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Sound: dripping water and light breaths, the murmur of voices beyond a barrier. Smell: Decay, of earth, wood, and flesh - sweet and putrid. Vanessa could see nothing, but didn't need to in order to realize her body was bound, her other senses in overdrive as she lifted from the fog of unconsciousness. She tried to tug at her bonds, earning little more than a painful zap at her wrists and ankles. She kept her eye closed, trying to hear the words the voices gave just outside of her reach. She tried to expand her powers, mentally tap into the others around her, but got nothing more than a blank wall for her efforts.

Her eyes snapped open, though, at the sound of her mate whimpering beside her, and of the pull on his bond that told her of his distress.

"It's okay," Yoongi's deep voice rumbled quietly, "We're all here."

"And all trapped," Namjoon bit out in a harsh whisper, "You shouldn't have come!"

"We had to," Jimin protested weakly, "We couldn't leave you. We couldn't just -"

"There's no use arguing," Vanessa interrupted, "It's not going to help us get out of here." She turned to Namjoon, her eyes going soft as she saw the various tears in his clothing and blood that covered his shirt and pants, "We're fucked right now, but we can get through this."

"We don't know that," Namjoon shook his head, "You don't know who these people are. The things I've heard are -"

"Welcome!" a tall, thin man burst through the door to Vanessa's left, bright light flooding into the the room as he flipped a switch at the wall, "Good to see everyone's up." He tipped a false hat to Vanessa, eyes glinting with humor from behind the blue wolf mask, "Nice to see you again, Princess."

Vanessa narrowed her eyes at the man, "Wish I could say the same, considering I have no idea who you are."

The man held his hand over his heart with a mocking gasp, "Sister, you wound me."

"Sister? What are you talking ab -"

Her words cut off as the man removed his mask, revealing a face she had not seen in over a thousand years. His sandy blonde hair curled over his ears, brushed back from his forehead and completely different from the Roman style he wore so many years ago. His blue-green eyes pierced into hers, his smile growing as realization dawned on her face. His laugh echoed through the room at her confused visage, his humor lively and evident with a sinister tinge.

"Yes," he confirmed with a nod, "It's me. I see time hasn't diluted your memory, My Love."

"Aureus," Vanessa gasped, "How did you...when...?"

"The when is obvious," her step-brother simpered, "I got home from training just two days after your little....tantrum..." he walked further into the room, ignoring the wary stares of the other three males, "I found my father...all of them, really...everyone dead and dismembered as though the gods themselves had ravaged through the palace." He stopped, turning a mocking smile to Vanessa, "But I guess that's what happened, then, didn't it? The gods came down and gave one special girl enough power to raze the entire empire."

Vanessa kept her mouth shut, knowing it would be no good to argue or confirm anything Aureus said. She couldn't remember much of the scenes she left in her wake, sure she had repressed it to save her sanity in the long run, only fully remembering the state of her own mother in those last moments. She remembered the taste of blood in her mouth, the surge of power every drop of life force had given her as she tore men and women, every noble, limb from limb. She recalled easily the feelings inside her own body and mind and heart as she fought her way to her mother and then again to her freedom, but the screams of her victims and the sight of their demise was lost to her as though they never happened.

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now