know everything about the working of the secular vampire world, but I do know what that means, Jeongguk," she turned to him with a sigh, "Look, I don't care. You're a big kid. You can mate the entire country if you want to. It doesn't have anything to do with me."

"Don't condescend me," he grumbled, "I'm trying to explain myself. I might not be someone you think you can respect, Vanessa, but I do hold certain things sacred. I slept with her, of course, and I fed from her...but not at the same time. I'm not an idiot and I have no desire to mix friends with food."

Vanessa stopped in her tracks, stunned for just a moment before recovering, "Well," she chuckled at herself, "I guess we've found something in common, then."

"And I don't think you're as bad as I said," he looked at the ground, "I was mad. I lash out...a lot."

"I'm not entirely sure you were wrong," she avoided his gaze as he looked up at her with a question, "But I don't think you're right either."

"That's fair."


They stood there awkwardly before Jeongguk finally pushed off of the door jam, "Well, have a nice date, I guess," he saluted her as he stood up straight, making Vanessa shake her head and giggle before he walked off quietly down the hall.

Maybe she could find some common ground with him after all.


"Yoongi, what is this?" Vanessa breathed, looking out of the expansive window, "I thought the date was just the gondola ride, but -"

"I'm full of surprises," the male gave her a cocksure grin, "I thought you needed some perspective. What better way to do that than to have a near-death experience?"

She laughed, whispering so other passengers couldn't hear, "You know it won't kill us, right?"

"I know," he laughed in return, "But, first, it would hurt like fucking hell and take a very long time to heal. Second, your brain doesn't know that when you do it. I literally thought I was going to die the entire time the first time I did it."

"You've done this before?"

"Twice. Once with Kook and once with Kook and Taehyung."


"When we found Jeongguk, he was a mess...and that's putting it lightly. We thought we were some sort of savior party," he scoffed, "But he had spent so long scared, traumatized, paranoid and living nearly feral on the streets..." Yoongi's eyes went soft in memory, "He wanted to die. He would spend nights screaming bloody murder in the halls of the house, lamenting his inability to kill himself...he...he...cut...parts of himself out of his body." He paused when Vanessa gasped and brought a shaking hand to her mouth, "Finally, I just couldn't watch him do it anymore. I brought him up here, figuring either we would do this and he would gain perspective, or we would do it and he would finally have fun for the first time in his life, or I would push him off the cliff and he would have a lot of time to reflect in traction."

Please tell me it wasn't option three," Vanessa whispered, shocked.

"It wasn't," he chuckled, the mood getting lighter once again, "It was a bit of column A and column B." He gave her a quirked eyebrow, "So which do you think it's going to be for you?"

Vanessa gave the man a pointed look, "If you push me off a cliff, I will break your fucking neck, Yoongi."


Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now