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Eyebrows furrowed, Vanessa turned to her potential meal for the night, "Forget me. Go home," she looked him in the eye and compelled him hastily.

The man wandered off in a daze, just as Jeongguk reached her and grabbed her shoulders angrily. She felt the air grow thick with the culmination of her powers, ready to fight or defend herself as the case may be, but paused as she watched something warring behind the ebony eyes locked on her own.

He sighed, his face softening as he began to sway their bodies together to the music, "It doesn't matter," he muttered, "I can't have expectations when we're still moving the goal post."

She didn't understand his moods at that moment, but Jeongguk was dancing with her and calm again, so she went with the feeling. She found herself loving the way their bodies moved together, swivels and bumps timed perfectly, their breaths becoming one with each other and the music. Instinctively, her hands traveled to the nape of his neck, playing with the hair that curled damply to his collar. In turn, his hands slid lazily up and down her sides, the weight of them increasing as the sexy melody of the song grew in intensity.

"What are we doing?" Vanessa whispered, breaths a little heavier as she looked up into his hooded eyes.

Jeongguk shrugged, a sexy lopsided grin on his lips, "Just going with the flow?" He leaned down so his mouth was nearly touching her ear, "What does the flow tell you we should do, then, Princess?" She heard him chuckle as she gasped sharply, "Hmm? Sounds interesting."

She felt his lips brush lightly on the skin just below her ear, the friction making her whole body shudder at the simple touch. Goosebumps scattered over her skin, making him smile as he feathered kisses on them, his growl vibrating against her throat as her fingers curled tighter into his hair.

"I got a room upstairs in the hotel above us," he whispered.

"You thought I'd be so easy?"

"I thought we might want to take some people up to feed from," he huffed in amusement, "But if you want to be easy...I can think of something I'd rather eat."

The line was corny, but Vanessa felt herself melt into the broad male as she laughed. Her giggle was cut short, hitching in her throat when a fang barely grazed her skin. Tingles ran down her spine, pleasure rippling through her to a point that surprised her, blanking out any resistance she might have still held. Pulling his head from her neck, she barely registered his handsome face before closing her eyes and crashing her lips to his in a blazing kiss. She pulled back just as he went to grab her tighter, giving him a cocky smile as she took his hands and walked herself backward so he had to follow her out of the side exit to the attached hotel lobby. Jeongguk had a spark in his eye that she didn't quite recognize, but it gave her the confidence she needed to pull him into for another kiss once they reached the elevator across the wide hall. He swiped his keycard near the buttons, walking with her again once he doors opened.

 Once the doors closed, though, Jeongguk's demeanor instantly changed. He continued walking forward, backing Vanessa into the corner of the spacious lift, towering over her as he spoke low.

"When we get up there," he spoke sternly, "I'm going to give yo everything you need, Babygirl," his arrogant grin came back, "Maybe even a few things you didn't know you needed. In return, you're going to do as your told, you'll do as I say, and you'll be on your knees for me in every way imaginable." He stepped forward, closing any space between their bodies, "Tonight, you'll learn to serve someone who isn't yourself, Phoenician."

Vanessa wanted to put him in his place, with a quippy retort or by using her strength or powers, but the look in his eyes flipped some sort of switch inside her. The idea of letting him take over didn't only fan the flames inside her for his touch and his taste and his body, but for something she never knew she craved until that very moment.

Bloodlust - JJK and OT7 x OC - BTS Fanfic ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now