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"I think the fuck not," Yoongi grit through his teeth for the fifth time, pointing at Jeongguk as they tried to clean themselves up in the shabby hotel room, "You and Ness are staying right here. The rest of us can take Jimin and track down Joon."

"Wait a second," Vanessa grit through her own teeth, "I agree with not giving them what they want with Kook," she ignored the frustrated growl beside her, "But I'm the strongest out of all of us, and I can help keep Jimin focused and calm through our bond."

"Where my mate goes, I go," Jeongguk blurted, "Not fucking negotiable."

"Which is why you both should stay," Yoongi countered. "Kook, you are what they want. While that might be a fine distraction so we can get to Joon, it can also be a distraction for us while we're trying to complete the mission. Ness, I have no doubt you can do a lot for us, but the Hunters would nut themselves inside out to get their hands on you, with or without your mate."

"The safest route is for the remaining Princes to go, the five of us willing to negotiate if need be, but ready to fight to get who we came for."

"And if you lose that fight, Jin?" Vanessa's voice rose as she stood, "Then Kook and I are out here alone, on our own to try to get you back, and I'm without all six of my mates in this world!"

"Six?" Yoongi looked at her with curious eyes, "I must be missing something here."

"That was the plan," Taehyung offered, "To talk about it when we woke up."

Yoongi went silent, looking to the side as he processed the implications, both in regards to the mating and the realization that by protecting Vanessa and Jeongguk they could also be putting them in danger later. After a period of time, he shook his head, looking back up at the couple standing in front of him.

"I'd rather you kept yourselves safe out in the world than put yourselves in the direct line of fire," he said sternly. "You both have knowledge, resources, and your powers to protect you if you have to run, but if you walk directly into the lion's den there's no telling what they might have in waiting to take you out." He put his hand up as Vanessa began to protest again, "If you really do care about me...about consider us your mates, then I am of the mind and heart to treat you as mine as well. That means I'm not putting you in danger. Not for me, not for any one of us."

Jimin ran to Vanessa, tears still streaming down his face in his broken state, "He's right," he sobbed into her neck as he hugged her, "I can't let you do that. Even as much I love Namjoon, I can't put one of my mates at risk for the other." He pulled back, looking into her eyes with a pleading pout, "And Joonie wouldn't want that either. He wouldn't want you to risk yourself for him. You're our Queen. He would argue that you are worth more than any or all of us."

Vanessa couldn't stand to argue any longer. She stormed out the room, shaking the walls with the force she used to slam the door. 


Vanessa woke from her restless sleep with a start as her hotel door quietly opened. Even in the dark, she could smell the scent of Jimin as he crept through quickly and shut the door behind him. She flipped on the light by her bed, eyeing Jeongguk warily as he failed to rouse even a little bit. 

"Yoongi knocked him out," Jimin explained, "Everyone else, too, except for us."

"Yoongi? Why?"

"It took damn near all night," Jimin huffed in irritation, "But I convinced him that this was the best plan." He hurried over to her closet, opening it and tossing her some clothes, "Put these on so we can go."

Starting to understand the plan, Vanessa hurried to change into the clothes Jimin handed her. She looked at him when she thought he wouldn't notice, seeing the bags under his eyes, his red nose from crying and chapped lips from chewing on them. She felt his emotions run through her; hurt, fear, worry...but also determination.

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now